
Hao Yidao (Modern Story)

author:Red candle reminiscences
Hao Yidao (Modern Story)

Although Xuncheng is a small town, it is extremely prosperous.

The merchants rushed to the large salt field north of the city.

The Hao family was once the largest salt merchant in Xuncheng. It is said that the tree is a big move, and the big boss Hao Bancheng was later tied up by the sea bandits. The Hao family reported to the officials, but the official government took a large amount of silver from the Hao family, and the Xingshi mobilized the crowd to encircle and suppress them, and as a result, the people and money were empty, and Hao Bancheng was torn up by the black old third.

Without Hao Bancheng, the Hao family gradually declined, until the Second Young Master Hao Yuntian returned to Xuncheng to open a Western medical center.

Hao Yuntian has been talented and intelligent since childhood, and Hao Bancheng has always expected him to succeed in his studies and honor his ancestors. Unexpectedly, Hao Yuntian was not greedy for a career, stayed in France, and immersed himself in studying medicine.

The medical equipment that Hao Yuntian brought back was enough to open the eyes of the people of Xuncheng City. Especially those small scalpels, Hao Yuntian held in his hand and said, "Don't look at this thing, with it can open the stomach, get rid of the disease in the hand, and come back to life from the dead."

Those old Chinese medicine doctors in Xuncheng all laughed and said that a hairy boy was nothing more than taking some Western things to make things up. If the body is subjected to its parents and the internal organs are cut off, is there any reason to survive?

The people of Xuncheng were naturally afraid and did not dare to seek Hao Yuntian's treatment.

On this day, the medical hall was cold, hao Yuntian was wandering around, passing by the residence of the governor of Wu County, and met a midwife who was scolded and scolded by the messenger and drove out of the door. When I asked, I learned that the concubine who was the most beloved of The Governor of Wu County had difficulty giving birth, and several midwives in the city were helpless. Hao Yuntian was eager to save people's hearts and went straight to Wu Mansion.

The impatient Governor Wu County, as soon as he saw Hao Yuntian, could not be polite, so he took him into the inner room. I saw that the little concubine's belly was swollen like a drum, drenched in sweat, rolling and wailing, and in pain. Hao Yuntian looked closely for a moment, turned to the governor of Wu County, and said that there was a huge tumor in the wife's abdomen, blocking the birth canal. Only surgery, otherwise life is not guaranteed.

The governor of Wu County was in a hurry, but when he heard that he wanted to cut his abdomen and take the child, he was afraid. Hao Yuntian repeatedly advised that this was called caesarean section, and this method had long been used in the West.

The governor of Wu County eventually took the concubine to Hao Yuntian's medical center. After about half an hour, Hao Yuntian cut a globular sarcoma, and then a baby boy was successfully born. The governor of Wu County, seeing that the mother and son were safe, was overjoyed, and thanked Hao Yuntian with a heavy sum of money, and personally led people to beat gongs and drums, and sent a huge plaque with the following letter: "Brilliant Hand Hao Yi Knife."

Since then, Hao Yuntian's fame has been greatly enhanced, and there has been an endless stream of people seeking medical treatment.

Within two years, the Japanese invaded and occupied The City, and for a while it was bloody and rainy. The medical center was mostly innocent civilians who had been stabbed and shot by the Japanese, and Hao Yuntian tried his best to heal them.

Late one night, dogs barked and guns continued to bark on the street, and the medical center broke into two masked men with guns and a seriously injured man. One of them, holding his fist, begged Hao Yuntian to save the life of his eldest brother.

The bullet is close to the heart, and the life hangs in the balance. Saving people is like putting out a fire, Hao Yuntian did not hesitate, and ordered the wounded to be carried to the operating table. Tearing off the masked cloth of the big man, Hao Yuntian was frightened, and it turned out that this person was the black old third who killed his father's enemy.

An unforgettable hatred immediately surged into my heart. Hao Yuntian gritted his teeth in anger, his eyes were on fire, and the scalpel in his hand was constantly trembling.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door, only to see a person with a gun close to the door, and one person said uneasily, was it discovered by the Japanese? The other, undaunted, pulled a grenade out of his arms and scolded, "Big deal, let's break the net of a dead fish."

When Hao Yuntian saw this, he couldn't help but ask, "You killed the Japanese?" The grenadier casually said that the Ming people do not do secret things, the eldest brother and the two of them just blew up the devil's arsenal, and when they retreated, the eldest brother was shot by Dog Day.

Hao Yuntian hesitated for a moment, looked at the black old third who was still shouting "kill the devil" in his coma, shook his head and sighed, and then leaned over to do the operation.

Remove the bullet and treat the wound. The two were afraid that they would be hunted down by the Japanese at dawn and wanted to take away the black old man. Hao Yuntian persuaded him to stop, saying that there was a secret room in the backyard where he could hide, and it was not too late to go after a few days of recuperation.

Fortunately, the black old third body was strong, and he recovered his vitality after a few days. When he left, he learned that it was Hao Yuntian who did not remember his former vendetta. After saving his own life, Hei Laosan was full of guilt and asked Hao Yuntian why he did not take advantage of this to end his revenge of killing his father. Hao Yuntian said, Although you have a vendetta against me for killing my father, the country is in trouble, the hatred of the country is greater than the family vendetta, saving your life is to kill the devils against you, and there is also the backbone and conscience of Chinese.

After some time, one day and a half, Hao Yuntian had just fallen asleep, when suddenly, there was a chaotic and rough knock on the door.

Hao Yuntian's assistant opened the door and immediately dodged aside in fright. Two Japanese soldiers with dangling bayonets burst in, followed by two Japanese soldiers carrying stretchers.

On the stretcher lay a comatose Japanese officer. The interpreter said that Taijun was assassinated by anti-Japanese elements, the bullet hit the chest, and no doctor with the army could perform such a major operation.

Hao Yuntian recognized the wounded at a glance, the most ferocious Japanese gendarmerie captain Kawao Shosa. XunCheng didn't know how many people had died under the butcher's knife of this demon beast.

Hao Yuntian's heart was shocked, and he quickly made a decision.

Hao Yuntian excused himself to open his assistant, then cleaned his hands, washed his face, calmly put on a latest white coat, and then, walking to the operating table and operating the largest scalpel, he suddenly scraped open Chuanxiong's chest. Instead of looking for the bullet, he stuck the scalpel in Kawao's heart...

A few days later, the Japanese shot Hao Yuntian to death in Xuncheng Prison and brutally hung his body on the city gate tower for public display.

People in the past secretly lamented that Hao Yuntian was worthy of Hao Yi's knife.

That night, a flurry of gunfire rang out in Xuncheng. At dawn, people were surprised to find that Hao Yuntian's corpse was gone, replaced by the corpses of two Japanese soldiers.

It was done by the black old three people.

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