
Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

author:Koken Institute

Hello everyone, here is Ke Xiaoyan ~

Last time, the connection between several protagonists in "Naoki Hanzawa" and "The Method of Stealing the Key" and Conan was introduced, and this article was very popular!

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

Of course, some friends pointed out that the heroine of "Naoki Hanzawa", the actor of Hanzawa Hana, Ueto Cai, also has a great relationship with Conan. Today, I will talk about her story with Mingke

<h1>The perfect wife in the TV series</h1>

In the TV series Naoki Hanzawa, Sai Uedo plays the heroine, Naoki Hanzawa's wife, Hanzawa Hanzawa. In the play, she can be regarded as a pillar of Naoki Hanzawa, and whenever Naoki Hanzawa works, she always makes Naoki Hanzawa feel relaxed.

She is both intellectual and intelligent, and always gives wonderful assists to Naoki Hanzawa to bring down evil opponents. She can be said to be the "perfect wife".

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

With the launch of the 2020 TV series "Naoki Hanzawa 2", this "national beautiful girl" has once again entered the vision of Chinese audiences, in fact, her story with "Detective Conan" has begun as early as 15 years ago.

<h1>Ambassador for the 10th Anniversary of Conan Animation</h1>

Back in 2006, the 10th anniversary of Conan's animation, she became a publicity ambassador for Detective Conan.

At the beginning of 2006, when Japanese television broadcast the "Detective Conan" TV animation, the beginning of the animation (TV425-434, split version 459-472 episodes) must have Conan and Ueto Sai saying together that "the animation and theatrical version are reaching the 10th anniversary", and some episodes will also ask a small question about Conan and interact with the audience.

Of course, these small clips were specially "customized" when they were broadcast by Japanese television at that time, and now they cannot be seen on the imported version of "Detective Conan" broadcast on major Websites on the Chinese Internet.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

<h1>Fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional elements</h1>

Ueto also appeared on the TV special program "2006 Gratitude 10th Anniversary Conan Awards Ceremony" to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the release of the animated and theatrical versions, as well as the release of "Detectives' Town Soul Song". She co-hosted with Conan and presented awards.

However, the animation crew is more playful - they designed the plot of Ueto's strange thief Kidd and the plot of Conan to make the show more interesting. Kamito also became the first non-theatrical singer and host in Conan's history to appear on a three-dimensional character on a Special Conan TELEVISION program.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

<h1>Live-action characters enter the world of Celebrity</h1>

Shortly after the special program aired, as a publicity ambassador, Kamito-sai also officially appeared in the Conan anime - in episode 437 (split version 475 episodes) "Shinichi and Ueto-sai! In the episode "The Pact 4 Years Ago", Kamito Not only appeared in the true color of her real name and her own anime character, but also dubbed herself!

In this episode, Ueto is set as the actress Koyuki in the film adaptation of Yusaku Kudo's novel, "The Incident Book of the Girl High School Student Detective Koyuki".

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

▲ Vignette: In this scene, the classmate on the left next to Ueto Sai is called Risai, and the classmate on the right is called Yuxia, referring to the Ainiri and Mieki Who sang the opening and closing songs for Conan, and the animated images of these two characters are also very similar to the amnes and Mieji Yukina himself at that time. What's even more dramatic is that in the episode after this episode, the opening song was replaced by "100 Doors" they sang, which may be the naughty trailer of the animation team

In this episode, in order to help the aunt who lost her daughter, Ueto Sai is very active with the help of Conan's reasoning.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

In this episode, when Ueto-sai was filming a movie 4 years ago, Ueto-sai also had an agreement with Shinichi - after 4 years, Kamito-sai would become a famous actor, and Shinichi would become a famous high school detective.

After 4 years, well, although Shinichi became Conan, he was also famous before he shrunk, not to mention Ueto, they both completed each other's agreement.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

After that, Ueto had no other relationship with Conan until—

<h1>In 2018, he voiced Mingke again</h1>

In 2018, a man named "Zero" caught fire with the theatrical version of "The Executor of Zero".

And Ueto, as a special voice actor, voices an important role in it, the lawyer Tachibana Seiko. Ueto also became the only three-dimensional character in Conan's history to be voiced as a guest voice actor in both anime and theatrical versions.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

And Ueto Also used his mature acting skills to establish Tachibana Seiko, a character with clear love and hatred and her own subjective consciousness.

What impressed me the most was her last scene, when she was confronted with Kazemihiro and almost trampled on her own personality, she finally broke out:

"It is my own judgment to be your helper."

"Betraying you is also my own judgment."

"Falling in love with him is my own judgment."

"Don't think that I'm going to do everything like a machine."


These lines, Ueto Cai interpreted very well, left a very deep impression on me, as if it was the roar of the "tool man", sublimating the image of this supporting role.

Tachibana Ishiko is arguably the most successful supporting character portrayed in the theatrical version in recent years.

Conan Ambassador Only? Talk about the perfect wife Conan anime 10th anniversary publicity ambassador in the Japanese "National Beauty Girl" 13 years of Naoko story TV series, the fusion of three-dimensional and two-dimensional live-action characters entered the world of Naiko in 2018 and voiced Naoko again

The above is the story of Ueto Cai and Mingke.

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