
Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

author:Personable calves

Foreword: Zofi Ultraman is a character in the Round Valley series Ultraman, the eldest of the Otter brothers, and the captain of the Cosmic Guard, second only to the father of Otter in status. Zoffy has excellent leadership skills and strong strength, and has the M87 ray, the most powerful single body in the Otter brothers' skills, as a must-kill skill, making it deeply trusted by everyone. Zofi, who sits at the headquarters of the Space Guard of the Land of Light on weekdays, does not appear very often, and only comes to the aid of other Otter warriors when they encounter a truly dangerous emergency.

Zoffy is the only Otter warrior among the Otter brothers who does not have a TV version, and later as the protagonist, he has his own theatrical version of "Otter Warrior VS Monster Legion". So what skills does the invincible adult Zuo Feiyan head team Changsha Feilin have?

Fighting skills

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > Zofi chop</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Episode 18 of ultraman TV

One of the fighting skills, Zoffy gathers strength from the palm of his hand to wield a knife and slashes at the enemy's weakness. In Episode 18, Tyro strikes Barton into the lake. It can also use its tenacity to defend, which it used to bounce off the light attack of an unknown UFO in Episode 42 of Monbius.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > Zoffy kick</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Super Galactic Legends is used against Bey Old Black.

The general term for the various kicking techniques used by Zoffey is in addition to the flying kicks through jumping, there are also variations such as straight kicks and slalom kicks. Flying kicks were used against Ali Punta &amp; Girons, Patton, King Gourant, and Bemonstein, and against Beria, he also used continuous slalom kicks to force him to retreat.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > Otter chopper (Ottersha chop).</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Boy Ultraman's Otter Arena is used

Same skills as the original Ultraman and Jack. Zoffy quickly ran to the enemy, and at the moment of approaching the enemy, he used a powerful hand knife to hit the opponent's key point, and the most powerful one could hit the fatal one. In Boy Ultraman's Otter Arena, Zofi uses this move to defeat the monster Prachum.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Otter cross defense</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Blocked the light from the UFO

Used in the theatrical version of Otter Warriors VS Monster Legion, Zoffy crosses his hands in a cross shape with hands that are several times harder than special metals to resist the light of unknown UFOs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > M87 rays· Type A</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Super Galactic Legends

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Simple version

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Monbius TV Edition

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Full version

Known as the most powerful single ray skill among the Otter brothers, the name is not from the M78 Nebula but from the "Miracle Hotline" in the Records of the Land of Light. According to the different launch postures, it is divided into two types of A and B with different powers and movements.

The preparation action of the A-type and full version is similar to that of the original Ultraman's eight-point light wheel, which is a blue-and-white ultra-high heat ray emitted by Zoffey's right hand forward, and a simplified version that directly emits red hot light without the preparation action. The B-type M87 ray is fired after forming an L-shape with both hands, which is equally powerful than the A-type. In the setting, the M87 light can also be changed to the form of a lightsaber.

It has never been used in the Showa era TV series, and in episodes 1, 13, and 23 of Ace Ultraman, it has been posed as a launch pose but has not been used. The M87 ray was really used for the first time in Ace Episode 14, but it was Zofi who was used by the Ace Killer after being captured by the Alien Superman Ace Killer, emitting a ball of light-like destructive beams.

In Episode 34 of Ultraman Tyro, Rizofi himself uses B-type colored light, but the pose and shape of the light are not yet fixed.

The M87 rays that were actually determined and that Zoffy himself used the M87 rays were used in the film ZOFFY Ultraman (1984), in Ultraman Story, and in Monbius and the Otter Brothers.

In Ultraman Legends Cyro and the Otter Brothers Strike! Super Fight!! In ", Zoffy uses the M87 ray to advance Cyro's twin sword and use a combo technique to destroy the monster weapon Barton.

In the Bopinguan's "Ott Six Brothers Stage Play Zofi", Zoffy uses a large M87 ray (ビッグ M87 ray) that is fully open, and exerts its full power with the powerful recoil that requires the five Otter brothers to support their bodies, and destroys grimud, the evil god Grimud, who was resurrected due to the grievances of the Ampera starmen.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > M87 rays· Type B</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The Tale of Otter

Zoffy combines his arms into an L-shaped M87 ray that fires, with the same destructive power as the A-type. Can be fired continuously. The color effect is rainbow color and silver white.

