
How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

author:Agricultural acrobatics

Now into the autumn has been a period of time, late ripening apples have also entered the ripening period, and in the process of apple growth and development, but there are many diseases that harm apple fruits, such as fruit rot, fruit rot disease, bagged fruit spot disease, etc. that have been analyzed before, these diseases will have a very large impact on the growth and development of fruits, if they cannot be prevented in time, it is likely to cause very large losses to the orchard, and in addition to apple diseases, insect pests will also seriously endanger the growth and development of apples. And the harm caused by insect pests to apples is no less than the harm caused by diseases.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

In the autumn, when the late ripening apple is ripe, there are two kinds of insect pests that harm apple fruit into the outbreak period, these two insect pests are hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs, these two pests will cause great harm to apple fruits, if not timely control is likely to bring very large economic losses to fruit farmers, and these two insect pests also have great similarities, today from the two kinds of insect pests of harm characteristics, morphological characteristics, occurrence habits and scientific control technology to analyze in detail, For your reference and reference.

<h1>I. Introduction to hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs</h1>

Hemp skin bug: hemp skin bug is also known as the yellow spot bug, hemp bug, folk commonly known as the stinky big sister, bed bugs, etc., belongs to the hemiptera bug family, in most of the apple cultivation areas in China have different degrees of occurrence, and its eating habits are very mixed, can harm the host is very many, in addition to harming apples, but also harm peach, plum, pear, cherry and other fruit trees, but also harm poplar, mulberry and other trees.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Hemp skin bugs

Tea wing bug: tea wing bug is also known as the stinky wood tree elephant, folk commonly known as stinky board insects, belongs to the hemiptera bug family, in most of the apple cultivation areas in China have occurred, in addition to the main harm of apples, but also endanger pears, peaches, apricots, hawthorn, plum and other fruit trees, will also endanger elm trees, mulberry trees, paulow trees and other forest trees, and even endanger soybeans, kidney beans and other legumes, especially in recent years, tea wing bugs are more and more serious, and slowly become an important pest of apples, pears and other fruit trees.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Tea wing bugs

<h1>Second, the characteristics of the hazard</h1>

1. Hazard characteristics of hemp skin bugs

Hemp skin bugs are mainly to adults and nymphs sucking apple fruit as a pest, will also suck tender shoots and leaves, when the thorn sucks the fruit as a pest, the entire growth period of the fruit may be affected, the victim part of the fruit will appear concave phenomenon, and the internal tissue will also be increased with wood thrombosis, the fruit will stop growing locally, the fruit surface is uneven and appear hard and boilish, when the damage is serious, the fruit will become deformed, and it is very hard, and even cause the phenomenon of early fruit fall, Not only will it cause great damage to the quality of the fruit and the value of the goods, but it will also have a great impact on the yield of the fruit tree.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Hemp skin bugs harm the fruit

2. Harmful characteristics of tea wing bugs

Tea wing bugs are also based on adults and nymphs sucking apple fruit and young shoots and leaves as a pest, but when harming leaves and young shoots, the affected leaves and young shoots will not have obvious symptoms, and after the fruit is damaged, there will be wood pegs, hardening, local stop development caused by fruit surface subsidence, and when the damage is serious, it will become a deformed fruit, lose the value of the commodity, and bring very large economic losses to the fruit farmers. It is worth mentioning that the damage of tea wing bugs to fruits is the same as that of hemp skin bugs, and the entire growth period of the fruit will be affected.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Tea wing bugs harm the fruit

<h1>3. Morphological characteristics</h1>

1. Morphological characteristics of the hemp skin bug

(1) Adult worms

Adult hemp-skin bugs are brownish-black, with a body length of about 18 to 24.5 mm and a body width of about 8 to 11 mm, and there are many small yellow-white spots on the dorsal and forewings of adult insects, and the spots are irregular, the head is narrow and long, and there is a yellow longitudinal line from the top of the head to the shield of the back, and the longitudinal line is located in the center of the entire back. The adult head has two antennae with five segments, the antennae are black, the feet are three pairs, the edges of the anterior and lateral ends of the dorsal plate of the anterior thorax are yellow, while the thoracic web is yellowish white with black notchs.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Adult hemp skin bugs

