
Kamen Rider OOO Eagle Alien Demon God Shuka Group, with the help of Shuka's power to defeat Shuka

Kamen Rider OOO TaMaShiy Syndicate

Original: Tamasea Combo/TaMaShiy Combo

Use the "OOO Drive" to transform into a special combination of "Eagle Core Coin", "Demon God Core Coin" and "Repair Card Core Coin".

Kamen Rider OOO Eagle Alien Demon God Shuka Group, with the help of Shuka's power to defeat Shuka

Core coin

Name: 鹰/Taka/Taka

Type: Ornithischia

Component: "O Lung Circle" upper segment

Abilities: Possess eagle vision, scan enemy bodies, lock on to opponents when launching a kill, and turn the head into Taka Brave when you become a joint, at which point the field of vision expands and can sense the vibrations of the atmosphere to assist in flight.

Kamen Rider OOO Eagle Alien Demon God Shuka Group, with the help of Shuka's power to defeat Shuka

Name: 异 Genie / Imagine / Imagin

Type: Special

Component: "O Lung Circle" mid-segment

Ability: The wrist strength and grip of both hands are very strong, and the horns of the shoulders can be used as weapons.

Appearance: OOO Electric King, All Riders Let's Go Kamen Rider

Kamen Rider OOO Eagle Alien Demon God Shuka Group, with the help of Shuka's power to defeat Shuka

Name: Shuji/Shocker/Shocker

Component: "O Lung Circle" lower/upper segment

Ability: Repair card to make core coins based on past coins left over from OOO. Possesses the ability to destroy the enemy's central nervous system.

Appearances: "OOO・Electric King・All-Knight Let's Go Kamen Rider", "KAMEN RIDER OOO EDITION -OOZ-"

Kamen Rider OOO Eagle Alien Demon God Shuka Group, with the help of Shuka's power to defeat Shuka

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