
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

author:The Times Tree Storm

Located on the eastern side of downtown Nara, at the foot of Mount Kasuga, it is a vast open park. The park is full of picturesque scenery throughout the year, hundreds of wild sika deer live on the open meadows, and places of interest such as Todaiji Temple and Kasuga Taisha Shrine are gathered around the park.

Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

Deer said to buy more bags, a pack will soon be fed, and feeding deer is also very addictive, plus to a variety of posing is more waste cake, fortunately a pack of 200 yen is not expensive, equivalent to about 13 yuan. Deer cakes must be hidden, if the deer see or smell it, they can't play happily, and don't take anything else in their hands, they eat everything, including your map! Your tissues! Wait a minute! (This one comes from the friend A sauce who was chased by the deer) Find a place where there are fewer deer to feed! Find a place to feed with fewer deer! Find a place to feed with fewer deer! If you look for a place with a lot of deer at the beginning, it is easy to be on top of the sky (don't ask me how I know that too small deer are more timid and are likely to run, and deer with large antlers are easy to be a little fierce, so it is best to choose deer that are not big or small. Don't wear sandals in the summer, and don't wear light shoes because there is a lot of poop and mud on the ground. To cultivate feelings with the fawn first, and then try to touch the head to take a picture, do not forcibly touch or forcibly hug, the fawns will be angry. Don't wear clothes that are too well fabriced, otherwise it will be heart-wrenching to be bitten, wear dark clothes, because the fawn's mouth is dirty, in case of biting you, light-colored clothes will look dirty. Don't rush to feed, there are a lot of deer all the way to Kasuga Taisha Shrine, don't feed them at the beginning, and the deer at Kasuga Taisha Shrine are gentler than those in Nara Park. Fawns can kick people, so run if you see their butts against you! When you encounter a deer that politely nods to you, don't just be happy and take pictures, be sure to remember to feed the deer cake, otherwise it may float in the next second. Deer cake is relatively large, can be divided into four pieces to feed, do not feed things other than deer cake, random feeding things to fine Oh! Don't tease the fawn, don't pretend to give and don't give, so it's easy to be bitten or chased.

Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

According to ancient legends, the Takeko Urn, enshrined in kasuga Taisha Shrine, was moved from Toraku to Nara on a white deer, so the Japanese now regard the reindeer of Nara as an inviolable sacred deer and deliberately protect it, so there are more and more reindeer here. These reindeer are not timid about visiting tourists, and sometimes they docilely snuggle up next to them.

Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

In Nara, home to many World Heritage Sites and the terminus of the Silk Roads, deer are considered messengers of the gods. In Shenlu Park, 1,200 cute deer welcome visitors. These deer are not afraid of people at all, live freely, and tourists can buy some biscuits to feed these deer.

Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

The sacred deer are so cute, do you want to touch them? A trip to Tokyo is just around the corner, are you ready?

Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?
Have you ever been surrounded by a bunch of sika deer, and you can try it in this part of Japan?

Located on the east side of Nara City Street is one of the pioneers of Japan's modern park, Nara Park is famous for its cherry blossoms, autumn leaves and sika deer, which are full of cherry blossoms in spring, but unfortunately did not catch up, but the sika deer in the park are still very worth seeing.

Before arriving at the park, sika deer walking on the side of the road can be seen everywhere on the highways of Nara City, and the picture of people and animals living in such harmony is really fascinating.

After passing through Todaiji Temple, you can see a herd of sika deer, you can choose to buy sika deer specially eaten biscuits to feed close to the sika deer, you can also take the food to make them nod their heads (really magical and cute hahaha) come to Nara Park to see these sika deer, I can't help but think of the monkeys in Mount Emei, Sichuan Province, One deer after another saw you rushing to you with food, some batch my skirt, some directly grabbed hahahahaha. It's fierce but cute.

The sika deer that are full of tea and food are still very cute to the deer, you gently touch them and they will you.

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