
Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

As the saying goes, there is often a saying that "a plate of crabs, a top table dish",

It is conceivable that crabs are a delicacy in food.

It is not only crispy and strange in taste, but also rich in nutrients,

It is a high-protein supplement that is favored by people.

Although there are crabs eaten all year round,

But in autumn, it is the best season to eat crabs.

It is said that "the autumn wind rises, the crab feet itch; the chrysanthemum blossoms, smell the crabs come",

Every year from September to October, it is the time when the crab is full of yellow and oil,

Therefore, there is a foodie saying that "eating crabs is the most solemn thing in autumn".

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

<h1>Nutritional value of crabs</h1>

Crab is rich in protein and trace elements,

For the cosmetic effects of protein,

We already know a thing or two.

And trace elements are found in skin beauty

It also occupies a very important position,

For example, magnesium is one of the main components of many enzymes in the body;

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Has an activating effect on some enzymes in the body,

Can maintain the smoothness of the skin;

Zinc and selenium have anti-lipid peroxidation effects,

They scavenge free radicals from the body,

protects the skin from lipid peroxidation damage,

Leaves skin soft, smooth and wrinkle-free from the surface.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Chinese medicine believes that crabs have detoxification and detoxification,

Nourish the muscles and blood, pass through the meridians,

The effect of replenishing bone marrow, continuing injury, nourishing liver and yin.

For injuries, jaundice, bruising, sore waist and legs,

And rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases have a certain therapeutic effect.

Crab is rich in protein and essential nutrients for the human body,

It has a good tonic effect on the body.

<h1>People who should not eat crabs</h1>

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Crabs are good, but don't be greedy

1. Those with spleen and stomach deficiency should not eat or eat less crabs

Crabs are cold, and after eating, they are prone to abdominal pain, diarrhea or indigestion. In addition, patients with chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers are best not to eat crabs, because it is easy to recur or aggravate the old disease after eating. If you cause abdominal pain and diarrhea after eating crabs, you can use 15 grams of perilla and 5 slices of ginger to relieve pain and diarrhea.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

2. Cardiovascular patients should not eat crabs

Crabs contain high cholesterol, 235 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of crab meat, 460 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of crab yellow, patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, eating foods containing too much cholesterol, will lead to increased cholesterol, aggravating the development of cardiovascular disease, so you should eat less or not eat crabs, especially crab yellow.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

3. People with colds and flus and fevers should not eat crabs

The diet of cold and flu should be light, high-protein crabs are not easy to digest and absorb, and it is easy to make the cold difficult to heal or aggravate the disease after eating.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

4. Patients with hepatitis should not eat crabs

Hepatitis patients due to gastric mucosal edema, bile secretion disorders, digestive function is reduced, and crab meat is rich in protein, not easy to digest and absorb, resulting in food easy to stay in the intestines of the decay, often easy to cause indigestion and bloating, nausea, vomiting, and even cause a large number of liver cells necrosis, aggravating the disease.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

5. The elderly should not eat more crabs

Due to the "aging" of the digestive system organs of the elderly, the decline of function, and the poor digestion and absorption capacity, crab eating should be based on tasting and should not be eaten more. When eaten, it can be dipped in ginger vinegar juice to remove its cold. In addition, due to the imperfect development of digestive organs and poor digestion and absorption capacity, young children should not eat more crabs.

6. People with biliary diseases such as cholecystitis and cholelithiasis should not be crabs

Cholecystitis, the formation of gallstones and excessive cholesterol and metabolic disorders in the body have a certain relationship, eating crabs is easy to make the disease recur or become heavier.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

7. People with allergies should avoid eating crabs

After such people eat crabs, specific crab proteins enter the body through the permeable intestinal wall and allergic reactions occur, producing a large amount of histamine, etc., causing spasm of smooth muscles such as gastrointestinal tract, angioedema, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea; some can also cause urticaria or asthma. In addition, people with skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, ringworm, and sore poison should also eat with caution, because eating crab can make the condition worse.

<h1>Dry pot spicy crab</h1>

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab


Crab, lettuce, carrot, yam, onion, red pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger,

Peppercorns, star anise, beef tempeh sauce, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking oil

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Raw materials, crabs to clean up, go to the gills, cut the feet into pieces.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Lettuce carrot yam cut into strips. Onion, onion ginger shredded.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Use chilled sea crabs, so be sure to blanch water and put peppercorns and ginger in the water. This makes it tastier.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Blanched crabs control dry water,

Marinate with salt, pepper, starch for ten minutes.

Fry the golden brown in the frying pan and fish out the yam, and the yam is also fried golden.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Fry chili peppers and garlic over low heat, garlic slightly yellow as well.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Add the shallot ginger, star anise, onion, sauté until fragrant, and add the beef tempeh sauce.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Pour in the lettuce, sauté the carrots, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, and half a bowl of boiling water.

Autumn wind, crab fat, crab is delicious, eating need to contraindicate the nutritional value of crab should not eat crab crowd dry pot spicy crab

Pour in the crab and yam and mix well, add salt and simmer for 10 minutes. Just put MSG out of the pan.

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