In episode 34 of "Tyro Ultraman", the silver-white version is used, and the other Otter brothers must kill to form a "magnificent spark" to blow up the Empire Starman's spaceship;

In Ultraman Story, the Rainbow Color version is used to attack the King of Gourant, but does no effective damage.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Z rays</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Zofi combines his hands to emit an electric light. Used once on Barton in Episode 18 of Tyro, dealing him electric shock damage, but not to the point of fatality.

In Ultraman Legends Cyro and the Otter Brothers Leap! Used again in Super Wars, it was used once to repel Barton's attack and support Cyro when the energy-poor Cyro and Barton were in a bitter battle.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > The Spectrum ray</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Otter Galaxy Fighting. Huge conspiracy

The same light skills as the original Ultraman and Jack Ultraman. The destructive light emitted from the palm edge of the right hand after combining his hands into a cross shape has a temperature of 500,000 degrees Celsius and a destructive force of 500,000 horsepower.

First shown in Episode 6 of Otter Galaxy Fight: The Great Conspiracy, Zoffy works with the First Generation and Jack at the same time, and the three-shot Speihm ray severely damages Molde.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Ott charge</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Monbius Ultraman Theater Edition

First used in the 13th episode of Ace, when the planet Gorgada is trapped, Zoffi and ultraman, Severn, Jack and other four brothers work together to transmit the remaining energy to Ace using Ott charge, so that it has enough energy to fly back to Earth to defeat the super beast.

Later used again in the Theatrical Version of Monbius, Zofi extracts energy from a color timer and emits an energy beam, which Zoffy uses Ott to recharge Jack, Ace, and Monbius.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Ott signature</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ace Ultraman

The Otter signature is one of the basic skills of each Otter warrior, which can convey information to each other through the words, images or sounds transmitted by the Otter signature, notify their companions of major events, and when necessary, they are also one of the means of seeking help. The M78 Nebula will be used by all warriors.

When Zoffe appeared in the Otter series, he repeatedly used Otter's signature to inform other Otter warriors of the major situation.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > subspace</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The Legend of Hikari

Used in Ultraman Episode 39 and The Legend of Shikari Episode 2.

Zoffy uses the red ball of light and the power of Otnon to create a subspace that serves as a safe zone to isolate companions from enemies, which can protect companions in space from damage and restore some physical strength. The time flow rate in the subspace is independent of the time flow rate of the outside world, and no matter how long it stays in the subspace, the time outside will tend to slow down paused and always be in the moment of entering the subspace.

It is a common ability of the Otter clan.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Ott Frost</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Tyro Ultraman

Zoffy is good at freezing techniques, freezing gas emitted by the palms of his hands together.

In Episode 18 of Ultraman Tyro, Zoffy uses it while sending Tyro, defeated by Barton, back to the Land of Light, freezing Tyro's body and keeping it in state.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Otter optical path</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The path of light that can teleport objects across cosmic space. Used in Episode 18 of Tyro, Zofi uses this to send Tyro, who was defeated by Barton, back to the Star of Otter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > teleportation</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The ability to concentrate while releasing energy and travel to where you want to go in an instant. Zoffy's teleportation can move from the real world to the other-dimensional space. Used in episode 23 of Ace Ultraman, Zoffy uses this to send Nanyuko to an alternate dimension to meet the Big Dipper.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > Ott's ability to rely on</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The ability to possess humans is one of the basic skills of the Otter warriors. Possessed, Ultraman shares life with the possessed human and heals human wounds.

Zofi was possessed by Dr. Otani in Episodes 33-34 of Tyro, and since Dr. Otani was in a coma at the time, the conscious action was controlled by Zofi. However, after separation, the memory of the possessed human being will be retained or eliminated according to the situation.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > telepathy</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Monbius Ultraman 15

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ace Ultraman 35 Ace: Lao Tzu is grumpy

Telepathy, dialogue with specific people at a long distance, is a superpower commonly possessed by Otter warriors, and the sensing range can span the distance of light-year units.

Zoffy has used this skill several times, and in episode 35 of Ace, Zoffy telepathically talks to hokuto hoshi from a distance, so that hokuto can face up to his mistakes.

Later used again in episode 15 of Monbius, Zoffy telepathically speaks to Shikari in the M78 Nebula, persuading him to return to the Land of Light.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > photosphered</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The original Ultraman

A common skill of the Otter clan. Zoffey uses the Otonic Force to transform into a red sphere after spinning at high speeds, moving faster than the speed of light to fly long distances between universes. Similar to Ultraman, Zoffey can also wrap injured warriors in a red ball of light in a high-speed rotation.

