
Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

author:Meow meows for quadratic information

Japanese voice actress Saori Hayami has been working for 14 years since his debut in 2007, during which time he has voiced many famous anime characters, such as Nishimiya Glass in "The Shape of Sound", Icarus in "Heavenly Things", and "My Sister Is So Cute!" Ayase Niigaki in "My Youth Love Story Is Really Problematic", Yukino under the snow in "My Youth Love Story Is Really Problematic", and Butterfly Shinobi in "Devil's Blade", these are all familiar characters.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

This year, Saori Hayami's voice roles have exceeded 15 times, including Yamato in "One Piece", Rin in "Aerobic Boxing", and even one of the most popular kryptonite games this year, "Harajin" (Ayaka Kamiri), which has a voiceover from Hayami Saori.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

These classic anime characters span 14 years and also chronicle Saori's 14-year life. As a girl born in 1991, after the 90s, Hayami Saori also ran 30, and her career is gradually rising, how did she step into the voice actor line?

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

Recently, Saori Hayami starred in TOKYO FM's "SCHOOL OF LOCK!" Radio program, in the program she revealed her feelings and experiences when she chose voice actors.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

A 15-year-old listener sent a greeting because he wanted to become a voice actor, but he was confused about this profession, so he wanted to ask Hayami teacher about voice actors.

[My dream in the future is to be a voice actor.] I had never seen animation before, and I was shocked to see Ghost Blade, "There is such a beautiful world in the world. "But I know I don't have the confidence and there are 300,000 people who want to be voice actors, so I feel even more uneasy." But I don't want to give up, and I want to work on animation even if I can't become a voice actor. What was the opportunity for Hayami Sensei to become a voice actor? 】

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

After listening to the child's question, Hayami Sensei was also very touched, because she entered the voice actor class in April 2004, when she was 14 years old in the second grade of junior high school, about the same age as this listener.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

"Around the height of elementary school, my parents were watching a dubbed version of Chinese movie. Seeing this, I thought that overseas actors could speak in Japanese. ”

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

"At first, I thought it was people from abroad who played this role by practicing Japanese. But this is not the case, it turns out that someone in the back is dubbing... There is such a job! I think "It's funny!" ”

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

"That's how I discovered the job of dubbing, and from there I learned that there was a profession called voice actor. Since then, I have watched a lot of anime and movies. Then I got the idea that "it's fun to be a voice actor," and then I entered the voice actor training center in the first grade of junior high school. ”

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

The host, Principal Tsutomu, was surprised that the teacher could make up his mind to do this line so early, saying that when you were in your freshman year, the class guide would let you do life planning, but at that time you would be very confused about what work to do in the future.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

There are not so many people who really recognize themselves and find their own direction, everyone has to get by, if you can plan early, I believe that your life path will be much easier after graduation. This sentence was not said by the teacher who saw the morning teacher, but was summarized after the editor walked through.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

Hayami Sensei was able to make this plan when she was in junior high school, and she can be said to be a very actionable and courageous girl, although she herself said that she was a person without self-confidence, which I think is obviously too modest.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

"Yeah. But I'm the kind of person who cringes, doesn't have the confidence type, and I'm scared to call the training center... Open the magazine with the advertisement for the training center and put it on the table and let my parents help me find it (laughs). Until the parents ask "Do you like this?" And then responded, "Actually..."

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

So Hayami teacher said that she did not have self-confidence, was she uneasy when she moved from a cultivation institute to a professional voice actor?

"Yeah, in the beginning... Every year, the institute has an upgrade exam, so the current firm invites me to go. So I joined the firm, but at first, because I was a middle school student at the time, I was interested in "How do I do my job?" "What is work?" These questions are completely incomprehensible. I have no idea how the voice actor profession started. Other voice actor seniors were like teachers to me. ”

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

Confusion will occur, there will be trepidation, from a familiar environment to another unfamiliar environment, there will be such a problem.

Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

Hayami's teacher also said to the child, "It's okay, I'll work hard." But study a little harder Oh ♡ I will support you! ”。 Summarize, come on, Ollie give, just do it.

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Japanese voice actors have seen Saori talk about his youth experience, and he will be afraid but still have expectations

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