
How can a moose deer with spots like a sika deer make the easiest distinction between them?

author:A small dictionary of animals

The deer is a deer species that the zoo will basically keep in captivity for everyone to watch, and they also have spots like sika deer, especially in the summer, the spots are the most obvious, it is easy to confuse with the sika deer, so how to distinguish them simply and clearly? In fact, it is easy to distinguish from their horns and hips.

How can a moose deer with spots like a sika deer make the easiest distinction between them?

The horns of the deer are plate-like horns

How can a moose deer with spots like a sika deer make the easiest distinction between them?

The horns of sika deer are forked horns

How can a moose deer with spots like a sika deer make the easiest distinction between them?

The deer has a distinctly brace-like black area on the rump and an all-black hair on the back of the tail

How can a moose deer with spots like a sika deer make the easiest distinction between them?

The black area of the sika deer's buttocks is not obvious, and the hair on the back of the tail is not completely black

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