
The Trump team suffered setbacks in many places, and "bad news" came out of three states on the same day.

Source: Global Times New Media

According to CNN reported on the 19th, local time on Thursday, the state judges of Arizona and Pennsylvania, as well as the federal judges of Georgia, rejected the election-related lawsuits filed by the Republican Party and the Trump campaign. It was the trump campaign's latest round of defeat to prevent Biden from winning.

The Trump team suffered setbacks in many places, and "bad news" came out of three states on the same day.

Infographic: Trump

A Judge of Georgia appointed by Trump said the attempt by Republican-allied lawyers to obstruct the election results was "quite shocking" and that he rejected their attempts to thwart Biden's victory in Georgia. In Pennsylvania, a state judge ruled that the more than 2,000 absentee ballots that the Trump team wanted to exclude were also counted.

Arizona Justice John Hannah dismissed the state's Republican lawsuit for a broader vote verification of the Election Day vote and rejected the GOP's request to enact an injunction to prevent the state's most populous Maricopa County from confirming its election results, a move county officials believe would delay the final determination of the vote. CNN predicts that Biden will win in Arizona. As of Thursday night, Biden was ahead of Trump by more than 10,000 votes.

The Trump team suffered setbacks in many places, and "bad news" came out of three states on the same day.

Philadelphia election workers sort out and count ballots Image: Reuters

A report submitted to the state's secretary of state's office shows that more than half of Arizona's counties conducted post-election vote checks and found no discrepancies or micro-issues that would affect the outcome of the election. No evidence of "systemic election fraud" complained of by Trump was found in the four largest counties in Arizona, which accounted for 86 percent of all votes in the state. No irregularities were detected in Maricopa County, and pima county officials conducted a random sample of 4239 ballots, only two of which were found to be problematic.

Jeff Bergen, the Biden campaign's director of communications in Arizona, called the lawsuit "pointless and legitimately dismissed." "Arizona's elections are working well and transparently, and far-right elements in the Arizona Republican Party should stop trying to undermine Arizona's confidence in free and fair elections," he said. ”

Arizona Republican Chairwoman Kelli Ward lashed out at the order Thursday and renewed calls for a vote check. However, she did not explicitly confirm that she would appeal.

The Trump team suffered setbacks in many places, and "bad news" came out of three states on the same day.

Source: The Associated Press

Maricopa County attorney Joseph Larou said in court that the deadline for the county to approve votes is Monday (Nov. 23) and a delay could affect the state's ability to complete the count by the electoral college voting deadline. The deadline for state certification is November 30. The Electoral College will vote on 14 December.

Trump's defeats in recent days have been increasing, including nine lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign or its allies on Friday (Nov. 13), which were either dismissed or withdrawn, and voters who supported Trump dismissed 4 lawsuits against "election fraud" earlier this week.

Despite trump campaign lawyers, including Rudy Giuliani, who have promised to keep fighting, there are few viable lawsuits for the Trump campaign that could cost Biden the enough electoral votes he needs to become president. CNN noted that legal analysts generally believe that Trump's attempts to change the outcome of the election in court will end in failure.

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