
Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

author:Panda plays esports


Hello friends, here is not only the game 6, but also the handsome panda brother~

Yang Yuhuan is a relatively unpopular hero in the glory of kings, and I have no match for kings, as if I have never seen anyone use her.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

Just recently, I accidentally saw a game of Yang Yuhuan on the video, and found that this hero is quite powerful. As a mage, she can actually take away a crispy skin in a few strokes, how does this happen?

Then Brother Panda checked some explanations of the great god and summarized these two skills in detail, let's take a look together~ (This strategy belongs to Yang Yuhuan's advanced teaching, and there is no outfit inscription recommendation)

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

Tip 1 – Card 3A

One of Yang Yuhuan's skills is to generate one sound wave, which can produce up to three. These sonic waves deal damage to enemies and a 50% slowdown effect, and also receive an enhanced general attack.

Enhancing the general attack not only extends the attack range, but also deals additional damage.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

Yang Yuhuan's enhanced general attack can last for five seconds, but the minimum cooldown of a skill is only 3.6 seconds, so we can save a strengthened general attack first, and then wait for a skill CD.

When the cooldown of a skill is over, we immediately play the first Enhanced General Attack, and then release another skill to get the second Enhanced General Attack, so that we can play two Intensive General Attacks in a row.

This A1A attack method is Yang Yuhuan's card double A.

So how can we quickly hit three enhanced general attacks?

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

We also all know that the enhanced general attack of Yang Yuhuan's first skill can not only deal additional damage, but also reduce the cooldown time of all skills by 1 second, including one skill.

So we can use this trick to first use a skill to save a strong general attack, and then wait for a skill cooldown,

That is, this trick is based on the card double A mentioned above.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

But the key is that Yang Yuhuan plays the first enhanced general attack, we must quickly click a skill, so that before our first strengthened general attack hits the target, a skill can also be released normally and enter the cooldown period, at which time we can get the second enhanced general attack.

And now this skill is equivalent to having two enhanced general attacks to reduce the chance of the skill cooling down by one second, so when our first enhanced general attack hits the target, the cooldown time of one skill is reduced by 1 second.

Then we quickly A second enhanced general attack, which can reduce the cooldown of one skill by 1 second.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

When we hit the second enhanced general attack, we can just refresh one of our skills, and then we can use 1A to play the third enhanced general attack, this way to quickly play three enhanced general attacks is card 3A, the damage is quite explosive, basically one set can drop the crispy seconds!

It looks quite cumbersome, in fact, it is the card time point, and you can fully master it after a few operations~

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

Tip 2 – Delay A

All mages have such a characteristic, that is, the flight speed of attack ballistics is very slow, but Yang Yuhuan seems to be exceptionally slow~

But it is this slow effect, combined with the passive special effect of the witchcraft staff, that can produce a strong reaction!

As shown in the figure, there is no equipment effect on our bodies when we use general attack.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

But note here that during our normal attack flight, we immediately use the skill, and now Yang Yuhuan has the equipment effect of the sorcery staff in his hand, which can strengthen the next general attack.

Then you will find that when our general attack hits the enemy, the effect of our equipment will disappear immediately, and the enemy will also receive passive damage from the witchcraft staff.

This is our delay A, isn't it very simple?

So what is the use of this trick?

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

For example, before our general attack damage hits the enemy target, the enemy suddenly uses displacement to open the distance between the two sides, which is beyond the range of Yang Yuhuan's attack, resulting in us being unable to follow the subsequent damage.

At that time, we can click on any skill at will, and we can directly trigger the equipment effect of the sorcery staff, which has the effect of replenishing damage.

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!

The panda has something to say:

In fact, this technique of delaying A is not only effective for Yang Yuhuan, but basically applies to all mages who are suitable for witchcraft staffs.

And not long ago, Yang Yuhuan was strengthened, it is really worth practicing well!

As for the outfit inscription, it is enough to look at the great god outfit.

Well, friends, the above are the two major skills about Yang Yuhuan, isn't it very practical? If you have other skills, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss ~Bixin~

Glory of Kings: Yang Yuhuan's two practical tips let you set a set of seconds crispy!