
Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

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Author: Chen Erhu

Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

A set of pictures of women in Water Margin. The picture shows Lu Junyi's wife Jia Shi

<h1 class="ql-align-justify" >, "Water Margin"</h1>

Since the advent of "Water Margin", it has a wide range of readers, very influential, enjoy a reputation, and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Pipa", "West Chamber" and called the Four Great Strange Books, and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", "Dream of the Red Chamber" and called the four famous works, so that scholars think that "China's novels, sweat and cattle are abundant, and its especially, such as "Water Margin" and "Dream of the Red Chamber", has become "the most important text under the world", "do not read the Water Margin, do not know the wonders of the world", throughout the "articles of the world, there is no right of "Water Margin".

It depicts the peasant revolt at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, reproduces the class struggle, and creates countless liangshan good men with distinct personalities, "eight parties common domain, one family with different surnames", whether it is elf, rude, three religions and nine streams, no distinction between nobles and lowly, liver and gallbladder blood.

From the beginning, development, and demise of the peasant rebel army, a comprehensive description of the peasant rebel army has forged typical figures such as Song Jiang, Lin Chong, Li Kui, and Wu Song, who "people have their temperament and people have their temperament.".

Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

Bai Xiuying

<h1 class= "ql-align-justify" > second, the adored "official forced the people to rebel"</h1>

The whole "Water Margin" has a grand structure, ups and downs, touching plots, a huge million words, using a chain structure of interlocking links, in the form of character biographies, vividly unfolding the story, advocating rebellion and reasoning, forcing Liangshan, becoming a banner for rebels in feudal society, and also making feudal rulers regard it as a "flood beast", block it, and list it as a banned book.

However, the common people of the people are deeply in love with this liangshan good man and the hero of the grass, attracting nutrition from it, and pondering the connotation of "officials forcing the people to rebel".

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the peasant revolt broke out, many people imitated the good man of Liangshan, called themselves the heroes of "Water Margin", borrowed the names or nicknames of many Liangshan characters, and all liked to play a nickname, all of which were inspired by the "Water Margin", and some of Liangshan's programs and slogans also became the program of the rebel army, emphasizing the heavenly way, robbing the rich and helping the poor, everyone is equal, and opposing exploitation and oppression.

Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

The so-called "Thirty-six Battalions" and "Seventy-two Battalions" of the Peasant Rebel Army at the end of the Ming Dynasty completely copied the organizational form of "Thirty-six Gangs, Seventy-two Boys" of "Water Margin" to order their subordinates.

Liu Luan of the Qing Dynasty said in the "Five Stones" that Zhang Xianzhong was able to gain great momentum, which was due to Zhang Xianzhong's cunning use of the Water Margin, "all ambush attacks are effective", making the "Water Margin" a textbook.

Zhang Dejian wrote in his book "The Compilation of Thieves' Feelings" about the Taiping Rebellion, and also believed that Hong Xiuquan and his ilk used troops to fight wars, besieged cities and plundered land, and "cut the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" as especially many."

Hu Linyi, a general of the Qing court who suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, was a military man, and he commented that the TaitianTian Kingdom "all took the Water Margin as its teacher" and made a great deal of noise.

Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

Zhang Qing's wife: Qiong Ying (Huang Yingxuan)

Third, "Water Margin" is widely circulated in the folk

Because the story of "Water Margin" is "not very deep, the words are not very vulgar", popular and fluent, the image is expressive, more expressive, closer to life, and accepted by the common people, one hundred and eight good men are also widely circulated in the folk, almost women and children are well-known, household names, when the author was a child, the adults around them mentioned two good men of Liangshan from time to time, and some can also tell the story of Liangshan in a set of sets, which can be said to have affected people's lives, these reckless heroes, heroes and righteousness, flesh and blood, especially the typical characters Wu Song and Lu Zhishen, The courage to praise justice and the courage to punish evil also give people in the northeast more or less arrogance and courage, and they especially hate the incompetent who are stubborn and secretive.

Whether we read "Water Margin" as "Tiandu Foreign Minister sees 'Chivalrous', Li Zhuowu sees 'Zhongyi'," or "The Heroic Spectrum" of the scene of "Unveiling the Pole Uprising", although this hundred and eight generals are also confused, and the character of individuals is very problematic, we cannot deny that this is a masterpiece like an encyclopedia of feudal society, and it stands in the history of literature without group correction.

Why did the ancient dynasty repeatedly ban "Water Margin"? The reason is very simple, first, the "Water Margin" that came out of nowhere, the "official forced the people to rebel" who was worshipped.

【About the author】Chen Erhu, pen name Hongye, is a Khitan of the Mongolian ethnic group. Deputy Secretary-General of the Weng Niu Te Banner Writers Association.


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