
A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

author:Round face orange

The eye is the place where the vision first notices, and it is also the window of the soul, and many actors will deliberately practice the charm and acting skills of the eyes when acting. The eyes are a reflection of the heart.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

There is a saying that also describes it this way, "a pair of eyes saves a face", which further illustrates the importance of the eyes in the five senses. Today, Orange summed up the eyes of 6 male actors, not only very good-looking, but also particularly charming.

First of all, let's talk about my brother Zhang Guorong. In fact, Orange once thought that Zhang Guorong's appearance BUG still exists (objective evaluation).

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Although no one is perfect, but we have something to say (I hope fans spray lightly), Zhang Guorong's face is a short face, the nose is relatively blunt, the nose is wide, not very delicate, and the side face will have a little convex feeling.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

However, Orange thinks that Zhang Guorong's best-looking place should be his eyes - standard peach blossom eyes.

Peach blossom eyes give people a feeling of peach blossoming, not only the shape of the eyes should be large, the eyes should be as light as the petals, and the double eyelids are obvious but not very heavy. The tail of the eye is slightly open, the obvious crouching silkworm is more feeling, and Zhang Guorong's eyes are very in line with this setting.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Peach blossom eyes are very malleable. Peach Blossom Eyes has a feeling of pity, affectionate and clear:

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

It can also be very lively and cute, smiling with crooked eyes and large crouching silkworms:

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Zhang Guorong's good-looking eyes lie in the clarity of the eyes, the "peach blossom feeling" of the eye shape, all of which are well coordinated, as if there is a sense of intimacy of the brother next door, even if the appearance has a BUG, it will also make people remember this face!

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

When it comes to saving the eyes of the face shape, I have to mention Shen Xiaohai.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

His costume is also very good-looking, but few people have heard of this name, right?

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Looking at the many male actors of that era, in fact, there are still many beautiful men in the type. For example, Qiao Zhenyu, Jiao Enjun, etc. these are all one-to-one big handsome guys. However, Shen Xiaohai relied on a pair of eyes to let everyone remember this actor.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

I remember that in "Clever Little Don't Understand", a group of "beautiful man" characters, such as He Zhonghua, Huang Haibing, and Nie Yuan, can compare with Shen Xiaohai when they take out a person's appearance.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

According to the face shape, Shen Xiaohai's face shape is a short face, which does not have an advantage in front of the camera, which will always give people a feeling of thickness and not handsome enough. The face is slightly sunken, but the eyes are very attractive.

His open-fan double eyelids, coupled with large pupils, eyelashes are also quite dense, with a kind of eyeliner effect, plus sword eyebrows, full of heroism.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Some netizens summed up the temperament of the roles played by Shen Xiaohai in this way: Ning Wang's temperament, jade book charm, intoxication and warmth, And Wang Longke's dashing. Although the face is large, it does not affect the play of the eyes at all:

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

There are three points of restraint in his appearance, which can be the warmth of a dancing prince or the heart of a treacherous villain. If you debut now, it is also a first-class strength faction and acting school.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

There is also an example of "a pair of eyes saving a face", which is Wang Duo.

When I watched "Beauty Without Borders" before, I once thought that Gongzi should be the male protagonist of the whole drama, because this kind of sick and beautiful setting is too attractive.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

When I first looked at Wang Duo, I didn't think he was handsome, but I just thought his face was very characteristic.

Especially a pair of "hooked" eyes, which is very memorable. Generally, this adjective is more suitable to describe the eyes of actresses, but I think it is also correct to use it here to describe Wang Duo.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Excluding the makeup part, Wang Duo's eyes are a combination of parallel double eyelids, slender eyes, and upward ends.

When filming costume dramas, add a little smoky ingredient, and in minutes you will become a "charming" eye. Affectionate, delicate, sick, and cunning.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Does Wang Duo's appearance have no BUG?

In fact, there is, from the face point of view, his face is "concave" into it, the triangle area of the nose bridge in the face is obviously a concave curvature, the face shape is not full enough. The mouth shape is not very delicate, a bit of a "mouthy" feeling.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

But it was a pair of eyes that saved the face! These eyes are very malleable, directly contrasting with the sunken face, so that everyone's visual center is pulled back to the eye. Maybe Wang Duo is not very vivid, but he is also a kind of actor with a very personality.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Before Zhu Yilong was on fire, Orange thought he was a particularly handsome actor.

After Zhu Yilong was on fire, his appearance was developed by everyone, but in recent years, I think Zhu Yilong's face has really lost a lot of weight, and his sense of bones is too strong, but it is not as energetic as in previous years. (Probably because the characters need it)

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Zhu Yilong's eyes are also notoriously good-looking, but they have not yet reached the level of "one pair of eyes saving a face". People's faces are also very good-looking.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

His eyes look good in the degree of match between the eyelashes and the shape of the eyes.

I remember that in "New Xiao Eleven", Zhu Yilong was not so popular at that time, and his fame was much less than that of the male protagonist Yan Yikuan. Yan Yikuan is a well-known costumed beauty, but I think Zhu Yilong did not lose at all.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming
A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

In "New Xiao Eleven", Zhu Yilong plays the infatuated Lian Chengbi. Speaking of "infatuation", it must be linked to "affection". What kind of eyes are "affectionate"? The low-hanging eye curtains, long eyelashes, there is an attractive charm at first glance.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

"I only have you in my eyes"

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Even if it is "blackened", you find it attractive, and you are unconsciously fascinated by the look in his eyes.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Zhu Yilong's face is too thin, especially in recent years, and it feels that the face shape has become more and more obvious.

Although the male actors and actresses in the entertainment industry are "thin for beauty", if they are too thin, it will give people a feeling of no spirit, but Zhu Yilong's eyes can also be regarded as "saving" this. It's still very charming.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

The next person to talk about is Chen Zheyuan, the actor of the new version of "Absolute Double Glory".

Perhaps many people are not familiar with this name, but the new version of "Absolute Double Glory" I think many friends have paid attention to it because of their feelings, right? Perhaps Hua Wufeng's actor Hu Day is more hot, but Orange observes Chen Zheyuan.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

I think that according to the level of appearance, Chen Zheyuan's eyes can also be regarded as "saving a face".

Let's take a look at a few GIFs first, look for Chen Zheyuan's face value BUG:

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming
A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

That's right, the nose is big and not delicate enough.

Whether the "head of the five features" is the eye or the nose, there are different statements at the beginning, some people think it is the eye, and some people think it is the nose. Either way, they can "accommodate" each other.

Chen Zheyuan's nose bone is not slender enough, the nose is partial to flesh, and there is no sense of edge and angle, giving people a feeling of thickness.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

But I have a pair of good-looking eyes.

Look closely at Chen Zheyuan's eyes, the double eyelids are obvious, but there will be no "European double eyelids" thick and masquerade feeling. His double eyelids are native to the juvenile sense:

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Aren't eyes that don't look at the nose very divine, very delicate feeling?

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

Now many small fresh meat actors have good eyes, but they lack a touch of charm.

And Chen Zheyuan's eyes still have a sense of clarity, the color of the pupils is relatively light, there is a full sense of youth, it will not be sluggish, it is still very rare.

A pair of eyes saves a face, I think Chen Zheyuan is also suitable for this statement.

A pair of eyes saves a face! The eyes of these 5 male actors are not only good-looking but also very charming

There are many male actors with good eyes, and this article only refers to "a pair of eyes saves a face", and the eyes can fuse the feeling of face shape and facial features. There are a lot of actors whose eyes are very good-looking, and I won't take stock of them here.

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