
听Kagaku Hiji (17) - Takuya Ohashi, Japan

author:Wuhan tian asked Lao Tian

Thank you (谢谢)

"The Old Man", Original Japanese Music: NHK Saturday Drama "The Scene of the Detective" Theme Song Takuya Ohashi - Arigatou

Sakumi : Takuya Ohashi, Composers : Takuya Ohashi,

While being blown by the lukewarm wind,

on ma nu ru and ka ze ni fu ka re na ga ra,

A gentle wind blows in the face

If you have a view of the sky in East Kyoto,

it's in kyo u no so ra na me me and ta ra,

Look out over the sky in Tokyo

I'm living in the distance

to o ku de ku ra shi te ru a na ta no ko to wo,

Suddenly I think of you who lives in the distance

Is it a source of thought?

fu tto o mo i da water so that there is no water?

You okay?

A town where dreams are chased and left away

Yu me wo o you have to eat new to me,

Chasing dreams and leaving his hometown,

That spring day that you sent me,

mi o where tte where re ta a no ha ru no hi,

The spring day you watched

To me who did not have yori (I), "Don't just regret it after",

ta yo ri has us tta bo where ni ni-ko has given you wa shi na i de-to,

You said to the unreliable, don't do anything that you regret

Yu (Yasa) Sadako () Leaves Warm Mori That Laugh (E) Face (Ga),

ya sa shi i ko to ba nu ku mo ri so no e ga o,

Your gentle words warm me with your original smile

I've been awake and I can't forget

zu tto o bo e te ru yo so shi te wa su re na i yo,

I've always remembered it and never forgot it

Thank you from the heart,

i ma ko ko ro ka ra a ri ga to u,

Now thank you from the bottom of your heart

I always had trouble coming out because it was evil.

de ki ga wa ru where you tsu mo ko fell on me than yours,

I'm so useless that it always bothers you

I saw your tears

and on that but on me give on n to mo we that,

It always makes you shed tears

I was exposed to abusive voice without being straight,

they're on o ni na re zu ni ba se and wo a would be that,

Dishonest I always let you get scolded

I loved me like that,

so n na bo where de mo a rain where you see them,

Even then you still love me

It's only now that the word leaves,

i ma ni na tte ya tto so no ko to ba no,

By now I finally understand

I was also concerned about the taste of the book,

ho n to u no mine or mo ki zu ki ki i rain them,

The real meaning of your words at the beginning

"Whenever you get spicy, please come home," he said.

「tsu ra ku na tta to ki wa i tsu de mo ka e tte o i de」to,

Come back when you feel hard, whenever you want

He was always in my taste

I'm tsu mo bo where no one has yours to see them,

You are always on my side

What I put on the heart (shin) and what supported me,

Rain without them, you have to make them as long as you know how to get them,

Let you worry about me and silently support me

I can't return it or back.

It's raining on me, it's raining to me, and it's raining,

It's still hard to tell

I want to convey this feeling of gratitude and respect,

Ko no has no to have a wo tsu tsu and yours,

I just want to convey my feelings and respect

I who did not have yori (I) becomes a little adult (adult),

ta yo ri na ka tta bo ku mo su ko shi o na na na ri,

Unreliable me is also a little bit mature

Now I(I) will support me,

ko n do wa bo where I go as far as I can,

Then I'll be your back

It's about time you'll be a good year, please make it easy to live,

So ro so ro i to shi de sho fell where rain rained where it rained where i gave them,

You're old enough to live an easy life

If I'm, it's already a big husband,

bo ku na ra mo u da and jyo u bu da ra,

I'm fine

That it was good to be born in your original book( true),

a na no to you to you to you you're going to be here,

It's great to be able to be your child

Now I can say (and) put my chest in this way,

And it rained to me in wo ha tte, and i saw them,

Now I can hold my chest up and say this directly

Are you able to be the kind of servant who wishes you?

and on that but don't yo it in the bo ku or on re te and ma ka?

Now I have grown up for your ideal me

think about such a thing

so n na ko to wo ka n ga e ru,

Will start thinking about this kind of thing

i ma ko ko ko ro ka ra a ri ga to u.

Lyrics Contributor: Melonso - Translator Contributor: I just want to take a name how spicy duck


Lukewarm [raw warm] shape ○. Ween-hyun. A fixed point. ○. Indecision. Glue content. Muddy water. It is unsusing. They are disqualified

(1) Vice-ooping. a hard ground The area (Fukiguchi).

Mikuru (3) [See off] Other five eyes off. ○. They send ̈ Send it. 1. It is quiet. They are disengaged They are It's a 暂缓.

【Singer Profile】

Takuya Ohki, Japanese-written male singer, main representative works "Song of the Beginning", "Thank You", "Old Man" Katao song "Old Man" song author and original sing.    

Tokumi Ohashi (Vo.G.) and Shotaro Tokida (P.) sing the group of 2 people    

Both Western and local music have added traditional elements, and the excellent and energetic melody will hide the emotions hidden in the heart of the lyrics In July 2003, AUGUSTA Records debuted as the first newcomer. People who see their talents call it discovering new voices.    

A group of 2 people from Tokuya Ohashi (vo&g) and Shintaro Tokida (key&cho). Originally, It was established in November 1999 because Ohashi had assigned his own songs to Tokida. Later, the two personally wrote the song and performed live performances centered on Shinjuku and Shibuya. August 2002 AUGUST CAMP 2002 performance, which attracted a large audience. In July 2003, he premiered the newcomer performance single review as AUGUSTA. The affinity melody and the atmosphere that creates a joyful soul make you feel the light emanating from the new popular music.