
Five children in Xi'an have been stung by Hu Feng, one of whom is still being rescued

Recently, Xi'an Children's Critical Care Department has received 5 small patients who were stung by wasps, they either threw a stone on the way to school, or went into the mountains to play with their parents on weekends to anger the hive, these children's faces and body were stung by bees in many places, and blood purification treatment has been carried out, one of the children is still in rescue treatment because of the sting.

How can a bee sting bee be so serious? As the two most common bees in the wild, in fact, bees and wasps are completely different bees, wasps commonly known as wasps, wasps, king bees, black-waisted bees, etc., with the appearance of bees are obviously different, the body size is thin and long, the body color is mostly black, yellow, brown or a single color, the waist is relatively obvious, the abdomen is smooth or has different sizes of the dots. Bees are relatively docile in temperament, except for a few special circumstances generally do not attack easily, while the wasps are much more irritable and have a strong nest protection instinct, some species even have a certain sense of domain, anyone or animal dares to get too close to the hive may be attacked by the swarm. The vespa honeycomb is shaped like an inverted pagoda and has an irregular spherical shape.

The toxicity of bees and wasps is completely different, of which the toxicity of bees is relatively weak and the venom is weakly acidic, as long as it is cleaned with a weak alkaline solution after being stung, there is basically no problem, and the toxicity of the wasps is stronger, the venom dose is larger, it is weakly alkaline, especially after being stung by large wasps, there may even be life danger, and there are reports of horse bee stinging people dying every year.

What should I do if I encounter a wasp attack?

First, disperse the swarm and avoid more damage

1. When there are fewer wasps, you can splash water to block (soapy water is better) or use wormwood and clothing to disperse and quickly leave the hive.

2. When there are more wasps, you can use fireworks to smoke away the bee colony. It is not recommended for non-specialists to use the method of lighting insecticides and kerosene to avoid causing burns.

How to deal with it correctly and reduce the swelling and pain of stings? Doctors at Xi'an Children's Hospital give the following advice:

1. You can use tape or forceps to pull out the stinger to reduce the residence time of the stinger on the skin surface.

2. When the wound is red, hot and painful, you can apply cold compresses appropriately (not ice compresses, please do not directly contact the sting with an ice pack), use soapy water, soda or normal saline, and try to clean the wound.

3. After cleaning, if the affected area still has symptoms such as redness, swelling, tingling and other symptoms, it should be applied locally to iodine, and at the same time, anti-inflammatory ointments, such as erythromycin ointment, are conducive to anti-inflammatory, swelling and local pain relief.

Doctors remind that some patients will have systemic allergic reactions, breathing difficulties and even shock and other adverse reactions in a short period of time after being stung by bees, and when these symptoms appear, they need to seek medical treatment in time. Drinking water in moderation during the hospitalization process and strangling the near-heart end of the stung limbs can be used to prevent the spread of toxins.

Five children in Xi'an have been stung by Hu Feng, one of whom is still being rescued
Five children in Xi'an have been stung by Hu Feng, one of whom is still being rescued
Five children in Xi'an have been stung by Hu Feng, one of whom is still being rescued

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