
"Shangqi" Liu Simu's favorite snack is the great white rabbit milk candy


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"Shangqi" Liu Simu's favorite snack is the great white rabbit milk candy

Time Network News "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" broke through the global box office of 260 million US dollars in the 10 days of release, making the unknown Chinese male star Liu Simu begin to become popular. Recently, he was interviewed by GQ magazine on video, talking about "10 personal belongings of celebrities" and the items he would carry when traveling, including snacks, basketballs, watches, and gamepads.

"Shangqi" Liu Simu's favorite snack is the great white rabbit milk candy

A snack loved by Asian kids

Liu Simu, who immigrated to Canada from Harbin, China, at the age of 5, carries many habits of Chinese, such as his favorite snacks include white rabbit milk candy, Wangwang Xianbei, snow cakes, bubble tea and shrimp slices. Liu Joked that he was eating shrimp slices when Marvel CEO Kevin Feige called to inform him that he had been selected.

At the end of the interview, Liu Simu also mentioned that he was writing a biography of himself with friends, "We Are Dreamers", which tells the story of his trip from Harbin to Canada and into Hollywood, which will be published in May 2022.

"Shangqi" Liu Simu's favorite snack is the great white rabbit milk candy

Milk tea lovers

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