
This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

author:Wang Daye's cat
This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Text/Wang Daye's cat

Titak is a vibrant tabby cat who doesn't like to be alone and likes to get the attention of its owner.

The hostess, Simin Zargaran, and her husband, who are going out to work during the day, are worried that Titak will be lonely when he is alone at home, so they want to find a little friend for him.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

It was then that Westminster and his friends rescued a litter of kittens that were all around.

The mother cat may have temporarily left the kittens for survival reasons, and when it returned again, her physical condition was very poor. Westminster immediately provided medical help to the mother cat.

During this time together, Westminster developed a relationship with one of the kittens.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

She saw a shadow of Titak as a child in kittens, and she decided to make kittens a part of the family. At the same time, she also found a new home for the mother cat and several other kittens.

(Titak as a child)

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

On the first day the kitten came to the house, Westminster decided not to let Titak see the kitten first, and wanted to introduce the kitten to him slowly.

But as soon as Titak heard the kitten's scream, he immediately ran over and wanted to meet the kitten.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

At this time, the kitten has not yet adapted to the new environment, it has a high degree of vigilance, immediately makes a "hissing" sound at Titak, and tries to make itself look bigger by inflating its own fur.

Titak didn't mind at all, watching the kitten from a distance, waiting for the moment to get closer.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

The domineering kitten soon took over the living room. Whenever Titak tried to get closer to it, it would take a ferocious posture and would even stand up with its hind paws to scare Titak away.

But the more the kitten did this, the more Titak wanted to know it.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

"Kung Fu pays off". After a few days, the kittens finally got used to the smell of Titak. It even went to Titak's bed and rubbed it on the blanket.

Seeing this, Titak was so happy that he immediately groomed the kitten.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Since then, the two little ones have been playing together.

Titak quickly assumes the role of "bodyguard", following the kitten around, making sure the little troublemaker is out of trouble.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

It shares the baskets, toys, blankets, beds, etc. it has with the kittens.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

When the kitten eats, sleeps or plays, it is always by the side to keep the kitten safe.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Titak is taking good care of this little friend, even if the kitten becomes naughty and noisy every day, Titak has always tolerated it and taught him a lot of cat skills.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Westminster said: "We are very happy and grateful to see these two little guys get along so well. ”

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm
This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Seeing this, there will be friends who will say: "It is said that cats are not afraid of loneliness, do they really need friends?" ”

Cat behaviorist Ingrid Johnson wrote: "Cats are lone hunters, but not lonely species. ”

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

Cats are very dependent on their living environment and their owners. If it is a single cat family, the owner is the only emotional sustenance of the cat.

If the owner is away from home for too long, such as more than 7 hours, the cat may have the idea of "running away from home" due to anxiety. In contrast, cats from multi-cat families can play together and release stress and anxiety, which is much better.

This cat does not like to be alone, and when the owner brings home a stray kitten, its response is super warm

However, the welcome of new members should respect the views of the "indigenous peoples". Shovelers should decide on a case-by-case basis and take into account all factors.

I hope the shovelers and cats can be happy every day

Image credit: ins/titakandbolur

For more excitement, pay attention to Wang Daye's cat!