
| Grace is power Author: Emerson Recitation: Wang Hui

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Author: Emerson Recitation: Wang Hui

We value grace because it has an invisible but immense power to shape people in the first place, to remove the emotional and spiritual dirt of human beings, to cleanse their bodies, to wrap them up, to make them stand upright.

The power of grace is like a source that never dries up, endlessly—it is a fire-like element, and no haze can hide its warm luster and warmth.

No matter what kind of country, whether it is a republican state or a democratic country, as in the feudal kingdom, the temperament of the nobility cannot be impersonated--the east will only make the ugly things more ugly.

No one can resist the influence of the wind like the sun! Certain graces learned in civilized societies have a certain extraordinary power: once a person has these graces, he or she is bound to be welcomed, respected, and admired everywhere, even though he or she does not possess beauty, wealth, or intelligence.

If you give a boy elegance to talk and craft, then you also give him the ability to rule the palace and control wealth wherever he goes. He didn't have to dig deep to earn or get all this, they would naturally plead with him to go into the palace and have wealth.

On the surface, this may seem like a trick, but it is as real as the sun rising from the east every morning.

For example, if we send shy, timid girls to boarding schools, equestrian schools, dance halls, or any other figure who can bring them close to the good influences of this gender, we will soon find that they have learned elegant manners and conversation through words and deeds.

The attractiveness of a fashionable woman, and her cowardly and cowering power, is due to the belief that she knows some strategies and manners that others do not yet understand. However, when others also grasp her secret, they no longer look up to her, but face to face with her, calmly get along with her, communicate...

The dominance of grace over people's elegance is being demonstrated every day, and it is a silent effect of moisturizing things. People who were once reckless are no longer reckless.

The mediocre circle also aspires to and learns the manners and manners of those who belong to the high order, which is something of a natural state or a cultural state, a product of a higher culture. On the surface, it may seem that no one pays attention to your demeanor, but the reality is that your demeanor is constantly under surveillance, by the "committees" that are rarely suspicious,—— a plainclothes "policeman".

But when you completely ignore this surveillance, they will use their words and actions to alert you to their existence: to give you a noble reward, or to refuse to give you a noble reward.

We are always talking about practicality, but we forget that what binds us together is grace.

During business hours, we just go to people who know what we want, or what we want to do, who either have what we need or can help us accomplish this or that we want to accomplish— at this time, the pragmatic mind fills our hearts, and we don't let the fun and emotions get in the way.

But as soon as business hours are over, this pragmatism dissipates and we quickly return to a state of laziness.

We will yearn for people who can make us feel laid back and at ease, for people who are in harmony with us in their words and demeanors, who can travel, play, and laugh with us... It's like a sunflower craving the sun all the time.

When we think about how demeanor makes people come and go, how to decorate people, how to draw people together; how demeanor shapes its members in all clubs, and how it determines the fate of ambitious young people (to a large extent, her demeanor marries him; equally to a large extent, she marries his demeanor).

When we think of what kind of keys grace is and what kind of secret locks can be opened; when we think of what precious lessons and what a joyful symbol of character can be conveyed by demeanor; when we think of how powerful the predictive power we must have in order to decipher this exquisite telegram...

When we think about all this, when we consider all the aspects involved, we see through the fog and see at the heart of this all-encompassing thesis, what it has to do with convenience, power, and beauty.

The first use of grace is very low-grade, that is, at this time it is only a lesser virtue, but we must not neglect it because of it, for it is precisely it, the beginning of civilization — I mean, it enables us to tolerate each other and live together in harmony.

In other words, it can strip them of the animal's skin and habits, forcing them to stay clean. It can scare away their malice and meanness, and teach them to move away from mean feelings and towards generous feelings. It tells them in its own clear voice that having generous feelings is far happier and more beautiful than everything they have done in the past.

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