
Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

author:Xu said Ultraman

Since the broadcast of "Ultraman Of Trega", many people have been amazed by Ultraman's arm of the ring. After all, since the new generation of Ultraman, Ultraman's need for weapons to fight monsters has slowly become a unique setting, and each generation of Ultraman's weapons have gradually become fancy.

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

Not only Teliga Ultraman's Ring Arm, but also Zeta Ultraman's Zeta Gun Bow, Beria Twilight, and in the front there are Taiga Ultraman Taiga Triple Sword, etc., all of which are first-class Ultraman weapons. However, in fact, many people have forgotten that Ultraman originally did not have weapons, but the light skills that he relied on to survive were the most important skills of his own, and the true meaning of his power, such as these light skills, do you remember? Zoffey: M87 launched.

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

Cosmic Miracle Ray. This is the ultimate skill of Tyro Ultraman, but it is not a common skill, after all, it requires the blessing of other Otter brothers to exert its ultimate power. Later, this skill was also given to Galaxy Ultraman, and only needed to turn the bracelet on the auditorium's bare hand. For Tyro Ultraman, there is always some unfairness, after all, the ultimate skill of Tyro Ultraman is so simple to be used by other Ultraman, and it is effortless. But from the perspective of weapons, it is estimated that few weapons can withstand it.

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

M87 rays. Zofi Ultraman's M87 rays are often mistaken because their light names are similar to those of the M78 Nebula. Zofi is the first of the Otter brothers and the captain of the Cosmic Guard, and his single ray is recognized as the "Miracle Hotline" in the Records of the Land of Light, which can destroy an asteroid with a single blow. Have we ever seen Zofi Ultraman use weapons? No. Because he doesn't need to.

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

Zapeli Ao light. Diga Ultraman's most commonly used skill, Single Page, is energy-intensive and is often used as a last resort. There is also no word "weapon" in Diga Ultraman's dictionary. Ultraman teja is known as the New Age Diga, but the frequency of the use of weapons has not diminished in the slightest. Perhaps, Triga Ultraman did not learn the essence of Diga Ultraman, although they all encountered 30 million years ago, but they are not the same.

Since the new generation of Ultraman, Ultraman has been holding more and more weapons, but is there a super light skill? Of course.

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

Zestim rays. Zeta Ultraman's Zestim Ray, not only able to destroy monsters with one blow, but also the nemesis of the super-beast Barabba, in "Zeta Ultraman", is also favored by greedy humans, wanting to have the power of Zeta Ultraman.

Xu said that he felt that the essence of Otter's power was not in weapons, but in light. After all, from the beginning of ultraman, ultraman's use of light has been imprinted in our minds. So, what do you think of Ultraman's use of weapons now?

Ultraman needs a weapon? Light skill is the true meaning of Otter's power, Zofi: M87 launched

Some fans privately wrote to Xu that Ultraman's weapons are becoming more and more like toys. This is just Round Valley set to increase the added value of Ultraman, and there is nothing in itself.

For the plot, Ultraman's battle with the monster is what we should care about. Every battle is that Ultraman sacrifices his life to defend the earth, and the bond between humans and Ultraman is concluded through this battle. What is the Otter spirit, that's what we care about.