
In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

author:Zero point history said

At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, Neymar's "Neymar Roll" performance caused ridicule and controversy around the world, however, there is already a real dramatist in football - Carlos Caesar.

The legend of Brazilian football is known for his "performing art", not only mediocre in his game, but also adept at using all kinds of tactics to deceive advantages and attention. Let's walk into his story today.

The birth of a generation of bastards

Carlos Capasso was born in 1963 in a favela in Brazil. In that social context, football was the only way for children from poor families to achieve a change in their lives, and Capasso was sent to play on the football field. However, from an early age, Capasso lacked enthusiasm for football and did not like to play, preferring to find his own pleasure and joy.

Compared to other scenes where children enthusiastically run and scramble for the ball, Capasso prefers to hide in corners and watch others play. His skills are not very good, but he is good at dodging, laziness, trickery and tai chi, trying to avoid head-on confrontations. This made him a "slacker" on the pitch and not welcomed.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

He saw his friends getting better at football, while he himself was not improving. It made him frustrated and felt like he had been eliminated. Eventually, his coach advised him to quit because his ability was so poor.

Capasso felt lost, but he didn't give up. Instead, he began exploring other ways to make himself look like a great player. He began wearing shirts and sneakers and mingled among the fans of popular football clubs. He started chatting with the fans, talking about the game and the players' performances.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

Soon, he found himself becoming more and more familiar with the language and culture of football. He started watching the game and gained a deeper understanding of the players' skills and tactics. He also learned how to communicate with referees and coaches, and how to connect with other players.

The Road to Capasso's interpretation

Later, in order to be more realistic, Capasso began to train his body, hoping to make himself look like a professional athlete. He practiced on the streets, on grass and other casual venues, trying tricks over and over again. He also watched a lot of video of the game to learn how the players behaved and interacted.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

Capasso became more and more confident, and also chose to change his name - Carlos Caesar. He feels that the name is similar to the football superstar Julius Caesar, which undoubtedly increases his confidence. And so his bastard path began.

First, he began to find a way to muddle through. After some thought, Caesar finally found a way. He decided to fake an injury to cover up his technical deficiencies, hoping to get more attention in the team. So, he began to muddle through by pretending to strain his ligaments and sprained ankle.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

Caesar's trick was very effective, and he managed to fool the team's coach and teammates. To make the scam more realistic, Caesar even paid someone else to kick and hurt himself so he could get more sympathy and attention. Caesar's scam grew, and he began to complain of fake ailments such as low back pain and cervical spine pain. However, these scams did not stop, and he also learned from them, especially when the contract was resigned, it must not be too long, otherwise such a scam will be recognized sooner or later.

So he kept looking for new ways to continue to mix and play. So, he chose to mix across borders. First of all, Caesar came to Mexico, and he knew that in order to mingle here, he needed to make himself famous. He came up with a solution: buy off local soccer journalists and get them to advertise themselves as soccer stars returning from Europe.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

He even found a photo of a similarly sized pitch to prove his strength. Unsurprisingly, this scam scheme succeeded. Caesar signed a professional contract again, this time for only half a year. After all, the dramas he mixed up were only enough for him to play for half a year.

However, Caesar didn't want to end his life of mixed football. He is always looking for new ways to continue this feeling of "going to work and getting a good salary". So, he began a transfer journey after another, constantly changing places, and mixed into an experienced hybrid demon as a transfer giveaway.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

Capasso super means

But as a bastard, Caesar also has his own attitude: mix, but also mix more advanced. He eventually returned to Brazil and launched a new scam scheme: networking.

In Brazil, Caesar knew the best way to do this was to mingle with the Earth star. He began to frequent major nightclubs and formed friendships with famous local stars. Reinado Takahashi, Romario, Blanco, Edmundo, these names all made his whitelist of friends. Caesar's charisma and connections make him a unique card in Brazilian football.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

However, the means are used too much, and they are easy to be detected. At one point, he was sent on by the coach in an important game, but he felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to push off the field. However, the coach did not allow him to withdraw from the competition, so he had to bite the bullet and "show his hands".

He came up with the brilliant idea of kicking the ball all into the stands and claiming it was for the fans, which caused an enthusiastic response from the crowd and he even got a bunch of applause and shouts from avid fans. This performance not only diverted attention from him, but also helped him relax during the competition so that he could perform at a better level in subsequent competitions.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

On another occasion, Capasso provoked opposing fans before the match, which caused the opposing fans to lose control of their emotions and scold him. Capasso, on the other hand, took his breath and fought with opposing fans. The brawl was disgraceful, but he managed to avoid the last match because it didn't matter if he was sent off with a red card or punished. Although these tricks may seem dishonorable, Capasso relied on these methods to successfully protect his reputation and successfully evade races he did not want to play.


During Capaso's career, his deception tactics can be said to be varied. He will brag, exaggerate his strength, and even make up some false experiences to impress people's hearts. He knows how to engage in relationships and is always able to find someone who is good for him. In addition, his acting skills are quite good, he can fake injuries, tricks and shoot penalties on the pitch. These tactics, while making him successful on the football field, violated the moral code of honesty and trustworthiness.

In his 26-year football career, he played less than 30 minutes, and he became the king of the ball with his human feelings

People tend to think that success is commendable. Capasso's success, however, was based on deception. This kind of "stealing" not only hurts others, but also hurts oneself. When he is debunked and deceived, his reputation and credibility will also be burned. Therefore, we should always adhere to the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, only in this way can we truly achieve sustainable success.

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