
Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

author:Meet Nuan Yang

During the Qingming season, the yang qi arises, the clear qi rises, the yang qi of heaven and earth exceeds the yin qi and begins to occupy the upper hand, the wood qi of spring reaches its peak, the temperature begins to heat up from temperature, but the yin qi has not completely retreated, the climate is changeable, especially in the northern region morning and evening temperature difference is large, and sunny and rainy, at this time health should conform to nature, not rushed.

First, pay attention to diet and eat more blood nourishing foods

Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

During the Qingming season, the temperature changes significantly and is relatively dry, the yin and yang of the human body change greatly, and the spleen and stomach are relatively weak. If you eat a lot of raw and cold food, it is easy to lead to indigestion, spleen and stomach deficiency, so it is recommended not to eat raw and cold food, you can drink more warm water and hot soup to replenish water.

Some foods such as red dates, goji berries, soy products, chicken, duck and fish meat can be properly eaten to nourish the blood and liver, as well as foods that strengthen the spleen such as camelin, spinach, rape, kale, celery, yam and so on.

Second, pay attention to the weather to increase or decrease clothing

Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

Before and after the Qingming Festival, the climate changes are varied, especially in the northern region, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, Chinese medicine pays attention to "spring cover", spring yang qi arises, and yin qi does not completely subside, people should increase or decrease clothing according to their own physique.

People with weak physique, do not rush to reduce clothing, should adjust clothing according to weather changes, to avoid cold and cold induced by old diseases.

Third, get up early to exercise, should be gentle and interesting

Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

In the "Four Qi Tone God Theory", it is said: "Heaven and earth are born, all things are proud, lie down at night and get up early, and walk widely in the court."

After the Qingming solar term, the natural yang energy gradually flourishes, the temperature rises and gradually stabilizes, and the days are getting longer and longer, at this time, you should get up early to increase the time for living, working and studying during the day. At this time, it is advisable to move around more and move the muscles and bones. Conforming to the qi of heaven and earth is beneficial to resisting the virus.

Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

After Qingming, the weather becomes warmer, the spring breeze is gentle, young and middle-aged people can get up in the morning to walk, jog, enjoy flowers, fly kites, play football and other sports combined with movement and static exercises, middle-aged and elderly friends are suitable for traditional fitness exercises such as tai chi, five-bird play, eight dan jin, and Bagua guidance exercises, to strengthen the spirit of the human body.

Fourth, you can not ignore allergies

Four key points for health after Qingming Festival

The increase in various allergenic pollen in the air during the Qingming season, coupled with the more wind and dust in spring, and the unstable temperature and cold temperature, are easy to cause allergic asthma, and it is necessary to pay attention to protection.

People with a history of allergies should carry anti-allergy medication with them before traveling, and wear "protective equipment" such as masks and gloves. The soot and dust flying in the air enter the eyes after the tomb sweeping and ancestor worship during the Qingming Festival, which can cause symptoms such as eye allergies, keratitis, and conjunctivitis.