
Fuzhou city original song "Fuzhou Fuzhou" MV began filming

author:Nine factions view the world

Recently, Fuzhou's third city song "Fuzhou Fuzhou" held an MV launch ceremony at the Emerald InterContinental Hotel in the downtown area.

It is reported that "Fuzhou Fuzhou" is an original song composed by Fuzhou local music producer You Jun, arranged by Berodhua, and sung by Hua Ai. This song named after the city, with lyrics and lyrics, has distinct regional attributes. The whole song includes Fuzhou cuisine, humanistic history, scenic spots, opera and other multi-faceted elements, fully demonstrating the unique image and humanistic charm of Fuzhou city, establishing a good image of Fuzhou to the outside world, so that more people know Fuzhou and understand Fuzhou.

【Source: Fuzhou Municipal People's Government】

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