
Four capabilities to embrace the challenges of AI

author:Metaverse Dream Factory
Four capabilities to embrace the challenges of AI


The rise of chatGPT has once again pushed the heat of artificial intelligence to the top, and also presented the uncertainty of the future in a more direct way before our eyes. But I still believe in the saying: knowledge comes from people. To solve a difficult problem, of course, it requires logic, algorithms and data, but it also needs accurate insight into human nature, stimulates between people, and needs to lead the influence of everyone.

For most of us, AI has long been a topic, but now it's different, and it's become a force for reality, even a backdrop for us to examine ourselves and make choices and decisions.

Can the best practices of the present pass the test in the era of artificial intelligence? In the era of parallel with artificial intelligence, what is the core value that a person will not be replaced for the time being?

The first ability, empathy

Another classmate, Xiong Zhongxiong from Beijing, is a psychological counselor, and empathy is part of his job. But this time his sharing is a good tool that can help everyone solve emotional problems. Tadao told everyone that if you encounter an emotional breakdown in a family member, you can ask him three questions:

First, what happened, would you like to tell me? We can take our time.

Second, what makes you feel so emotional? What do you care about the most?

Third, imagine what would happen if a demon wind blew at this time and the troubles disappeared?

Most of the time, when these three questions are asked, the other party's mood will ease a lot. For well-known reasons in recent years, many industries are sluggish, whether it is home or work environment, comfort, companionship, encouragement, more than in the past. Perhaps AI can speak words with the same accuracy, but only humans, that can transmit temperature.

Yang Tao, from the Chengdu campus, is the founder of a script killing company. Script killing grows wildly in the city, and most companies make a fuss about scripts and scene building. But what impressed me the most about Yang Tao was the insight into users. He found that the people who came to play the script to kill were to play a different role than everyday, so you don't care too much about who he is, you treat them as a little middle school children. To explain here, Secondary Two is an Internet buzzword, which refers to a special self-state in children in the adolescent rebellious period. In this way, Yang Tao's logic in dealing with users is simple, and even the employees he recruits are somewhat middle-two temperament.

In the business world, we often talk about user insights, but user insights have gradually become the territory of big data and algorithms, just like looking at X-rays, machines are more accurate than doctors. But empathy is different, empathy is about empathy and empathy. Until artificial intelligence develops human emotions and desires, human mutual perception is still precious. Even if one day artificial intelligence is more like people than people, and understands people better than people, doesn't it also admit from another perspective that we still need real kindred?

The second ability, scarcity

The famous social psychologist Robert Siodini said: What exactly is scarcity? It's the small number that has the final say! To add here is the premise that scarce things must be what others aspire to have, in commercial terms, there is a real demand. Artificial intelligence makes it easier to obtain information, what will be scarcity in the future?

Han Zibin from Shenzhen is the first clarinet UP master of station B. There are 50 million piano learners in China, and about 100,000 clarinets. Undoubtedly, this is a niche field, and the instruments that Han Zibin is good at are scarce, but perhaps the demand in this field is also thin. How can you arouse the interest of your fans? Han Zibin's method is transposing, bridge-building and playing the prelude. To be honest, I don't understand the rhythm, so I didn't understand these technical terms, but the result of this is to greatly reduce the difficulty of people getting started with clarinet, and quickly give beginners positive feedback. Han Zibin went from finding colleagues at Station B to creating 8 exchange groups with more than 4,000 members. The scarcity created by Han Zibin is not the ability to play, but the ability to create interactive relationships.

Regarding scarcity, Hangzhou Lu Yujie's sharing is also a good example. She resigned from the system in 2018 to focus on writing. In 2017, she began writing a historical novel featuring the Tang dynasty poet Wang Wei. Historical fiction must have both historical truth and a moderate interpretation of fictional works. At that time, her biggest challenge was that there were very few historical materials about Wang Wei, and the Old Book of Tang: The Biography of Wang Wei was less than 1,000 words in total, and her goal was to write a historical novel of 1 million words. Later, she started with Wang Wei's poems and articles and found a lot of effective information. Take an example. Wang Wei was very affectionate to his wife, who died for more than thirty years, and Wang Wei did not continue the string and died alone.

