
The philosopher Russell, the chaos of his private life, only loves his friend and wife

author:Old Cao Rambling

The British philosopher Bertrand Russell was also a pacifist social activist and a Nobel Laureate in Literature. But behind such a gorgeous public appearance, Russell's private life was extremely debauched, and he had long been on the cusp of scandal. He had been married four times in his life, and when he married for the fourth time, he was already eighty years old, which showed how strong his sexual desire was. In fact, he often proudly talked about it in front of others, and his remarks, which were completely inconsistent with his status as a Nobel Laureate, often caused great displeasure to those around him.

Russell indulged in a fascination with male genitalia because it was a combination of sexuality and dominance. For such people, attractive members of the opposite sex are their prey, and they are not interested in the object of conquest himself, but in the process of appropriating the prey for himself. It can also be said that their conquest was an act of self-purpose. Therefore, they will spare no effort to take the opposite sex one by one, and once they do, their interest in prey will suddenly cool down. Their relationship with their lover or spouse is bound to remain unsettled.

Russell was particularly interested in the wives of friends or acquaintances. As people often say, in the world of pornography, the most delicious and delicious woman for men is someone else's wife. Russell also seems to be seduced by the magic of adultery, constantly infiltrating his friend's wife. The wife of the philosopher Whitehead and the wife of the poet Thomas Sturnas Eliot became the victims of Russell. Many people have broken up families or become insane as a result.

The reason why Russell can't establish a stable attachment relationship with just one woman should be related to his experiences as a child. Russell's mother fell ill and died when he was two years old, and the love between the parents was slightly strange before her mother died. The couple sympathized with the eldest son's governess who had been single because of tuberculosis, and the wife voluntarily gave up her body to satisfy the young man's desires. It is only in recent years that we have only begun to seriously discuss the issue of "sex volunteers", without knowing that this phenomenon existed one hundred and forty years ago. No matter how progressive the rationalists, in the Victorian era when the moral system was complex, the noble lady took the initiative to donate her body to a man other than her husband, which was whimsical. Thus, the intimate relationship between the wife and the son's governess may have occurred under the premise that the husband allows it.

Surprisingly, such an abnormal relationship occurred shortly after Russell was born. While Russell was developing an attachment relationship with his mother as a child, the mother began an intimate relationship with another man other than her husband. In such a situation, I am afraid that the mother's concern for her children is somewhat careless. Of course, according to the habits of the nobility at that time, the lady weaned her own children very early, and the children were fed by the nursing mother.

In addition, the reason why Russell is so obsessed with sex can be said to be related to an injury he suffered in his childhood. Once, the young Russell fell from the carriage, causing local physical damage, which may be the cause of the sequelae, and the young Russell suffered from impotence and fell into extreme inferiority.

The philosopher Russell, the chaos of his private life, only loves his friend and wife

Of course, there are probably spiritual reasons for Russell's sexual desire later, but russell in his youth is a young man who has extremely little confidence in his body.

Russell's first wife was five years older than him and was an extremely frigid woman. At that time, Russell's mind may have been to find a woman who suited him. However, as his impotence improved, after enjoying the joy of sex, he began to look for prey without hesitation. We can think that this is Russell's attempt to overcompense himself who once felt inferior to sex. In middle age, as a philosopher and pacifist activist, Russell's fame grew, and many female admirers who did activities with him formed his "deep palace backyard".

Russell's tireless desire to conquer women is rooted in his inability to build a stable love relationship with anyone. Unable to achieve the goal he was supposed to pursue, and thus falling into the same situation as the self-purposeful behavior we talked about earlier, Russell could only be trapped in a cyclical route of repeated compulsions without an exit.

Russell's type of people have a gorgeous appearance in the eyes of the world, excellent ability, full of self-confidence, but when you come into contact with them, you will find that you cannot empathize with them, and they are indifferent to the pain of others.

It is probably an ironic reality that we often encounter when ostensibly a pacifist social activist, even if his private life is completely contrary to his apparent aura, is still regarded as a world peace activist and enjoys a high reputation.

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