
Sichuan Zigong Huidong Experimental School held the "Red Heart to the Party" literary and art evening and awarded scholarships to outstanding teachers and students

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Chen Zhangcai

On the evening of July 10th, Huidong Experimental School of Zigong City, Sichuan Province, held the 19th "Light of Chunhua" Literary and Art Performance and the "Yingxiang Scholarship" AwardIng Evening of "Red Heart to the Party" in Chunhua Square, reporting the achievements of the past year to parents and all sectors of society who are concerned about the development of the school.

Sichuan Zigong Huidong Experimental School held the "Red Heart to the Party" literary and art evening and awarded scholarships to outstanding teachers and students

Zhou Dehua, principal of Huidong Experimental School, said in his speech that in the past year, Huidong Experimental School, as a well-known basic education school in Zigong City, has achieved excellent results in teaching performance, quality education or education teaching and research.

Sichuan Zigong Huidong Experimental School held the "Red Heart to the Party" literary and art evening and awarded scholarships to outstanding teachers and students

The public awarding ceremony of the scholarship was held at the party site, and 110 outstanding teachers and 309 outstanding students were awarded the "Yingxiang Scholarship" established by Sichuan Yingxiang Group.

Sichuan Zigong Huidong Experimental School held the "Red Heart to the Party" literary and art evening and awarded scholarships to outstanding teachers and students

The 10 programs performed by teachers and students of the school are composed of three chapters: "Red Heart to the Party, Passing on the Spark, and Heavenly Glory of China". Countless parents and enthusiastic citizens watched the performance.

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