For fiction writing, this is a very good story base. However, when Wang Wei's wife died, there is no clear record in historical records. By chance, Lv Yujie found a passage in the epitaph written by Wang Wei for Daoguang Zen Master, speculating that Wang Wei saw through the red dust worship under the Daoguang Zen Master's seat, and then deduced the time of Wang Wei's wife's death. In 2021, Lu Yujie completed this long historical novel of nearly one million words.

The scarcity of historical materials has left a lot of space for Lu Yujie to study and create. In the subject of Wang Wei's character, Lv Yujie's works also have the characteristics of scarcity in the market.

The third ability, systems thinking

You should know Peter Shengji's famous book "The Fifth Cultivation", the most important of the five cultivations he proposed is systematic thinking. Peter Senggi has an important reminder: "Cause and effect are not closely connected in time and space. "The problem arises that we tend to look for reasons in adjacent places and ignore the inner structure of things. If the R&D efficiency is low, we look for the reason in the R&D department; If sales don't meet the target, we run promotions; If employees are always late, we purchase a smart clock-in and attendance software. The end result is often that old problems are not solved and new problems are created. This is the manifestation of the lack of systems thinking.

Shanghai's Lu Cailing, a middle school principal and chemistry teacher, shared the topic of how to solve children's careless test problems. When parents look at their children carelessly, they may think of accidents, bad habits, or poor knowledge. But as an education expert, Principal Lu sees a systematic lack of a child's learning ability. What is an exam? It is not only an evaluation and feedback on the knowledge points learned, but also an intense intellectual activity for a limited time. You see, when you find this system logic, there is an additional dimension to solving the problem: how to manage children's attention resources. The management of attention resources can be divided into two sub-problems, one is how to concentrate and the other is how to distribute. If the exam is divided into before, during, and after the exam, a set of systematic strategies to solve carelessness will be formed. In the words of President Lu, this is called "using the system against the system", which ultimately not only solves the carelessness of the exam, but also improves one's basic learning ability.

This is the value of systems thinking, not only to see local causal relationships, but also to be able to think about problems in the future and go upstream to solve problems.

The fourth ability: a sense of meaning

The fourth ability I want to talk about is the sense of meaning. If it is a competition of logical operations and structured expression, today's AI has surpassed the vast majority of people. But the operation of human society often does not follow the process of rational calculation. Max Weber famously said: "Man is an animal hanging from the web of meaning woven by himself." ”

The meaning you choose, the value you believe in, is not only a spiritual existence, but also a key element that can make something happen.

Xu Yuanjing of Beijing is a medical doctor who has been engaged in the development of new drugs for more than 20 years. The impression he left on me by sharing was 6 words: do it slowly, it's worth it.

Dr. Xu spoke of three 10s. A new drug is often developed in 10 years, costs 1 billion and sells 1 billion. However, the first two 10 are almost certain, but whether it can be sold for 1 billion, there is a lot of uncertainty. Therefore, new drug development is an area with a long cycle and high risk. Specific to his work, a year, may be dozens of clinical trials, whether it can cure the disease, whether it can bring huge commercial returns, are unknown. Even if they succeed after a long effort, it is difficult for those involved to judge how much light can be attributed to the individual.

Human nature, we want to succeed faster and need more positive feedback to stay motivated. But Dr. Xu said new drug development cannot be fast and cannot eliminate any scientifically validated steps. Work in this area is destined to be slow, with little effective feedback, and need to endure loneliness. But there's the flip side of people, and we can be driven by meaning to make seemingly uneconomical choices.

Perhaps AI is not a new challenge. With each technological change, machines are throwing people further and further away in the ability to store and process information. But it is also a liberation for people, we do not have to spend time and energy on low-level labor, but instead devote ourselves to more challenging work.