
Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

author:Read Panda Magazine
Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

It is a smaller body

Marine mammals

The body is perfectly streamlined

The back is blue-black-grey

The abdomen is white

Loves group life

It is beautiful in shape


Good frolicking

Known for being friendly to people

It is

The wise man of the sea , the dolphin

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Jonas von Werne 摄

Animal ID card

Features: body length of more than 2 meters; love to live in groups; temperament is gentle, intelligent and sensitive

Living area: the world's oceans

Food: fish, shrimp, squid, etc

Animal profiles

Dolphins belong to the family Dolphins, and the Pilot Whales, Killer Whales, and Black Cetaceans also belong to this family, which are essentially large dolphins. The dolphin family evolved from the late Oligocene more than 20 million years ago, and there are about 37 species in 17 genera, which is the largest family of cetaceans, and the modern close relatives are porpoises and horned cetaceans, and the three families together constitute the dolphin family.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Source: Long Whale Groan

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

They have a well-developed sonar system, rely mainly on echo positioning function when active, and have excellent hearing in both water and air. The nostrils are on the top of the head and are used for outlet ventilation. The body size varies from 1 meter long and 30 kg weight (pygmy dolphin) to 9.5 meters long and 14 tons (killer whale), and morphological characteristics vary. They have complex brain grooves, good memory, and can learn many movements under human training, and are one of the most intelligent animal families.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

killer whale

Mike Doherty 摄

You don't know about dolphins

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Photo by Ranae Smith

Aquatic athletes

The dolphins we know as universal dolphins and bottlenose dolphins. Many writers have mentioned dolphins as child mounts or rescuers of people who have fallen into the water, these are these two species.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Yale Cohen 摄

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

bottlenose dolphin

Dolphins are aquatic athletes. If we humans do not wear wetsuits, we can only dive up to 30 meters underwater, while dolphins have a diving record of 300 meters, which is 10 times the depth of human diving. Their swimming speed is even more amazing, swimming about 15 meters per second, and they can catch a medium-speed torpedo.

Intelligent animals

The dolphins participating in the performance can do arithmetic and even play table tennis, which is really excellent. Dolphins' cleverness is based entirely on their complex brain grooves. Dolphins account for 1.17% of their own body weight, and in the animal kingdom, they belong to high IQ. Their memory and reflexes are extremely strong, and they can naturally practice many skills.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Silviu Georgescu 摄

Amazing listening

Experiments have been conducted to blindfold dolphins and muddy the water, but dolphins, with their amazing hearing, can still find food accurately and quickly. Their ears can not only measure the distance, direction and location of food, but also can distinguish the shape and nature of food, which is really magical.

A close friend of humanity

Docile dolphins are very willing to get close to people. They are even friendlier to humans than dogs and horses. They are willing to play and play with people. When swimming in the sea, if they happen to encounter a human who accidentally falls into the water, they will pick it up and send it to the shore.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Sung Jin Cho 摄

Dolphin Fun Facts

There are many legends about dolphins, and some of them are true. For example, the Greek historian Rotusto recorded an incredible story in his book The Legend of Arion: Arion was a famous lyric poet and musician living on the island of Lesborg in the 6th century BC, who, after touring Italy, took a large amount of money and took a boat to return to Colintown, on the way, the sailors saw the money and tried to kill them. At that time, Arian asked him to sing another song, and the sailors agreed. Who knows, his beautiful song has attracted countless sea beasts. After he was thrown into the sea, one of them drove him all the way to the shore. This mysterious animal is the famous dolphin.

The mount of the gods, the ancient legend of the dolphin

The ancient Greeks were so fond of dolphins that they believed that seeing the white waves of dolphins jumping out of the water around the ship symbolized good luck coming; in Greek mythology, dolphins also appeared frequently - the most famous is the story of the bard Arion and the dolphin.

Arión, the son of Poseidon, was robbed by sailors in a boat and eventually forced to jump into the sea, and when he was about to drown, Arion opened his mouth and sang a song. A dolphin, touched by Arion's beautiful singing, swung its tail fins to swim to his side and rescue him ashore.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

An ancient silver coin in the shape of a riding Arian

Image source: Network

To this day, in the Temple of Poseidon in Greece, there is a statue of Arion riding a dolphin, and the sacred beast symbolizing poseidon, the god of the sea, also happens to be a beautiful dolphin. In addition, in the Palace of Nossos in Crete, beautiful dolphins can be seen everywhere in the huge murals.

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Dolphin murals in The Palace of Nosos


Due to the extremely wide distribution of dolphins

There are many kinds

Scientists have never been able to give

The exact data counts their existing quantities

But we can't be blindly optimistic

Back in 2008

This is what the IUCN survey report shows

About a quarter of the whales and dolphins are extant

All are under existential threat to varying degrees

Even facing extinction

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Pascal van de Vendel 摄

Dolphins are large carnivores

At the top of the food chain

Except for the more ferocious sharks

Other marine life is largely non-threatening

It can be said that dolphins face such a survival dilemma

The biggest driving force behind the scenes is still humans

Although dolphins are in very rare times

It also attacks people

But this is the same as the slaughter of them by the hunters

Simply can't compare

Some places even have a "Dolphin Killing" festival

Dolphins slaughtered every year around the world

Tens of thousands

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Claude Sanders 摄

Since January 2019

There have been 1,100 dolphin carcasses

Washed up on the Atlantic coast of France

The bodies of these dolphins are mutilated

The double fins were cut off


The number in 2018 has increased compared to 2017

Even the highest in 40 years

90% of dolphin deaths are caused by entanglement in industrial fishing nets

The cause of the death surge remains a mystery

In 1988

All species of the dolphin family are included

List of Wild Animals under National Key Protection

Among them, the Chinese white dolphin is a national first-class protected animal

Other dolphins are national grade II protected animals

These spirits of the sea need our protection

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Jeremy Bishop 摄

Various damaged creatures

All need our protection

It's just about protecting dolphins

It always allows us to see more humanity

Dolphins in ancient Greek are "δελφίς"

Meaning "soul in the sea"

I wish the soul of the sea

Be able to swim in the sea forever

Mind and body

What about you

Nature's Quest | The spirit of the sea , the dolphin

Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky

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(The content of this article is based on Baidu Encyclopedia, Animal Encyclopedia, etc. See watermark for picture sources)