
How to raise a bad stomach#Health and wellness trivia is shared every day

author:TCM knowledge sharing

How to raise a bad stomach? The vast majority of people with stomach problems eat abnormally, often sometimes too busy to eat on time. So sometimes it's hard for you to go to school, and sometimes it's hard to work in society. So you often put a little soda cookie or a packet of soy milk in your bag, school bag, or whatever.

Western medicine says that drinking milk is good for the stomach, but in fact, drinking milk, milk itself is not good. You can bring a soy milk, eat a little bread or eat a little soda cracker, and be sure to make sure that there is always something in the stomach. When you don't eat properly and your stomach starts to have problems, your stomach is sick. When there is a problem with the stomach, the first we look over with our eyes, this eyebrow, this is the nose, generally people with wide eyebrows have a very wide heart, and they will not worry about anything. So you look for a husband to find a wife with wider eyebrows, and the next time you look at my wife, she will have wide eyebrows. When you have eyebrows with hanging needle lines, this must be a bad stomach. Why, because the stomach is very painful, when it hurts, his eyebrows are wrinkled, you can see the lines, we have three major pains in life: headache, toothache, stomach pain, what about these three major pains? People do not die, but these three pains will kill people.

How to raise a bad stomach#Health and wellness trivia is shared every day

The stomach is the first we divide cold and hot, cold and hot, this cold and hot, the symptoms are completely different. Cold, for example, you see that the tongue moss is white and thick, and the tongue moss of fever is yellow, relatively wet, which is fever. Generally speaking, when we encounter fever, we don't moxibustion it with needles, so it is very good for heat. Moxibustion is very good for cold, very good for cold. These are two slightly differentiating places. Now a lot of carbonated drinks outside, like soda, this kind of is not good, it is not good for the stomach. That coffee is acidic and not good. The stomach is originally acidic, and you add its acid to it even more acid, so natural things are good.

How to raise a bad stomach#Health and wellness trivia is shared every day

For example, lemon, lemon is sour, but it is a natural acid. So the true nature of lemon is alkaline, although it is acidic but alkaline, so food necrosis that acid is bad acid. That's like coffee is acid, but it puts a burden on the stomach.

How to raise a bad stomach#Health and wellness trivia is shared every day

If there is bleeding in the stomach, the most common gastric bleeding is that it is generally under the stomach when there is a stomach problem. The lower mouth of the stomach, here is the cardia, here is the pylorus, on the lower mouth of the stomach, the stool is black, the stool is black often two or three times a day, the lower profit is black, the black stool is far blood. If you see blood in your stool, you know it's coming from the large intestine or hemorrhoids at the opening.

How to raise a bad stomach#Health and wellness trivia is shared every day

That distant blood goes from the stomach through the duodenum to the small intestine, and then comes out in a circle, and there is no oxygen, there is no oxygen, so it is black, the stool is black, and we know that there is bleeding inside.