
Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

author:Professor Wang Zhentao of Traditional Chinese Medicine

A person, with gray hair, will suddenly appear more than ten years old. This also makes sense, why so many people know that dyeing their hair is not good for their health, but they still have to dye it.

Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!
Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

In fact, long white hair is not only looking old, but also a manifestation of sub-health in many cases. For example, you can often see some people, obviously not very old, but they are full of gray hair, weak speech, a pulse diagnosis, look at the tongue, sure enough, kidney qi, insufficient blood .

Every comb one or two hundred times, ten minutes a day, the hair is black and the sub-health state is better.

Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

Ten minutes a day

The hair is black, and the sub-health state is relieved

Ji Kang, a metaphysicist during the late Wei period of the Three Kingdoms, said in the Analects: "In spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times every dynasty. "During the three months of spring, you should get up early in the morning and get into the habit of combing your hair, which is conducive to health and wellness.

✦Before going to sleep every night, use 5~10 minutes to comb your hair (it is best to produce slight heat on the head surface), which can not only relax the nerves, eliminate fatigue, but also sleep peacefully and make the brain fully rested;

✦After getting up in the morning, also use 5~10 minutes to comb your hair, which can not only refresh the spirit, but also devote yourself to a new day with a relaxed and happy mood.

✦ Pay attention to the comb teeth should not be too sharp and dense, and the comb speed should not be too fast to reduce the pulling of hair and protect the scalp.

Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

It is said that combing hair is effective, and it cannot be empty words, the effect of this method was recorded as early as the Song Dynasty, according to the China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Su Shi, a great literary scholar during the Northern Song Dynasty, had a bumpy life, especially after being relegated to the remote area of Huizhou, Guangdong, due to severe mental trauma and sudden changes in his life, he described him as haggard, suddenly aging, under the age of 60 has to turn white, the roots of his teeth are shaken, and he is old.

Later, he accepted the advice of a famous doctor and insisted on combing his hair three or four hundred times in the morning and evening. In just over half a year, he gradually recovered from mental depression and physical weakness, his body was strong, his face was rosy, and he was like two before and after!

The main benefits of combing hair are to help improve hair quality, remove oil, and brunette, in addition to the following four benefits:


Stroke prevention

As the saying goes: "comb your hair for ten minutes to prevent stroke", the elderly have a lot of qi and blood weakness, veins are blocked, so that the brain is denourished, hair is a stroke, often comb the hair to stimulate the head meridians and acupuncture points, can make the head pores open, excretion, thereby unclogging the meridians, activating blood and qi, unclogging the meridians, reducing the occurrence of cerebral stroke.


Improve neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is mostly associated with memory loss and insomnia, and it is necessary to calm the mind and nourish the blood, calm the mind and regulate qi. Combing the hair every morning and evening, combing the top of the head to both sides, or combing from back to front, can dredge the yang meridian on the head, which has a good tonic effect.


Relieves cervical spondylosis

Combing and scraping the relevant acupuncture points of the head and neck every day can unblock the acupuncture points and reduce or even eliminate the pain of cervical spondylosis.



Using a comb to massage and stimulate the acupuncture points and meridians of the head will play a variety of functions such as unclogging the meridians, refreshing the brain and refreshing. Combing the hair can promote smooth meridians, activate blood and qi, and the brain is not easy to degenerate.

In addition to the simplest and most comprehensive method above, if you can usually cooperate with the following two methods, the effect will be faster.

Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

Rub the top of your head up to remove the moist heat

Some people with heavy humidity and heat (such as obesity, more oil secretion, red tongue) are more prone to hair quality changes, such as dry hair and white hair color.

Hair quality can be improved by massaging the Baihui acupuncture points on the head, the Zusanli acupuncture points on the legs, and the Quchi acupuncture points on the arms.

Hair is gray and ten years old! 10 minutes a day, black hair, not afraid of old age!

Eat more grains to replenish kidney qi


✦4 walnut kernels, 1 handful of black beans, 1 handful of black sesame seeds, 1 handful of black rice, 1 handful of millet, 1 handful of goji berries, 2 small pieces of yam, the above is the amount for two people.


✦Soak these in a bowl in advance, start boiling porridge at night, turn off the heat when the water becomes sticky in about 15 minutes, cover and simmer.


✦Add some water the next morning, put brown sugar, heat for two minutes, and eat 1 small bowl every morning.

Since it is said that gray hair grows too early, too much is a sub-healthy, even pathological manifestation, then this must be traceable to the root, to sum up, the common reasons are mainly the following:


Spleen and stomach disorders: gray hair on the forehead

The "Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor" pointed out, "A woman is five or seven, the Yangming vein is weak, the face is scorched, and the beginning is falling." The forehead belongs to Yangming, and Yangming is mainly related to the spleen and stomach, Yangming decays, turns white, and is actually a problem with the spleen and stomach. Yangming is the main qi and blood, pay attention not to stay up late when conditioning, so as not to hurt qi and blood.


Hepatobiliary insufficiency: gray hair on both sideburns

The sideburns, that is, the area next to the ear, are mainly related to the gallbladder. Since the liver and gallbladder are mutually represented, it is also related to the liver. The liver mainly hides blood, so the long gray hair on both sideburns is mainly because of insufficient blood. While replenishing blood, we should pay attention to replenishing qi, such as eating some red dates to strengthen the spleen and replenish qi, or drink some millet porridge, because qi can generate blood, blood, and dissolve blood, and when qi is replenished, blood will rise.


Insufficiency of kidney qi: white hair on the top of the head and back of the brain

The top of the head is where the Du pulse and the Ren pulse pass, and the second pulse of Ren Du is most closely related to the kidney. Gray hair on the top of the head, mostly due to insufficient kidney qi. The part of the back of the head is near the Ren vein, which is naturally related to the kidney. People with gray hair on the top of the head and the back of the head, in addition to replenishing qi and blood, should also pay attention to tonifying the kidneys, and usually eat more goji berries, black sesame seeds, etc.


Insufficient qi and blood, dry hair

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that one of the main reasons for the graying of hair is the lack of qi and blood. Hair is an important manifestation of qi and blood in the body, and the hair is black, thick, smooth and shiny, which means sufficient qi and blood; And gray hair, hair loss, dry hair, split ends, etc. are all manifestations of insufficient qi and blood.


Accumulated stress, emotional instability

When the mood changes and stress are high, it is easy to make the body's nerves dysfunction, so the function of secreting melanin will also be impaired, affecting the synthesis and transportation of pigment particles, and a lot of gray hair will grow. Due to extreme tension, sadness and other negative emotions, it often causes a series of sharp changes in the body, resulting in serious endocrine disorders, so that people appear gray hair in a short time.

The above content is excerpted from the Internet, I would like to thank the original author!