
Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

author:Dr. Jiang Feng chatted

Speaking of mung beans, I believe everyone is no stranger, mung beans are finally a kind of bean food often eaten in life, good taste and rich nutritional value, especially the protein, inorganic salts, trace elements and a variety of vitamins contained in it, can strengthen the vitality of cells, improve resistance and immunity.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

When it comes to mung bean soup, not only to say more, it is a soup made with mung beans and water as the main ingredients, which is very suitable for summer drinking, because it has the effect of clearing heat and cooling heat, supplementing nutrition, promoting metabolism and so on, properly eating some mung bean soup can help the body quickly dissipate heat, which can be described as both quenching thirst and cooling off.

What does mung beans do

1. Antibacterial

Some components contained in mung beans have bacteriostatic effects, the extract of mung bean coating has inhibitory effect on staphylococcus, and mung beans contain protoplasm that can coagulate microorganisms, which can produce bacteriostatic activity.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

2. Bring appetite

As the weather warms, into the summer, many people will lose their appetite and do not want to eat, at this time, due to slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, the body does not need to consume too many calories to maintain body temperature, the demand for food and desire will naturally decrease, mung beans are rich in protein, phospholipids and other trace elements, can effectively increase appetite, promote appetite, stimulate brain nerves, produce the feeling of wanting to eat.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

3. Clear heat and relieve heat

Cooking soup with mung beans is an ideal way to relieve the heat, which can clear the heat and invigorate qi, quench thirst and diuresis, not only replenish water, but also replenish inorganic salts in time, which is of great significance for maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

4. Lipid lowering

There are more globulins and polysaccharides in mung beans, which can help decompose cholesterol in the human body and achieve the effect of maintaining the liver. Mung beans are also beneficial to promote the secretion of bile, thereby reducing people's ability to absorb cholesterol.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

5. Delay aging

If you don't want to grow old too quickly, in addition to actively conditioning and maintaining your body, you may also consider eating some mung beans in your diet, which may allow the body to obtain enough nutrients to a certain extent, and can also help reduce the burden on the body and achieve the effect of delaying aging.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

6. Promotes cells

Mung beans contain molecules that are metabolized and absorbed by the liver after ingestion into the human body, which helps to maintain the regenerative function of the surface cells of the liver epithelium, and also maintains liver health and promotes the growth of liver cells.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

The "golden partner" of mung beans has been found, and you can insist on soaking in water and drinking

1. Mung beans + lotus seeds

Lotus seed clear fire, mung bean clear heat and detoxification, quench heat and thirst, the two are eaten together, have a good fire and detoxification effect, suitable for summer fire, mouth and tongue sores, red eyes and pain people conditioning and eating.

Mung bean lotus seed soup can also replenish the spleen and stop diarrhea, clear heat and detoxification, relieve heat and water, and can be used to treat loss of appetite, heat and thirst, edema, urine unfavorable and other symptoms. However, lotus seeds and mung beans, as Chinese medicinal materials, need to be used under the dialectical guidance of professional Chinese medicine practitioners, and should not be taken privately to avoid damaging the body.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

2. Mung beans + lilies

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it shows that lily is sweet, easy to strengthen the spleen and appetizing, diuretic, activate blood circulation and remove stasis, and after combining with the saponins contained in mung beans, it then plays an auxiliary role in anti-inflammatory sterilization, dispelling dampness and dispelling cold.

It is suitable for women who accumulate too much moisture and cold in the body, which can improve their physique in a short period of time, help alleviate menstrual pain during menstruation, and indirectly improve the antioxidant capacity of the surface layer of the skin to achieve the effect of delaying aging.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

3. Mung beans + pumpkin

Pumpkin has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, warming the stomach and quenching thirst, tonifying and invigorating qi, mung bean maggot has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing liver fire can promote the excretion of toxins in the body. The combination of the two in one piece without any side effects, and without any rejection, mung beans and pumpkin together have the effect of cooling the heat, expelling moisture, preventing heat and nourishing yin.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

4. Mung beans + oats

Mung beans can also be cooked with oats, which contain more dietary fiber and amino acids, vitamins, and lower calories, which can regulate carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, thereby having a certain preventive effect on diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

What should I pay attention to when drinking mung bean soup?

1. Do not cook in an iron pot

Do not cook mung beans in an iron pot, most of the active substances of mung beans are inside the mung bean skin, the flavonoids in the mung bean skin will form darker compounds after combining with metal ions, which will make the mung bean soup deeper and deeper, and there will be gastrointestinal discomfort and indigestion symptoms after eating.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

2. Do not use with anticancer drugs

Cancer patients who are taking anticancer drugs are also not recommended to drink mung bean soup, because this drug is easy to chemically react with plant substances and affect the efficacy of anticancer drugs.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

3. People with weak constitution should not drink

Because mung beans contain more protein than chicken, large proteins need to be converted into small peptides and amino acids under the action of enzymes to be absorbed by the body. Such people have poor gastrointestinal digestion and are prone to diarrhea due to indigestion.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

4. Do not drink large amounts

Can not drink excessive mung bean soup contains oligosaccharides are easy to make people flatulent, and mung beans are not easy to digest food, excessive drinking is easy to damage the spleen and stomach. Female friends will easily cause bloating, dysmenorrhea and other problems.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

5. People with poor digestion should not drink it

For those with poor gastrointestinal function, indigestion can easily lead to diarrhea. Therefore, people with poor digestion are best not to drink mung bean soup to relieve the heat, which will damage the stomach.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

6. Don't drink iced mung bean soup

In summer, the temperature is very high, many people like to drink some ice drinks to cool their bodies, so mung bean soup is often taken into the refrigerator to freeze before drinking, but as everyone knows, our stomach is in a high temperature situation, suddenly eat cold drinks will cause great damage to it, over time may also form stomach problems.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

7. Infants and young children drink in moderation

The gastrointestinal digestion function of infants and young children is weak, and the properties of mung beans are cold, which is easy to cause indigestion and abdominal pain and diarrhea in infants and young children. Consult a doctor before consumption and consume an appropriate amount according to the physique of infants and young children.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

Can you drink mung bean soup every day?

Although the benefits of mung bean soup are very many, mung beans belong to a kind of cold food, even in summer, it is not suitable to drink every day, which will lead to excessive cold in the body. Generally speaking, drink 2~3 a week on the line, do not drink every day, and often drink should not add ice, so that the taste is good, but too cold is not conducive to health.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

And it is not advisable to take too much at one time, otherwise it will easily lead to diarrhea. Especially children should not drink too much, generally less than 6 years old children, drink a small amount can be, drink too much is very hurt the spleen and stomach.

Mung Bean's "golden partner" found? Soak in water and drink some to expel moisture, or improve insomnia

All in all, there are many benefits of mung bean soup, but people with different physiques should pay attention to whether they are suitable for drinking mung bean soup, and the seven taboos of mung bean soup must be remembered, otherwise the benefits of mung bean soup will be completely covered by the disadvantages, now do you remember?
