
Starting with the story of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "Four Sugars", this cultural salon kicked off the commemoration of him

author:Shangguan News

"Come with a heart, not half a blade of grass." This year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, the great educator of the people of our country. On October 18th, his birthday will be ushered in, which is also the third anniversary of the establishment of the first special reading club in the North Shanghai area, the "Xingzhi Reading Club". Today (October 16th) afternoon, in Mr. Tao Xingzhi's second hometown, Dachang Town, Baoshan District, Shanghai, in the Xingzhi Reading Club classroom adjacent to the Shanhai Engineering Group founded by Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a cultural salon with the theme of "Four Sugars" kicked off the prelude to the commemorative activities in Dachang Town.

On October 18, 1891, Tao Xingzhi was born in Shexian County, Anhui Province. In 1914, Tao Xingzhi graduated from Jinling University and went to the United States to study. During this period, the philosopher and educator John Dewey put forward the view that "education is life, school is society", which had a great influence on him. In the spring of 1931, after Tao Xingzhi returned to China, he successively founded the "Shanhai Engineering Group", "Newspaper Boy Labor Group", "Morning Change Engineering Group", "Wandering Children Engineering Group" and so on in Shanghai.

Xingzhi Reading Club is located in The No. 2 Base of Huanshang Science and Technology Park in Dachang, Baoshan, with the Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Office, Baoshan District Government and Shanghai Century Publishing Group as the guiding units, and co-sponsored by Dachang Town Cultural Center, Shanghai People's Publishing House Marketing Department and Yan Hua Studio. In the past three years, the reading club has adhered to the concept of "combining knowledge and action with culture and education", and held more than 50 offline sharing activities, and Famous Shanghai cultural artists such as Ge Jianxiong, Chen Zishan, Ma Shanglong, Wang Yonghao, Li Tiangang, Liu Tong, Chunzi, Shi Yihong, Song Siheng, Wang Rugang, Luo Xin and other famous Shanghainese cultural artists have come here to communicate with readers.

Starting with the story of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "Four Sugars", this cultural salon kicked off the commemoration of him

The organizers also carry out guided tours of literature and art through innovative forms such as "art appreciation meetings", "film criticism meetings" and "experience classes". Especially during the epidemic period, we launched an online "Xingzhi Small Classroom" and carefully planned theme activities such as "Jiangnan Cultural Season", "Classical Music Season", "Song Ren Life Season", "Cultural Taobao Season" and "Red Starting Point Season", attracting the attention and praise of many citizens and netizens.

According to incomplete statistics, in the past three years, more than 200,000 readers have participated in book club activities through online and offline activities. Nowadays, "going to xingzhi reading clubs on weekends" has become a new fashion for many Shanghai book fans, and it has also become a new landmark of north Shanghai public culture.

Today's theme salon activities start from the story of "Tao Xingzhi's Four Sugars", connecting the four spirits of "seeking truth", "creating", "dedication" and "great love".

The story of "Tao Xingzhi's Four Sugars" has been praised by posterity. At that time, when Mr. Tao Xingzhi was the principal of a primary school, he saw a boy smashing his classmates with mud, immediately stopped him, and asked him to go to the principal's office for a while.

When Tao Xingzhi returned to the office, he found that the boy had arrived one step ahead of him. Tao Xingzhi did not criticize him, but gave him a piece of candy, saying: "This is the prize for you, because you came here on time, and I was late." Then, Tao Xingzhi took out a piece of candy from his pocket and gave it to him, saying: "This piece of sugar is also awarded to you, and when I don't let you hit anyone again, you immediately stop, which shows that you respect me very much." The boy took the sugar in bewilderment.

Tao Xingzhi took out the third piece of candy and said, "As far as I know, you smashed those boys with mud blocks because they did not abide by the rules of the game and bullied girls, which shows that you have a great sense of justice and the courage to fight against bad people, so I will reward you with another one." ”

At this time, the boy was moved to cry: "Headmaster, you can hit me twice!" I was wrong, I didn't hit the bad guys, but my classmates. ”

Tao Xingzhi smiled satisfactorily, and he immediately took out the fourth piece of sugar and handed it to the boy: "For you to correctly understand the mistake, I will award you another piece of sugar." ”

When he took the candy, Tao Xingzhi said, "My candy is finished, and our conversation should be over." ”

The story of Tao Xingzhi and 4 pieces of sugar embodies the art of criticism.

