
Hong Bairong's daughter was diagnosed with "deafness in the right ear" at the age of 5 and hid at home crying for 2 months without going out

author:Starlight clouds

Reporter Pan Huizhong / Comprehensive Report

Artist Hong Bairong and Song Damin have been married for 12 years, have a 10-year-old son Xiaobao and an 8-year-old daughter Bao mei, often share the funny interaction of 1 family of 4 on social networking sites, is one of the model family representatives of the entertainment industry, attracting more than 620,000 netizens to track; on the 8th, when she learned that her daughter was sure that her right ear could not hear, she once fell into depression, and her baby daughter, "hid at home and did not want to see anyone."

Hong Bairong's daughter was diagnosed with "deafness in the right ear" at the age of 5 and hid at home crying for 2 months without going out

▲ Hong Bairong shared his mood change 3 years ago when he learned that his daughter was deaf in the right ear. (Photo/Photo from Hong Bairong Facebook)

Hong Bairong revealed on Facebook on the 8th that Bao Mei was diagnosed with right ear deafness when she was 5 years old, was diagnosed by doctors as congenital hearing loss, needed to wear hearing aids, as a mother, even if she is strong, she still feels completely crushed at the first time, but also fell into depression, all kinds of negative emotions haunt her thoughts, and also hid at home with her daughter for 2 months, "washing her face with tears all day", often complaining about why her daughter encountered this kind of thing.

Hong Bairong's daughter was diagnosed with "deafness in the right ear" at the age of 5 and hid at home crying for 2 months without going out

▲ Hong Bairong learned at that time that his daughter was born after hearing. Sad enough to hide at home for 2 months. (Photo/Photo from Hong Bairong Facebook)

After 2 months of serious ups and downs in his mood, Hong Bairong was relieved with the support of religion, "Bao Mei is the best! She is a blessing to our family!" She also learned that this period of low tide is to let herself understand the melancholy dilemma, so that she can help people with the same difficulties in the future.

Hong Bairong's daughter was diagnosed with "deafness in the right ear" at the age of 5 and hid at home crying for 2 months without going out

▲ Song Damin's family has a very good relationship, and although the children usually like to tease, Xiao Bao still loves his sister quite much. (Photo/Photo from Hong Bairong Facebook)

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