
Jinyan Tujia Township launched the "Seedling Protection" action to support the growth of young people

author:Red Net

On September 30, Jinyan Tujia Township Middle School in Cili County launched a special education activity on "Preventing Minors from Addicting to the Internet" to escort the healthy development of minors.

The special education activities mainly included three parts: theoretical publicity, video learning, and student practice, which deeply conveyed the relevant requirements of the "Notice on Further Strict Management and Effectively Preventing Minors from Addicting to Online Games" issued by the State Press and Publication Administration, comprehensively studied the "New Regulations on Preventing Minors from Addicting to Online Games", and explained the time limit for online game enterprises to provide services to minors and the new regulations on minors' use of the Internet.

Jinyan Tujia Township launched the "Seedling Protection" action to support the growth of young people

In addition, the activity also actively promoted the practice of students, organized students to take anti-addiction signature oaths, studied the "Civilization Proposal", and truly implemented anti-addiction education to every minor.

Jinyan Tujia Township launched the "Seedling Protection" action to support the growth of young people

"I didn't know that addicting to online games had such a big harm, but I simply thought it was fun, through this study, I realized that I can't be addicted to the Internet, or I have to study well," said one student with feelings.

Preventing minors from indulging in the Internet is an important threshold to ensure the healthy development of minors, and it is also a work that needs to be normalized and promoted, and there can be no slackness. The Jinyan Tujia Township Anti-Pornography and Anti-Pornography Working Group will work with schools and relevant functional departments to carry out the "seedling protection" action on a regular basis to support the growth of minors. (Correspondent: Du Dengshuai)

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