In the theme salon of the day, in the first candy "Seeking Truth" chapter, Ye Liangjun, a writer who graduated from Xingzhi Middle School and a researcher of Tao Xingzhi, shared her heart's Tao Xingzhi, while Wang Longji, another Xingzhi alumnus and the actor of Sanmao in the movie "Sanmao Wanderings", also made a surprise appearance. From the pursuit of playing a good Sanmao in the true world, to striving to become a technology inventor, Wang Longji tells the story of how the spirit of truth-seeking is accompanied by him.

Starting with the story of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "Four Sugars", this cultural salon kicked off the commemoration of him

In the second chapter of "Creation" of Sugar, Ni Ruichen, a child who lives in Dachang, tells the story of how he became a little mr. in the community: from the understanding of Tao Xingzhi to today's interpretation of the "little mr. system", small hands holding hands bring unlimited harvest and growth. In the interpretation of "Dream of the Red Chamber" by the reading club, Lin Xiaofeng, a scholar of garden culture, creatively added a flower arrangement performance, integrating the concept of the unity of knowledge and action into reading and sharing.

Starting with the story of Mr. Tao Xingzhi's "Four Sugars", this cultural salon kicked off the commemoration of him

In the third candy "dedication" chapter, teacher Zhang Tingmei shared the teacher in her heart, which was touching. Lu Jinhua, a famous artist of pingtan art, has not only shared as a speaker, but also listened to it as an audience, and she lamented the dedication of the guests and touched the enthusiasm of readers. Every time, hardcore fans came to the scene to send affectionate blessings to the book club.

In the fourth chapter of Sugar 'Big Love', the pop bel canto group "Voice of Strength" shares the latest "Love All Over the World" MV, which is the opening song of each Xingzhi Book Club. The three members of "Voice of Strength", Song Gang, Yu Di and Wang Zhida, are all college teachers, and they were deeply touched by the spirit of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, who completed the creation of the song "Love All Over the World" three years ago and filmed the MV. In the past three years, they have walked into the primary and secondary schools to interact with the children, further deepening their understanding of the spirit of great love, and this time, they sang this song with the children in the big field, bringing new feelings.

Shanghai is the second hometown of Mr. Tao Xingzhi, and Baoshan Dachang is the place where Mr. Tao Xingzhi founded the Shanhai Engineering Engineering Group. In order to carry forward the spirit of Xingzhi and inherit the culture of Xingzhi, in recent years, Dachang Town has built more than 10 tao xingzhi memorial halls, Tao Ding and primary and secondary schools, parks, roads named after "xingzhi", etc., and made innovative practices in building a diversified, systematic and three-dimensional education and cultural platform, adhering to the principle of taking culture as the soul, taking culture as the soul, taking wenrun town, and taking Wenlemin, and striving to create a new cultural highland that matches the main position of Baoshan construction science and technology innovation center and can be integrated. Baoshan "Little Mr. Community", which was upgraded from the "Little Mr. Environmental Protection" of Dachang, has become a cultural and educational business card of innovative social governance that is well-known in Shanghai and even the whole country.

The leaders of Dachang Town said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, they will continue to dig deep into the footprints of "Xingzhi", sort out the history of the "Shanhai Engineering Group" founded by Mr. Tao Xingzhi and the creation of the "Little Mr. System", extend and enrich the connotation of "Little Mr.", and give full play to the positive role of Tao Xingzhi's educational ideology and concept in basic education and community governance. Continue to run platforms such as the Xingzhi Reading Club, and further expand and strengthen the "Xingzhi" cultural and educational brand.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhou Nan Text Editor: Zhou Nan

Source: Author: Zhou Nan

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