
Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

This article edited spoilers: Tong Xin XiaoZhu

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Although the TVB new drama "Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars" has been the topic of continuous discussion since its inception, and the audience's reputation has also risen sharply, the ratings of the previous week are still not ideal, and not only the top management of the big station is confused, but even the editor also said that he could not understand.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

To paraphrase a sentence from netizens, if "Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars" cannot save the ratings of The Great Station, then TVB really needs to consider starting again.

Yes, medical dramas have always been the trump card of the big stage, and now the new dramas are impeccable in terms of both the plot and the acting skills of the actors, but they still can't arouse the determination of the audience to chase the drama, and the editor can't help but sigh "What is wrong with the audience now?" ”

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter
Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

In addition to the two major emperors in the play, Ma Guoming and Zheng Jiaying, the performance of Luo Ziyi (formerly known as Luo Zhongqian) is also full of surprises.

He appeared in the pediatric department as a specialist this time, as we all know, this is not the first time That Luo Ziyi has played a doctor, so he has a certain amount of experience, but this time he changed to the pediatric department, which made him somewhat uncomfortable.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter
Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

In the whole play, Luo Ziyi was most impressed by a one-year-old actor, and the rivalry between the two was also quite difficult to shoot, after all, children of this age were completely out of control.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

However, during the shooting process, Luo Ziyi was very patient, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad when he saw that the other party was full of various instruments. After all, luo Ziyi has now been promoted to a father, and he is naturally easy to substitute for the feeling of being a parent, so the true feeling of reality revealed in the shooting does not need to be acted at all.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

If the time goes back to when he was not yet a family, maybe as a professional actor, Luo Ziyi needs some time to cultivate emotions, but now this is not a problem, it seems that parenthood will really change a lot.

The role of Luo Ziyi in the play is actually relatively depressing, he is not only unsociable, but even his personality is more introverted, I believe that the audience who chases the drama will more or less know the origin of his personality, and the background of his growth must be inseparable.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter
Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

Gong Cien, who plays Luo Ziyi's mother, is very strong in the film, her discipline of her son is very strict, even in the eyes of ordinary people, she is a manipulator, her son's every move at work is almost all she knows, no wonder it causes the estrangement of their mother-child relationship, and the character of the character in Luo Ziyi's play is believed to be formed on this basis, and the follow-up role of their mother and son is believed to account for a large proportion of the play.

Luo Ziyi, who has always had the heart to participate in the Taiqing opera, has also completed a careful wish this time, and the reason for this idea is of course Luo Ziyi's fame and fortune, because he believes that the chance of winning the award at the end of the year award ceremony will be greater.

Although this point cannot be denied, it also depends on other factors, after all, in addition to luck, the actor's own strength and audience popularity are also very important.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

In recent years, it is clear that Luo Ziyi will not take the award very seriously, because he will have a greater responsibility, that is, to support his home. The daughter Xiaozhu is also growing up, and his wife Yang Qianyao (formerly known as Yang Yi) has no plans to return to work for the time being, so the family's economic burden falls on Luo Ziyi.

It is reported that for the sake of his wife and daughter, Luo Ziyi intends to continue to develop north, although he has tried to open up the mainland market before his daughter was born, but the time is not long, and the results are average, and now he is going north again, he is also with great determination.

Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter
Open up the mainland market! TVB Xiaosheng Luo Ziyi once again went north to develop, enduring the pain of separation from his wife and daughter

Because everything is still unknown, so Luo Ziyi did not consider taking his wife and daughter with him for the time being, which means that he will face the pain of being separated from his wife and daughter for a long time, but in order to live, Luo Ziyi has no better way, no matter what, Xiaobian still admires his determination, and also hopes that he can break out of the sky.

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