(2) Nymphs

The hemp-skin bug nymph has five instars , and the original nymphs have red, white, and black patterns , with a nearly rounded body , and three thick black stripes on the back of the nymph's abdomen. Old mature nymphs are reddish brown, some old mature nymphs are black brown, and the old larvae have a yellow longitudinal line from the top of the head to the small shield on the back, similar to the adults, and there are four pale red spots in the middle of the dorsal plate of the forebreast that are arranged horizontally, the two spots on the inside are significantly larger than the two spots on the outside, and there are three dark spots in the middle of the back of the abdomen that are arranged longitudinally, and it is worth mentioning that these three spots have two pale red odor glands arranged horizontally.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Hemp-skinned bugs are old mature nymphs

(3) Eggs

The eggs of the hemp skin bug are grayish-white drum-shaped, and the top of the cut egg is covered, and the edges are long with spiny hairs, which are generally arranged in a lumpy manner.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Hemp skin bugs in various forms

2. Morphological characteristics of tea-winged bugs

Adult tea-winged bugs are tea-brown flattened oval in shape, with a body length of about 15 mm and a body width of about 9 mm, with a pair of five-segment brown antennae, and the front of the fourth and fifth segments of the antennae are yellowish-white. The adults have a slight prominence on both sides of the dorsal plate of the anterior thorax, and there are four laterally arranged yellow-brown spots at the anterior edge of the anterior thorax dorsal plate, and five yellow spots arranged horizontally at the front of the small shield of the mid-thorax, and the spots on both sides are more pronounced than the spots on the medial side. It is worth mentioning that the adult has black notches on the dorsal plate of the forebrewing, the leathery part of the forewings, and the small shield.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Tea-winged bugs are adults

The nymphs of the tea-winged bugs are five years old, the first nymphs are white and nearly round, and slowly turn black-brown as they grow, while the abdomen is orange-yellow with a rectangular black spot between the two nodes of each abdominal node, for a total of eight pairs. Old nymphs are similar to adults, with the difference that old nymphs do not have wings.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Tea-winged bugs are old mature nymphs

The eggs of the tea-winged bug are milky white cylindrical in shape, about 0.7 mm in diameter, about 1.2 mm high, arranged in a single row, and the edges of the eggs are ringed with more than 40 short spiny hairs, which will slowly change from milky white to black brown when the eggs are nearly hatched.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Tea wing bugs in various forms

<h1>Fourth, the occurrence of habits</h1>

(1) Occurrence habit of hemp skin bugs

(1) Occurrence law

Hemp skin bugs occur only one generation a year in apple cultivation areas in northern China, while in Apple cultivation areas such as Anhui and Jiangxi, two generations occur a year, no matter in which region, hemp skin bugs are in adult form under the eaves, cracks in walls, stone wall crevices, and grass and deciduous places for wintering. In late April of the following year, the adults begin to sting, and generally the adults after wintering will first endanger other host plants, and by mid-May, they will enter the orchard for harm.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Hemp-skin bugs hatching nymphs

(2) Growth law

Adult hemp bugs generally begin to lay eggs in mid-May, while early to mid-June is the peak of spawning, and eggs are usually laid on the back of the leaves. A small number of nymphs are slowly seen in early June, with hatching nymphs clustering on the back of apple leaves, and second- and third-instar nymphs beginning to disperse their activities to harm. In July and August, the old nymphs begin to feather into adults. It is worth mentioning that adult insects have a strong ability to fly, when they are disturbed, they will secrete odorous liquid to protect themselves, in the morning and evening when the temperature is low, they will fall to the ground, and when the temperature rises at noon, they will fly away.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

