
Another director of the Health Commission was taken away

author:Handan Health

Wang Yajie, a former member of the party committee and deputy director of the Tianjin Hedong District Health Commission, was indicted by the Tianjin Hedong District People's Procuratorate on June 28 for accepting bribes of more than 2.7 million yuan.

Network information shows that Wang Yajie has been working in the health system of Tianjin Hedong District since she joined the work, and was transferred from the post of president of Xiangyang Hospital in Hedong District of Tianjin to the deputy director of tianjin Hedong District Health Bureau in 2008.

The indictment issued by the Tianjin Hedong District Procuratorate said that Wang Yajie also took advantage of her position to provide assistance to pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, nurseries, engineering companies, and individual industry and commerce, and the amount of money was huge, and was prosecuted by the procuratorate of the Tianjin Municipal People's Procuratorate in April this year.

Another director of the Health Commission was taken away

Upon review in accordance with law, it was ascertained:

From 2000 to 2019, defendant Wang Yajie took advantage of her position to seek benefits for others and illegally accepted benefits totaling RMB 2750171 yuan during her position as president and vice president of Xiangyang Hospital in Hedong District, Tianjin, deputy director of Tianjin Hedong District Health Bureau, deputy director of Tianjin Hedong District Health and Family Planning Commission, and deputy director of Tianjin Hedong District Health Commission, and other positions, as follows:

1. He is suspected of accepting bribes of 1,320,000 yuan

From 2000 to 2008, Wang Yajie accepted the entrustment of Yang Moumou, the former ** of Tianjin ** Hospital, to help him contract ** under the ** hospital ** and ** community health service station. The total amount of benefit fees received by Mr. Yang was RMB1,320,000.

2. Suspected of accepting bribes 1040171 yuan

From 2003 to 2017, Wang Yajie accepted the entrustment of the self-employed Jin Moumou to help him introduce "** therapy" into the ** hospital, help him contract the ** community health service station under the ** hospital, and help the ** outpatient department he opened to increase the share of medical insurance and obtain the medical insurance door qualification. The total amount of benefit fees received by Jin X is RMB 1040171.

3. He is suspected of accepting bribes of 130,000 yuan

From 2008 to 2019, Wang Yajie accepted the request of Li Moumou, then a pharmaceutical industry, to help her company in the drug procurement process. The total amount of benefit fees received by Mr. Li was RMB130,000.

4. He was suspected of accepting bribes of 120,000 yuan

From 2009 to 2014, Wang Yajie accepted the entrustment of Zhang Moumou, then a hospital, to help her hospital in matters such as registration changes and hospital promotions. Received a total of RMB120,000 in benefit fees from Mr. Zhang.

5. Suspected of accepting bribes of 90,000 yuan

From 2013 to 2019, Wang Yajie accepted the request of ** Hospital ** Su Moumou to help her in matters such as legal person and hospital name change. Received a total of RMB 90,000 in benefit fees from Mr. Su.

6. He is suspected of accepting bribes of 40,000 yuan

In 2005, Wang Yajie accepted the request of Cao Moumou of ** Engineering Co., Ltd. to help him contract the decoration and renovation project of ** hospital. Received a benefit fee of RMB 40,000 from Cao.

7. Suspected of accepting bribes of 10,000 yuan

In 2016, Wang Yajie accepted the invitation of Wang X of the ** Nursery School** and arranged the daughter of Wang X's relatives and friends to engage in nursing work at the ** Community Health Service Center. Received a benefit fee of RMB 10,000 from Mr. Wang.

After the incident, defendant Wang Yajie was arrested and brought to justice by the supervision organs, and after arriving at the case, he truthfully confessed his crimes, and truthfully confessed to his other bribery crimes that the investigation organs did not yet know, voluntarily returned 880,000 yuan of stolen money, and the investigation organ froze the balance of the provident fund account paid by Wang Yajie of 846,038.3 yuan.

A few days ago, Wang Yajie was prosecuted by the Tianjin Hedong District People's Procuratorate to the Tianjin Hedong District People's Court in accordance with the law. The procuratorate is at the stage of review for prosecution.

The court held

Defendant Wang Yajie, as a state functionary, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, illegally accepted money and property from others, and the amount was huge, and his conduct violated the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the facts of the crime were clear, the evidence was credible and sufficient, and he should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of accepting bribes; the defendant voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment, and according to the "Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", he could be leniently dealt with. The defendant's truthful confession of other crimes of the same kind that the investigating organs have not yet grasped is a confession and the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China applies. According to the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if a public prosecution is initiated, please sentence it in accordance with law.

The indictment is as follows:

Another director of the Health Commission was taken away

According to the incomplete statistics of the medical device dealer alliance, in the first half of 2021 alone, 16 directors and secretaries of the Health Commission were dismissed, and the specific list is as follows.

Another director of the Health Commission was taken away

Source: Medical Device Distributors Alliance