
"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

Text/March of the year

Photo: Stills from "The Road of Life"


Gogarin's life was unfortunate, but also lucky.

Unfortunately, the trajectory of his life was rewritten, everything that belonged to him was stolen by Gao Shuangxing, and along the way, he suffered too much, suffered too much, suffered too much, disappointed, and despaired.

But fortunately, he never gave up on the road of ups and downs in life, so he was lucky.

I have heard the saying that whether a person can succeed or not, the right time and place are very important, but noble people often play a vital role.

In Gogarin's life, someone enlightened him, someone encouraged him, someone led him, someone helped him.

Therefore, even if his opportunity to go to university is replaced, private teachers lose their qualifications to become regular, and communication officers are reported, he can still walk his own path down-to-earth with his own efforts.

Although in this process, he endured pain and suffering that he should not have endured, and experienced unprecedented hardships and challenges, his talent was seen, his ability was affirmed, step by step, and he achieved success.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

First, Deshunye

Deshunye is a respected old man in Gaojia Village, and anyone in the village who has troubles will go to him for guidance, and Gao Garin is naturally not an exception.

Deshun Ye was the only person in the village that Gao Garin could talk to, and what he said Gao Garin was naturally willing to listen.

Qiao Zhen and Gao Garin grew up watching Deshun Ye, so after learning that Qiao Zhen and Gao Garin were together, De Shun Ye was not at all out, and he was happy for them from the bottom of his heart.

But in order to go to Shanghai with Yaping and have better development, Gao Garin could only ruthlessly give up Qiaozhen.

Gao Jialin's practice will undoubtedly cause many people's dissatisfaction, Liu Liben was so angry that he cursed, and Gao Yude and his son even bitterly admonished, hoping that their son would seriously consider it.

No one can understand Gogarin's approach, let alone his inner torment and entanglement.

Only Deshunye's words made Gao Garin more firm in his inner thoughts.

"People go high, yes, but the foot must be strong, if the foot is clearing, climb high, then you can fall hard."

"Master Deshun, I will remember everything you say to me, and please believe that I will definitely take the road in the future."

Without Deshunye's enlightenment, Gao Garin's life would have been in a state of depression and complaint.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

Second, Jing Ruohong

If Gao Garin is a Maxima, then Jing Ruohong is Gao Garin's Bole.

As a school teacher, Jing Ruohong, not only optimistic about Gao Garin's academic performance, but also appreciates Gao Garin's talent.

Gao Garin, who failed to go to college, was extremely broken in his heart, and when he didn't know how to be good, Jing Ruohong not only did not blame him, but comforted him that he did not do well because the questions were too difficult, hoping that he could reread it again and would definitely be able to pass it.

Jing Ruohong's words encouraged Gao Garin and determined to read it again. But his mother went to pick walnuts, fell down from the mountain and lay sick in bed, unable to do heavy work for a long time, and Gao Garin had no choice but to agree to Gao Minglou to become a private teacher.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

Later, the private teacher failed to turn positive, and Gao Garin joined the county government communication group, just working with Jing Ruohong, and Gao Garin's writing ability was appreciated and praised by Jing Ruohong.

It's just that Gao Garin went through the back door to participate in the work was soon reported by Diao Meilan, and Gao Garin could only return to Gao Jalin Village again.

Unlike in the past, this time Gogarin did not complain about the sky or slump, but took up the hoe and went to work in the field before dawn.

Fortunately, Jing Ruohong found Gao Garin again, not only brought him a lot of books, but also showed him the way forward from the bottom of his heart.

"Now you don't have the strength to break into the outside world, and this world will not accept a person who has nothing but complaining."

"What you have to do now is to be indomitable, life will not be bad for anyone, you suffer, you suffer, you have fallen, missed the road, these are not worthless, the word success originally includes everything."

It was Jing Ruohong's words that allowed Gao Garin to find his own life path and go farther and farther on the road of literary creation, without Jing Ruohong's guidance and encouragement, perhaps Gao Garin could only carry a hoe in a ravine for a lifetime.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

Third, Chen Fangming

Chen Fangming, a junior student at Pearl Normal College, sighed deeply after seeing the article "A Child's Dream of Reading" written by Gao Garin, so he came from Shanghai to find Gao Garin and wanted to do a social research.

Chen Fangming likes the rural environment very much, and he was even more amazed to see Gao Jalin keep Madian Primary School in order.

Although they only got along briefly, Chen Fangming and Gao Garin had already established a deep friendship.

Chen Fangming admired Gao Garin's talent, did not hesitate to teach Gao Garin how to take photos, and when he parted, he really hoped that Gao Garin would have the opportunity to develop in Shanghai in the future, and hoped that they would see each other again.

Finally, the kung fu paid off, Gogarin's article won the award, and he finally had the opportunity to go to Shanghai.

When the two met again, Chen Fangming's praise for Gao Garin was overflowing, hoping that Gao Garin would stay in Shanghai for development, and also revealed to Gao Garin the recruitment information of the "Popular Evening News", even if he is not a local in Shanghai, he can still apply.

It was with Chen Fangming's help that Gao Garin had the opportunity to take the exam, stay in Shanghai, and pursue the career he loved.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

Fourth, Lin Yixuan

With the help of Chen Fangming, Gao Garin took the recruitment exam of the "Popular Evening News".

In this exam, Chen Fangming was very good in all aspects, ranked first in his grades, and was an undoubted candidate.

Gogarin though ranked second. However, many leaders have concerns, first of all, Gao Garin's education is relatively low, and secondly, Gao Garin does not have a Shanghai hukou.

However, the editor-in-chief Lin Yixuan is a very talented person, he and Gogarin have the same experience, in his opinion, Gao Garin is a very talented person, and asked others if they have read Gogarin's articles, hoping that they can all go and take a look again. In this way, Gogarin was selected.

It can be said that Gao Garin had the opportunity to enter the newspaper office thanks to Lin Yixuan.

It was Lin Yixuan's appreciation that gave Gao Garin the opportunity to settle in Shanghai, although Gao Garin could only start with basic proofreading, but it was a good start for Gao Garin.

"The Road of Life" The four nobles in Gao Garin's life changed his life, and all of them are indispensable

If one's ability is not seen, it will be overwhelmed, and if one's talent is not appreciated, there will be no opportunity to use it.

Gao Garin's life was changed by Gao Shuangxing to go to college, but he was also able to find a path of his own because he met a nobleman.

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