(2) Occurrence habits of tea wing bugs

Tea-winged bugs occur in apple cultivation areas in North China for 1 to 2 generations a year, while in apple cultivation areas in the south can occur for 5 to 6 generations a year, regardless of which area is a female adult after fertilization in the wall cracks inside and outside the orchard, under the eaves, grass piles, tree holes and other hidden places for wintering. Adults overwintering in mid-to-late April of the following year begin to sting, while mid-to-late May begin to shift to the orchards. It is worth mentioning that the adult generations that overwinter have a very long lifespan, generally about three hundred days. Moreover, adult insects will cause harm in the young fruit stage of apples until the harvesting period, but they are more seriously affected in the young fruit stage.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

After wintering, adult tea-winged bugs lay eggs in late May, mostly on the back of apple leaves, and in mid-June, eggs are at their peak, and eggs are still hatched until early August. The first generation of nymphs will begin to lie still on the egg shell, after about five days began to disperse the pest, and in early to mid-July, the first generation of adult worms will appear, generally the adults that appear in early July are mostly eggs laid before the beginning of June, and the first generation of adults will quickly lay eggs, resulting in the occurrence of the second generation of adults. If the eggs are laid after early June, they will generally feather into adults after mid-August, and at this time, the adults will only occur for one generation.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

<h1>Fifth, scientific prevention and control technology</h1>

Since the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug have very similar growth habits and hazard characteristics, the same control technology can be adopted for the control of these two apple insect pests.

1. Artificial hunting and prevention

Adult insects before wintering and stinging period will crawl on the wall, stay, after discovery should be timely hunting, autumn in the orchard set up grass piles to lure ready to overwinter adult insects, special attention is that if there are houses in the orchard should be set up on the south side of the house grass pile, so that the effect is better, before entering the winter, the grass pile set up for centralized burning, kill the grass pile in the grass pile to be ready to overwinter adults. Before the apple germinates, the weeds, leaves, dead branches and other places in the orchard that are conducive to the overwintering of pests are thoroughly cleaned up and destroyed in a concentrated manner, so as to destroy the wintering places of pests and eliminate the source of overwintering insects.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

Clean the orchard in time

2. Fruit bagging control

In the cultivation of apples as far as possible to use fruit bagging technology, the use of fruit bags to prevent the fruit from being infested by pests, it should be noted that in the bagging is best to choose a double bag, the fruit and the bag should be left between a certain gap, in order to prevent adults from sucking fruit in the bag.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

3. Spray control

Spray control is the most effective measure to control these two pests, and the most critical part of spray control is the time of spraying and the agent used, the specific spraying method is to spray in May when the pests begin to migrate to the orchard, so as to prevent the pests from migrating to the park, spraying once every seven days to ten days, spraying about three times in a row. In addition to this, spraying is carried out during the peak spawning period of pests and during the peak of nymph hatching and adult infestation.

Commonly used effective agents are: 40% chlorpyrifos wettable powder 1000 ~ 1200 times liquid, 24% amidoxic water agent 800 ~ 1000 times liquid, 5% high efficiency cypermethrin emulsion 3000 ~ 4000 times liquid, 52.25% chlorellogen chlorpyrifosom emulsion 1500 ~ 2000 times liquid, 90% amidovir wettable powder 3000 ~ 4000 times liquid, 20% cypermethrin emulsion 2000 times liquid, etc.

How to distinguish and control apple-like insect pests hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs? The article takes you to understand clearly the first, the introduction of the hemp skin bug and the tea wing bug Two, the hazard characteristics three, the morphological characteristics four, the occurrence habit five, the scientific prevention and control technology

The orchard sprays insect pests

The above are the harmful characteristics, morphological characteristics, occurrence habits and scientific control techniques of apple insect pest hemp skin bugs and tea wing bugs. These two pests are very similar in both habit and harm to apples, and they are all insect pests that seriously harm apple fruits, and often do not prevent and control them in time to bring very large economic losses, so fruit farmers should master scientific control technology, timely control of these two insect pests, to avoid losses caused by insect pests.

Text: Agricultural technology miscellaneous

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