
The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

author:Wang Zhu again

A hacker attacked a website's system, but instead of blaming the person, the company's superiors hired the other person as a technical guide.

Through this incident, we can find that a person's pattern is often one of the elements of success, and the further you go in life, you will find that people who live a dashing life will often know how to use people.

Not long ago, when we were eating with a friend, we suddenly talked about this problem about the pattern, and when we talked about this topic, the first thing we thought of was a friend of ours, Zhang Yu.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

Zhang Yu is 45 years old, a director of a company, when he first came out, he had nothing, but even so, he was still willing to start from the grassroots, because he did not feel that it was a shameful thing.

In the process of work, he not only reflects on himself from time to time, but also makes good use of interpersonal relationships, and almost everyone who has intersected with him will know how to respect him.

The reason why we become friends is also because of this, because he never looks at the shortcomings of others, he will only continue to learn the advantages of a person, after so many years of groping, he has stood in such a position as he is now.

In fact, through such an example from my friend, what I want to tell you is that those who know how to use people often have these advantages.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people


Know how to pay attention to yourself

Sometimes, we must shut our mouths, let go of pride, admit our mistakes, because this is not to admit defeat, just a kind of growth, on the road of life, we will face all kinds of twists and turns, only a person who knows how to let go of themselves, can get more respect and support from others.

Haruki Murakami once said, "When you pass through a storm, you are no longer the same person you were." This sentence also brings us vigilance, when you become a better version of yourself, you will find that you have made a big change.

The road of life has ups and downs, we don't need to care about other people's feelings, we just need to be quiet and do our own thing.

Sometimes, we don't have to evaluate others, because in life, each of us is a lone traveler, so learning to shut up is actually a kind of quality for ourselves.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

Everyone's life will face ups and downs, so we don't have to pay too much attention to others, when you get better and better, others will naturally pay attention to your life.

Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, sleep when you are angry, think about being a person when you are alone, and never force yourself to a dead end.

In real life, we have to learn to release ourselves.

Be a person who loves yourself, in order to be more cared for by others, if you yourself do not know how to cherish yourself, then in the end your life will be a mess.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people


Understand that fate is in your own hands

Some people choose fate, and some people are chosen by fate.

In real life, the happiness of life is decided in their own hands, and there will be various difficulties in life, although it is very difficult at present.

But after this difficulty, you will definitely blossom, everything needs to be experienced by yourself, all your happiness should be based on your efforts, so it is also a kind of respect for yourself to live hard.

Many people may complain about the unfairness of life, but when you have survived the storm, you will find that everything is worth it, and life is hard for each of us.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

Because it never fails to live up to everyone's efforts, you may find life difficult in the moment, but what I want to tell you is that when you survive, you will find your transformation.

Everyone is actually a potential stock, when you envy others, you may as well improve that self, when you become as good as others, you are entitled to fight against fate.

A person's fate is often in your own hands, so only when you learn to fight for it yourself can you feel more happiness.

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

There is a saying in "My Miss Tulip" that the greatest pain is to see the world too thoroughly, but I can't live with an attitude beyond this world.

Life is not easy, in the face of life, each of us will also have difficulties, but what I want to say is that as long as you treat life with care, life will return to you wonderful, no need to complain, do yourself is the most important choice.

Yu Xiaohua once said: "Life is like gambling, sometimes you need a little luck to help, but luck will only tend to the person who is confident and sunny." ”

The further back in life, the more you will find that the more dashing people know how to "use" people

In real life, many people may say that living is a choice of fate, but what I want to say is that if you want to make yourself happier, then you must first learn to be a positive person, so that you can get help and understanding from others.

James once said, "The problem for man is not what action he wants to take, but what kind of person he wants to be." ”

In real life, we are always too confused, encounter problems are always too entangled, do not know that such a practice is the most stupid, at the beginning we should define a clear goal for ourselves, so that we can find the key to things.

A person who knows how to face life bravely can be at ease in interpersonal relationships.

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