
After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one


The water rolling in the east of the Yangtze River, the waves exhaust the heroes. Even after the baptism of time, heroes are still remembered.

In the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression experienced by the Chinese nation, the touching deeds of countless anti-Japanese heroes made us deeply admire and move, and their families silently contributed to the motherland in invisible places.

Among them is the name of a hero: Yang Hucheng.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" >01 Patriotic hero, a family of four was killed</h1>

Patriotic general Yang Hucheng grew up in a poor family, in 1915, he joined the Patriotic Army, repeatedly built Qigong, and soon became a famous general of the Kuomintang.

In 1936, Yang Hucheng and Zhang Xueliang jointly launched a military advisory to detain Chiang Kai-shek and the entourage of key members of the Kuomintang government, demanding that the civil war stop and unite to resist Japan, which was the Xi'an Incident that shocked China and foreign countries.

Although the Xi'an Incident changed The history of China and ushered in the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists, Chiang Kai-shek was grumpy about it, and he held a grudge against Zhang and Yang, and finally, Chiang Kai-shek imprisoned Yang Hucheng in prison.

In 1949, when Nanjing was about to be liberated, the end of the Kuomintang reactionaries was coming, and the rout of the Kuomintang reactionaries was a foregone conclusion, and Chiang Kai-shek immediately ordered the brutal killing of Yang Hucheng in the Dai Gong Ancestral Hall in Chongqing.

Along with him, his 20-year-old son Yang Zhengzhong was killed, and the Kuomintang reactionaries brutally murdered his 8-year-old daughter, Yang Zhenggui.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Yang Hucheng's wife Xie Baozhen, who was by his side at this time, was pregnant at the time and was tortured very painfully in prison, and finally Yang Hucheng died one step at a time.

Inside the prison, the heroic General Yang Hucheng's family was sacrificed under the cruel butcher's knife of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

In addition to the prison, there is Yang Hucheng's other wife Zhang Huilan and other 6 children who have a difficult life, what kind of life will they spend?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" >02 The wife has been widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children are biological</h1>

In 1916, when the 23-year-old Yang Hucheng was a battalion commander in the Kuomintang National Revolutionary Army, he had a good relationship with a Shaanxi businessman and often walked around the other side's home.

And this businessman has a 15-year-old righteous daughter - Luo Peilan, Luo Peilan is young and beautiful, talented, so that Yang Hucheng has a feeling for Luo Peilan and takes the initiative to propose to the businessman.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

The Shaanxi merchant also admired Yang Hucheng's young and promising, so he agreed to the two of them, and soon after, Yang Hucheng and Luo Peilan were married, but they did not know that at this time, the old mother had already arranged another affair for him.

After getting married, Yang Hucheng returned to his hometown to visit his relatives, but found that his old mother Sun Yilian had another wife for yang Hucheng during the time he left home, which was the daughter of a doctor in his hometown: Zhang Huilan.

Zhang Huilan has not read any books, but her personality is gentle and virtuous, very pleasing to her mother, and when Yang Hucheng is not at home, Zhang Huilan often accompanies Sun Yilian, almost equivalent to a family.

Although the Republic of China at that time had begun to implement monogamy, many people's concepts had not yet changed, and Zhang Huilan's father did not mind his daughter doing a partial house.

Therefore, under the arrangement of the parents of both sides, the marriage between Yang Hucheng and Zhang Huilan was also fixed, and they officially became relatives in 1919.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Soon after the two became intimate, Yang Hucheng quickly returned to the military camp and continued to fight in the south and the north, often accompanied by another wife, Luo Peilan, and Zhang Huilan took care of the elderly at home.

In 1922, Luo Peilan, who was pregnant, was not in a very good physical condition due to her conquest with her husband, coupled with the unstable situation at that time, Yang Hucheng sent her back to her hometown to recuperate.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Huilan was very sensible and took care of Luo Peilan as a sister, and the two were in love with sisters.

Under the care of Zhang Huilan, Luo Peilan successfully gave birth to Yang Hucheng's eldest son Yang Zhengmin, and then took his son back to Yang Hucheng's side, often accompanying Yang Hucheng around, and Zhang Huilan continued to take care of the elderly at home.

In 1924, Luo Peilan gave birth to her eldest daughter, but was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and Luo Peilan was worried about infecting her son, so Yang Hucheng sent her son Yang Zhengmin back to his hometown to be raised by Zhang Huilan.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

At that time, the war was tight, everywhere was unsafe, and Operland was already exhausted and terminally ill.

Before dying, Luo Peilan left a message for Zhang Huilan: "I can't do it!" We have the same husband, the world says it is a love enemy, but we are like sisters. After I die, the people of Salvation and Salvation will please you! "After saying that, I left the world."

The grieving Zhang Huilan secretly remembered Luo Peilan's instructions and did not dare to forget it for a moment.

Xi'an guarded the city gate under the leadership of Yang Hucheng, but as many as 30,000 people and soldiers died of starvation, Yang Hucheng was very tormented in his heart, and after handling Luo Peilan's funeral, Yang Hucheng was even more entangled.

The old mother and two children in the family are gathered with him, and he wants to fulfill the duties of his son and father, and at this time it is a time of crisis for the survival of the country, and the revolution also needs him.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

I have not read any books, but Zhang Huilan, who understands great righteousness, said to her husband: "If I flee with my mother, won't I let you do a hard job!" You have won the battle, but you have been defeated by yourself! If Sister Perrin were alive, she would have said it in two words. I'm incompetent!"

