
Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

author:Yu Fei brand school

Lange Zhiyang International Marketing Consulting Agency Yu Fei

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

As we all know, SMEs generally have three modes: OEM pure processing, ODM design and manufacturing, and OBM brand operation.

With the end of the demographic dividend period, the advantages of traditional Chinese manufacturing have gradually been lost.

In the next decade, OEMs will retire from the commercial arena and be replaced by the OBM brand operation.

With the upgrading of the consumer industry, there will be three trends in consumer types: stratification, personalized customization and labeling.

Products only meet needs, while brand experiences satisfy desires.

The experience of a product or shopping can increase the value of the product and will be preserved in the emotional memory of the consumer, as a kind of connection between the product and the consumer, it will go far beyond the level of need.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

Building a high-end brand is about integrated communication, creating an experience through every point of contact between the target audience and the brand, and establishing an emotional connection in the process of interacting with the target audience.

First of all, from the auditory sense, XX set has its own music, and the enterprise collects some moving sounds recorded from nature; The vision, product packaging, and store layout all reflect the style image of XX Set; Olfactory, XX set products with essential oil series, and will order their own essential oils in the store to create a fresh and beautiful atmosphere;

Tactile, sales staff will help customers try the product, let customers experience its smooth and delicate or light and comfortable texture taste, according to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine internal and external use, the company has developed a series of herbal teas, to achieve the effect of internal nourishment and outside, consumers in the store can taste tea while purchasing products.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

In recent years, among the changes in marketing models, experiential marketing is the marketing model that has attracted the most attention from industry insiders.

But what exactly is experiential marketing?

The so-called experience marketing refers to the focus of service and the material of goods to create memorable feelings for consumers.

Kotler believes that the three motivations that inspire consumers the most are thought, fulfillment and self-expression, and experiential marketing essentially creates these three aspects of satisfaction--- thought, accomplishment and self-expression for consumers.

Marketing is not about selling your product or service, marketing is about creating consumer value.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

At present, business operations are shifting from the inside to the full value chain.

The biggest change in this shift is that when the company is the focus of operation, it pursues cost, quality and scale, and when the value chain is the focus of operation, it pursues service, speed and customer value.

Therefore, the focus of the company's work should be on allowing customers to achieve a profound transformation from "doing product life cycle" to "doing user experience cycle", and improving the entire management efficiency.

Kotler believes that consumers are most motivated by thought, fulfillment and self-expression.

In essence, experiential marketing is precisely these three aspects of satisfaction--- thought, accomplishment and self-expression that it wants to create for consumers.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

A brand that can communicate with consumers and have two-way communication with consumers is far more influential than a brand that only makes one-sided statements to consumers.

Because the former not only condenses the company's own efforts, but also integrates the personal elements of consumers, such a brand does not simply belong to the enterprise, but is shared and shared by the enterprise and consumers.

Experiential marketing is different from traditional marketing:

Traditional marketing mainly focuses on the powerful function, beautiful appearance and price advantage of the product; Experiential marketing is to start from life and situation, shape sensory experience and thinking identity, so as to seize consumers' attention, change consumer behavior, and find new survival value and space for products.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

In fact, experience marketing is a kind of behavior, including the beginning of product development, design, production should consider to provide consumers with maximum benefit value in every detail of marketing, such as quality excellence, packaging personalization, etc., to let the customer experience rise to the height of value, complete products and complete experience to provide complete value.

That is to say, now not only to provide consumers with preferential prices, not only to provide consumers with products, but also to provide consumers with experience, this experience is not provided by you alone, but you provide the stage, and with consumers to create this experience, create good memories, create more things.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

At the same time, experiential marketing is also a concept, but also a practice to meet and create consumer demand.

The biggest difference between the experience economy and the traditional industrial economy is:

Consumers have changed from passive value recipients to active participants in all aspects of value creation, becoming co-creators who create unique experiences.

Enterprise-centric value creation thinking shifts to thinking that companies and consumers co-create value.

There is a formula for the value of experiences:

The Value of Experience - The value of a service = an opportunity to create an experience.

This seeing the value of experience is the value of the big and the service, and their difference is the opportunity.

The psychological factors for the success of experience marketing mainly come from three aspects.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

First, the recognition of consumers' values and beliefs, because consumers' values and beliefs reflect their concept of life.

Second, consumer interest and sentiment, because it can bring additional emotional benefits or value to consumers.

Third, consumers expect behaviors to exhibit in order to possess the object.

To really grasp these three aspects, it is necessary to understand today's consumers, what they want when facing goods, what they want to be, what they want to do, and so on.

What matters, however, is what they experience.

It contains theoretical issues such as consumption motivation, personality, value orientation, and life concept, and also shows how to effectively formulate marketing strategies to achieve the practical problem of satisfying emotional and value consumption.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

In experiential marketing, enterprises not only provide goods or services, but more importantly, provide customers with an experience in it, so that marketing is full of endogenous power and leaves unforgettable pleasant memories for customers.

The reason why experience is more valuable than service is because the content of the experience is self-realization and self-personality.

This is an era of consequential heroes, and an era of testing everything by results.

This year, Heaven's Dao is not necessarily rewarded, the market can't do it, your efforts are in vain!

No matter how good your self-proclaimed product is, if you can't let users become part of the value creation of the product and establish an effective connection and ecosystem with them, product failure is inevitable.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)

Therefore, to establish new cognition, create good IP, and provide more content to the physical space, only by achieving precision marketing to the target group can we survive.

To increase brand experience through marketing, we must strive to be close to customers, experience their requirements and feelings, and meet their psychological needs.

Marketing methods should highlight customer participation and strengthen the interaction between enterprises and customers.

In order to implement accurate database marketing, XX set up a Pose machine in each store, which can directly query goods from the terminal and track members to achieve precise marketing of customers.

XX Set has also established a "membership system" to enable customers to have a deeper understanding of the brand connotation and improve brand loyalty.

And the introduction of advanced management concept - customer relationship management (CRM), by the special customer relationship management department responsible for membership points, data collection, member publications, website interaction, SMS information platform, organization of customer activities, organization of parties and so on.

Since 1999, the XX set member club "Heart Dating" was born, and member sales accounted for about 50% of the total retail sales.

Teacher Yu Fei said: What do you need to pay attention to if the boss's product wants to break the high-end market? (vi)