
"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

author:Entertainment circle little nuts

After the TV series "Little Shedd" was launched, we saw all kinds of suffocating contradictions, but with the development of the plot, this contradiction has gradually been smoothed out. The more you watch this TV series, the more you admire the acting skills of the actors in the play, especially Tian Yulan, played by Jiang Xin, the contrast between before and after is too great, but she can control it perfectly, as a female artist without children, it is simply too rare.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

Most people pay attention to the drama, are a few actors in the center of the contradiction, Song Jia and Jiang Xin's opponent play, there is no sense of being suppressed at all, Tong Dawei is finally not only an old and good person, the emotional outburst is also very powerful. Also eye-opening is Li Jiahang, who has another face in addition to Zhang Yida. But I don't know if everyone noticed, there are actually 6 hidden old drama bones in the play, all of which are big people who can't be named.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

1. Deputy District Governor Li

Playing the deputy mayor of Li is the actor Wu Yue, who has seen "The First Half of My Life" should know that she is the little three Lingling in the play, when the actor's personality was mediocre, but he could use his own strength to provoke the relationship between the protagonist and the husband, and finally led to the divorce of Luo Zijun and Chen Junsheng. In addition to this TV series, in "PeaceTime", "Chrysanthemum Tea", "Luminous", "Ex-Wife", she has won awards for her roles.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

2. Yan Peng's mother

Zhu Yaying plays Yan Peng's mother in the play, although the role in the introduction does not even have a name, but no one dares to underestimate her. In many well-known TV series for decades, she has played very important roles, "Baolian Lantern", "Princess Diao Man", "The Legend of Dai Yu" should be the most famous. Now Zhu Yaying has become a mother-in-law professional household, although she always plays the role of villain, but she is an amiable big sister in her life.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

3. Xia Junshan's mother

Li Xiaoyan does not appear in many scenes in the play, but the calm and generous generosity makes everyone not underestimate her, her previous works are not many, but each one is a classic now. The drama "Obstetrics and Gynecology of Love" was very popular at the time, she played the mother-in-law of the patient Zhao Liying in the play, and in "Princess Lanling", she also played the dignified and generous Empress Lingnu, and her understanding of the role was also amazing.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

4. Director Lin

Li Zhiqiang, the actor who played Director Lin, has played roles in several popular TV series in recent years, "The Little Woman Under the Gate of Zhengyang" and "Big River" are all large-scale production works, "I Am Yu Huanshui" was also particularly classic at that time, and these TV series all chose him as a supporting role, indicating that Li Zhiqiang's acting skills are worth affirming. After all, unlike the current bubble love drama, it is not possible to go with traffic, and the most important thing is acting.

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

5, the number of rooms in the east total

In the play, Fang is always a rich upstart, although he has no culture, but he is a very tasteful artist, pointing at Xia Junshan's design draft. The actor who plays this role is called Andy Chou, everyone may not be familiar with the name, only know that Andy Lau does not know Andy Chou, in fact, he is Zhou Botong in "Eagle Hero".

"Little Shed" 6 hidden old drama bones, all of them are big people who can't be named

6. Small staff road

Lu Lu is only a small supporting role in the play, and the actor who plays this role is Pu Shiyun, who played the last queen in "The Last Kitchen Lady". At that time, this TV series was also quite popular, and the role of WanRong was also impressive, but now Pu Shiyun really did not have much heat, and could only play a small role for a few minutes of shots.