Under the persuasion of Zhang Huilan, Yang Hucheng instantly realized and admired Zhang Huilan's profound righteousness, so he went out again to fight for the country.

Later, Yang Hucheng met Xie Baozhen, a progressive student, and married him.

Xie Baozhen spent the most time with Yang Hucheng, giving birth to two sons and five daughters for him in total, and of the seven children, the second son Yang Zhengzhong and the young daughter Yang Zhenggui died together with Yang Hucheng.

In addition, there are three sons Yang Zhengya (who died early), the second daughter Yang Zhengmei, the third daughter Yang Zhengying, the fourth daughter Yang Zhenghan, and the fifth daughter Yang Zhenglu.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

In addition to taking care of a son and a daughter left by Luo Peilan, Zhang Huilan also had her own son Yang Zhengren.

In 1936, the Xi'an Incident broke out, and Yang Hucheng's mother was so angry that Yang Hucheng let the tiger return to the mountains.

Yang Hucheng himself also caused a heart attack, and all the burden of the family was placed on Zhang Huilan alone, who had to take care of her mother-in-law, husband, 5-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter at the same time.

Too many family affairs made Zhang Huilan busy every day, so that she did not find out that her son had scarlet fever, and it was too late to be sent to the hospital, and finally saw her son lose his breath.

At that time, her son was only six years old, Zhang Huilan was devastated, and once caused a mental disorder, Yang Hucheng thought of his wife's selfless efforts for the family for many years, and felt that he owed her.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Zhang Huilan

Later, Yang Hucheng was imprisoned by Chiang Kai-shek, along with his third wife, Xie Baozhen.

At this time, Zhang Huilan stepped forward again and took xie Baozhen's rest of the children back and raised them alone.

Luo Peilan gave birth to a son and a daughter, and Xie Baozhen gave birth to 4 daughters, because of her profound righteousness, the 6 children around her have all embarked on the correct revolutionary road, which can be described as a family full of loyal martyrs and serving the country and the people.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" >03 A loyal family, sons and daughters serve the country</h1>

Yang Zhengmin, the eldest son of Yang Hucheng, can see his father's hope for him from his name.

Yang Zhengmin joined the Communist Party of China very early, the tiger father has no dogs, his military talent is also very outstanding, at the age of 28 he became a cadre at the level of a full division.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

At that time, Peng Dehuai was also very optimistic about him, and even arranged for him to hold such a position as chief of staff, but Yang Zhengmin had his own ideas.

He knew that patriotism may not only take the military road, at that time China was in ruins to be rebuilt, he suddenly thought, maybe I can contribute to the country's industrial construction?

So he declined Peng Dehuai's invitation and threw himself into the oil construction work of New China.

In the end, he became the first generation of engineers in the new Chinese petroleum industry and made indelible contributions to the development of the motherland.

Coincidentally, Yang Zhenglu, the fifth daughter of the Yang family, was also admitted to the Department of Petroleum Geology of Northwest University with excellent results, chose the road of petroleum industry, and must be required to work in the front line, becoming the survey team leader of the geological team.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Yang Zhengmin

However, he did not expect that on a snowy night, Yang Zhenglu had an accident and froze to death in the wild because he wanted to complete the exploration task of the day.

At that time, she was only 22 years old, and she sacrificed her life for the oil industry in New China.

The remaining 4 daughters of Yang Hucheng also inherit Yang Hucheng's legacy and contribute their strength diligently in various fields for the motherland.

The eldest daughter, Yang Zhengkun, was responsible for the publications in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the second daughter, Yang Zhengmei, as a deputy to the National People's Congress and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made political contributions to New China.

The third daughter, Yang Zhengying, works in the Shaanxi Provincial Museum of Culture and History, and the fourth daughter, Yang Zhenghan, works in the Petroleum Administration and works until retirement.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Yang Zhengying

Zhang Huilan, who raised six children, has also not been able to remarry, widowed for 44 years, and she dedicated her life to the Yang family and the Chinese nation.

Although these children are not her own children, they all respect her and love her, and they all embark on the road of patriotism, none of them have disgraced the Yang family, and Yang Hucheng's patriotic spirit has deeply affected future generations.

Rong Ma lived his life as a nation, forever in the annals of history to shine in the ancient and modern times.

Brushing away the dust of history and looking back at Yang Hucheng's life, we find that General Yang Hucheng himself is undoubtedly a great hero for the country and the people.

What is even more touching is that whether it is Yang Hucheng's three wives or ten children, they all give up their small families, for everyone, put their personal self-interest behind, understand the great righteousness, and protect the country in a way that they can.

After Yang Hucheng was killed, his wife was widowed for 44 years, the eldest son refused to be arranged by the state, and the descendants were not simple 01 Patriotic heroes, a family of four were killed 02 The wife was widowed for 44 years, and none of the six children were born 03 A loyal family, and the children served the country one by one

Some of them have even paid their precious lives for making tremendous contributions to the revolutionary cause and construction of New China, and they still forge ahead without complaint or regret.

It is precisely because of the selfless dedication of countless such martyrs that we have the new China today.

Today, in the cemetery of General Yang Hucheng, the Yang family sleeps peacefully on the hot soil of the motherland, and people often go to commemorate the Yang family.

This prosperous world is also as they wished, the motherland is becoming more prosperous and stronger, and the spirit of heroes and martyrs and their families has inspired us from generation to generation.

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