
A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

author:Cheng said science talk

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, it is a type of vitamin B family, vitamin B12 can not be synthesized in the human body, can only be obtained from food.

Vitamin B12 is a necessary substance to maintain the health of the human nervous system and manufacture red blood cells, and also has physiological functions such as protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and cell division.

Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods, such as liver, meat, eggs, milk, etc., and vitamin B12 is basically absent from plant foods.

The absorption of vitamin B12 into the human body is affected by a variety of factors, such as gastric acid, pepsin, gastric factors, etc., some people such as vegetarians, excessive weight loss, long-term use of antibiotics or long-term digestive diseases, are prone to insufficient intake or absorption disorders, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge


A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

Relieves anemia: Vitamin B12 is necessary for the production of red blood cells, for anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, vitamin B12 supplementation can significantly improve anemia symptoms.

Improve neurological problems: Vitamin B12 can maintain nervous system health, significantly improve neurological problems such as numbness and pain in hands and feet, and also help prevent Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

Improves cardiovascular health: Vitamin B12 reduces homocysteine levels, which in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Improve fatigue and depression: Vitamin B12 is helpful for relieving fatigue and improving physical strength, while also improving mood problems such as depression.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

Improve cervical spondylosis: vitamin B12 can repair damaged nerves, promote bone growth, for often sedentary office workers or student parties, cervical spine is often prone to problems, so usually should pay attention to supplementing vitamin B12, can repair bones, improve cervical spine problems.

Improve menstrual disorders: Many women often have irregular menstruation, which may be related to many factors, but over time will affect the health of the body, and vitamin B12 can unblock blood veins, assist hormone secretion, and improve menstrual disorders.


When taking vitamin B12, be aware of these issues

It is recommended to supplement under the guidance of a doctor, because each person's constitution and situation are different, and it is necessary to develop a suitable supplement plan according to the specific situation.

If you have certain diseases, such as liver disease, blood diseases, or malignant tumors, it is recommended to supplement them under the guidance of a doctor.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

Vitamin B12 can be carried out through dietary intake and drug supplementation, if you choose to consume vitamin B12 through the diet, it is recommended to increase foods rich in vitamin B12, such as liver, milk, eggs, etc. If vitamin B12 supplementation with drugs is chosen, it is recommended to choose the appropriate dosage form and dosage under the guidance of a doctor.

If you experience uncomfortable symptoms such as stomach upset, rash, etc. after taking vitamin B12, you should stop taking it in time and consult a doctor.

Vitamin B12 can interact with other medications, such as antibiotics, antigout, etc., and it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking the drug.


Foods rich in vitamin B12 may wish to be eaten with comparison

Liver: Liver (beef liver, pork liver, sheep liver, etc.) is a very rich food with vitamin B12.

Seafood: such as abalone, seaweed, mussels, clams, etc.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

Lean meats: Lean meats include beef, pork, and lamb, and are also foods rich in vitamin B12.

Fish: sea bass, trout, salmon, tuna and lobster, etc.

Milk and dairy products: milk, yogurt, cheese, yoghurt products, etc.

Eggs: Egg yolks are high in vitamin B12.

Processed grains: The cell walls in processed grains are rich in vitamin B12, such as whole grain bread, cereals, etc.


Who is suitable for vitamin B12 supplementation?

Elderly: As people age, their ability to absorb and utilize vitamin B12 decreases, so the elderly need additional vitamin B12 supplementation.

Vegetarian: Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods, such as meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, etc., vegetarians need to get enough vitamin B12 by consuming vitamin B12 supplements or vegetarian foods rich in vitamin B12.

A small bottle of vitamin B12 may "improve" 6 diseases, read the knowledge

Patients with digestive diseases: Some gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, gastrectomy, etc., may affect the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12 and require additional vitamin B12 supplementation.

Pregnant and lactating women: Many women need additional vitamin B12 for physiological reasons, such as pregnancy or lactation, to ensure the normal development of the fetus or baby.

People who eat too much protein-rich foods for a long time: Protein-rich foods, such as red meat, poultry, shrimp, shellfish, eggs, etc., will affect the absorption of vitamin B12, therefore, appropriate vitamin B12 supplementation is required.