
China's quantum chips have made a breakthrough! "Domestic core" welcomed the turnaround, and was really said right by Zhang Zhaozhong?

author:Xuan Wenwen

Chinese scientists announced a major breakthrough in the field of quantum chips, successfully realizing quantum computing with 32 qubits. This achievement is generally regarded as an important step towards commercial application in China's quantum computing field, and is also regarded as an important turning point in the development of "domestic core", and Zhang Zhaozhong is right!

China's quantum chips have made a breakthrough! "Domestic core" welcomed the turnaround, and was really said right by Zhang Zhaozhong?

Looking back on the past few years, China's chip industry can be said to be surging, a variety of high-precision chips emerge one after another, but in the field of quantum computing, China has been in a backward position, long-term dependence on imported chips, which has brought great challenges to the improvement of national core competitiveness and information security.

Therefore, the Chinese government has listed quantum computing as a key area for future scientific and technological development, and vigorously supports the development of local quantum computing research institutions and enterprises. In this context, the successful realization of quantum computing of 32 qubits by Chinese scientists is undoubtedly a major milestone.

First of all, this achievement proves that China's huge energy and resources in the direction of quantum computing are worthwhile, and also proves that China has a good research foundation and practical ability in the direction of quantum computing. Secondly, this achievement brings more possibilities and prospects for the commercial application of quantum computing in China, and also provides strong support for the competition of "domestic cores" in high-precision fields.

It is worth noting that China's achievement of this major result is not accidental, but the result of years of efforts and accumulation by all parties. On the one hand, at the level of technical research, Chinese scientists have carried out long-term exploration and practice in the direction of quantum computing, and gradually accumulated rich experience and knowledge. On the other hand, at the policy level, the Chinese government has given strong support to the field of quantum computing, built a complete policy system and industrial ecosystem, and accelerated the development of domestic sub-chips.

China's quantum chips have made a breakthrough! "Domestic core" welcomed the turnaround, and was really said right by Zhang Zhaozhong?

At present, with the rapid rise of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and 5G, the requirements for chip processing capabilities and data security are getting higher and higher, so promoting the development of quantum computing technology has become an important strategy for the development of China's chip industry. In fact, quantum computing chips and traditional chips are fundamentally different, and their operation methods and logical architecture are different from traditional chips, so the design and production of quantum computing chips are also more difficult.

However, this achievement by Chinese scientists is undoubtedly an important breakthrough on a global scale. It is believed that in the future, Chinese chip companies will strengthen independent research and development, expand the international market, and promote the progress and development of the entire industry.

From the perspective of the entire chip industry, this is a major breakthrough. For a long time, the global high-end processor market has been almost monopolized by a few international giants, and the entry of Chinese chip companies is considered extremely difficult. However, SMIC's successful leap not only has a profound impact on China's chip industry, but also heralds a change in the international chip market pattern.

At the same time, with the continuous update of technology, we also need to realize that achieving technological innovation in the field of chips requires the support of a large number of technical talents. Therefore, it is especially necessary to increase the introduction and training of talents. First of all, it is necessary to attract global outstanding chip R&D talents to China through policy guidance and financial support, and at the same time, we should strengthen cooperation between universities and enterprises to provide more internships and employment opportunities for graduates. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the training and continuing education of on-the-job technical personnel, and improve their ability to predict and grasp the development trend and future trend of the industry while continuously enhancing their professional ability.

In short, this breakthrough in China's quantum chips not only plays an important role in promoting China's chip industry, but also brings new changes to the competitive pattern of the global chip market. It is hoped that in the future, China can continue to work hard to make more breakthroughs in technological innovation, policy support and talent introduction, and achieve greater development and progress in the field of chips.

China's quantum chips have made a breakthrough! "Domestic core" welcomed the turnaround, and was really said right by Zhang Zhaozhong?

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