In Ultraman Episode 39, when Ultraman is defeated by Jetton, Zoffy rushes to Earth to rescue Ultraman with a red ball of light.

In the theatrical version of "Monbius Ultraman and the Otter Brothers", when Zoffy and Tyro rescue the other Otter brothers, there is also a way to appear from the huge pillar of light that breaks through the boundary created by the cosmic people.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > grand spark (grant spark</h1>).

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device
Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The early record is called "must kill rays to be fired together", the combination of the five Otter brothers, together firing the kill rays to attack the enemy's fusion rays, the power is tens of times greater than the single ray.

In Episode 34 of Tyro, Zoffey uses the M87 Ray · Type B, along with the killer rays emitted by the other four brothers, caused the spaceship to explode.

Later, in Ultraman Story, Zoffy uses the M87 Ray · Type A, with the other brothers' must-kill skills, re-synthesizes the Magnificent Spark to attack the King of Gulant, but does no damage to the monster.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > block light</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The magic circle of the star killer's love

The skill used in "Cyro Ultraman Alien Star Killer", Zofi uses the red light in order to slow down the progress of killer Bitstar, and uses it in conjunction with Ultraman and Severn. Together, the three of them formed a wind model, which spun at high speed and emitted a huge red light, slowing down the movement of the bit star.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > double impact</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

In Episode 5, Ace uses the combined skill that Zoffy and Ace use to perform together to bring down Aripenta and the Geelongs. Ace, who clamped the head of the Giron and Zoffy, who clamped the head of Ali Punta, dragged the super beast face to face and ran quickly to each other, causing the heads of Ali Punta and the Giron to collide, making them desperate.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-center-line" > six brothers ascend and fall</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Zoffy and the five Otter brothers, Seven, Jack, Ace, Tyro) and six other people performed a combination of skills, the six people lifted the monster above their heads, after a high-speed rotation before throwing the enemy into the air.

In Episode 34 of Tyro, Zofi leads the 6 brothers to throw the Imperial Starman into the sky with this move.

Special items

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" >β magic wand</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

The original Ultraman Cosmic Superman, open your eyes, I am Shafrin.

The same shape as the prop used by Hayata to transform into Ultraman. In Episode 39 of Ultraman, Zoffey uses the β magic wand to inject new life into Ultraman and Hayata, while also separating Ultraman and Hayata.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Otter converter</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ace Ultraman Game Ultraman Fighting Evolution 0 has unlimited energy

A wrist-wheeled device that provides energy replenishment, stores sufficient energy to recharge the Otter warriors and has the ability to emit destructive light waves. In episode 5 of Ace Ultraman, Ace Ultraman shakes the man, and Zoffy equips the item and bursts into the ground to help Ace, who has little energy left, replenish his energy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > Otter Magic Ray Device</h1>

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ace Ultraman water was steamed dry

Storage of high-energy polyhedra ray emitters. In episode 35, Zoffy uses this prop to release thermal energy rays, evaporating the lake and helping Ace, who is caught in the water, defeat Delim Gilas.

Game skills

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3

Zoffy Ultraman Skill Book (prop plug-in) Zoffy Chop Zofi Kick Ott Broken Fog Chopper (Ot xia chop) Ott cross defense M87 ray · Type A M87 Ray · B Type Z Rays Spectrum Ray Ott Charge Ott Signature Subspace Ot Frost Ott Light Path Teleportation Ott By Ability Telepathic Light Ball Magnificent Spark (Grant Spark) Block Light Double Impact Six Brothers Lifting β Magic Wand (Shell Magic Wand) Ott Converter Ott Magic Ray Device

Ultraman Fighting Evolved 0

Defensive Moves: Zoffy uses the magic of love to circle in circles to prevent enemies from making big moves, used in games: Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3, Ultraman Fighting Evolution 0.

Summary: Although the Zofi Ultraman skill is a little less and does not perform well in the plot, but...

Zoffy has excellent leadership skills and strong strength, and has the M87 ray, the most powerful single body in the Otter brothers' skills, as a must-kill skill, making it deeply trusted by everyone. Zofi, who sits at the headquarters of the Space Guard of the Land of Light on weekdays, does not appear very often, and only comes to the aid of other Otter warriors when they encounter a truly dangerous emergency.

Images and text are sourced from the Web.

There are 4 types of fighting skills

There are 4 types of light skills

9 special abilities

There are 3 kinds of plug-in props: a total of 25 kinds.

4 combined skills

1 type of game skill

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