
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

I want to ask, who else has not been killed by the stage of "Sister Lang 4"...

This season's stage concept focuses on a "no difficulty, no difficulty, no difficulty, no difficulty, no difficulty".

No matter what style you have, arrange the water stage all.

How deep is the water? Gong Linna directly staged "Small Box of Water":

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

The second gong's "Take Me to Find the Nightlife" is on the mattress trick.

High heels + soft mattress ... Katy Perry had to gasp when she came.

The final effect was also unsatisfactory, so messy that I didn't recognize it.

The stage creativity is strange, and the sister's performance is lackluster.

People can't help but ask:

Is the most attractive thing about "Sister Lang" still my sister?

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

What is the difference between "Sister Lang" and the girl group draft?

Previously, the dean could still say with certainty: Please, that's a sister!

In the first season, Jingjing's opening sentence "I still want to introduce who I am, I have worked for decades in vain" set the tone of the entire show.

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The sisters are not only performers and contestants, but also active and powerful creators.

On many stages, you can see that they make good use of their years of acting experience to come up with unique ideas.

For example, the reason why "Dream Man" is out of the circle is indispensable to Liu Lian's creativity as an advertiser, the taste of independent musicians, and Xue Kaiqi's control of details and intuition for performance.

The show also gave the sisters enough space to show their personalities and express themselves.

This is the embodiment of the sisters' ability and charm, and it is also a major attraction of this IP.

From song selection, meetings, practice rooms to rehearsals, a series of complete reality show content reflects the professionalism and creativity of the two.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

From the official stage to the encore canvassing performance, the sisters are thinking deeply about how to excel and even establish the victory.

The focus and professionalism of the sisters even made the staff feel pressure, and many famous scenes were born.

Always remember the scene where stage director Akenn suddenly collapsed in front of Serenity and the macho man cried...

The sisters negotiate with the program group, which is also a part that the audience likes to see.

For example, Jung so-yeon danced with Akenn (you again!) with Chinese for 16 accompaniments. Domineering negotiation, the queen is full of momentum:

Although it dragged for half a day, the program group only buttoned and gave 10 companion dancers.

But Jung so-yeon's girl group origin label is more reinforced, making people believe that she can always turn decay into magic on stage.

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On the other hand, "Wave 4", the funding has skyrocketed -

Without negotiation, the program team took the initiative to give a double-digit accompaniment.

Liu Yiyun's "Problem" stage, there are even as many as 60 accompanying dances.

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However, it is worth noting that the upgrade of stage funding is accompanied by the lack of reality TV content. Often after reading one or two episodes, I can't see the dominance and participation of my sisters.

To put it bluntly, the "sister flavor" has become lighter.

When Liu Xijun's group finished dancing and was suddenly told to perform on the mattress the whole time, everyone just passively accepted and practiced again.

I did not see the negotiation between them and the program team, put forward different opinions on the stage, and strive for a better and more secure way of performing.

Even if it's dancing on the ground?

Is it that the sisters don't know that the mattress stage is outrageous?

The dean believes that the sisters must have ideas and have the ability to make the stage better.

For example, Gong Linna's chanting in "The Sea of Flowers" and Mei Yi Liya's dance are all very personal and unique cadenzas.

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But the final presentation of reality shows, let alone stage ideas, rarely even sees the daily communication of the sisters.

...... It seems that only Gong Linna is tenaciously carrying this family.

Before "Sea of Flowers", a chat between her and Mei Yi Liya sublimated the friendship between the two.

Let us sigh that even powerful artists have facial anxiety, and sincere female friendship can transcend borders and languages, resonate and transmit power.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

The warm and vein scene embodied the word "Sino-Japanese exchange", enriched the level of stage performance, and achieved the real "human song and one", which should also correspond to the female perspective of this IP.

Unfortunately, such clips appear too rarely in "Wave 4".

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The content of reality shows that show the unique personalities of the sisters has been greatly reduced, so what new can our valued VIP see?

Koko turned out to be a bunch of format that deliberately caused controversy.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

For example, the quiz eliminates one of the two.

In the popularity vote, Chen Yihan ranked 28 and Xu Jingyun 29, which can completely eliminate Xu Jingyun according to the ranking.

The program group arranged a quiz, let the two sing and dance PK, and then let the sisters in the same group decide where they would stay.

After tossing for so long, the result was that Xu Jingyun was eliminated... The meaning of the script seems a little obvious.


The popularity of the show has increased, but the firepower and scolding have been transferred to the sisters.

Chen Yihan, who could have advanced directly, was scolded for not being strong, while the sisters who voted for her were accused of being "huddled".

Not only the matter of the quiz, after each episode of the program is broadcast, there will always be a wave of controversy rushing to the hot search, and the sisters take turns standing guard and being scolded.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

After a gong, there was a #Huahai actually lost #hot search, saying that Xie Na's "Dragon Fist" won unseemly.

Xie Na herself is very popular, and now she is even scolded to doubt life, and the latest fourth prince has collapsed mentality.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

But in fact, one of them is a five-person stage and the other is a two-person stage, there is no competition, and the number of votes is not easy to compare directly.

After eating a circle of melons, the dean only felt that it was worthy of "Sister Lang" -

The problem of highlighting the competition to catch horses and ignore the "life and death" of the sister has always existed.

Compared with the relaxed atmosphere of 17 people who debuted in one breath in "The Brother Who Broke Through Thorns", the tests suffered by the sisters are obviously too harsh.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

The experience and diverse femininity that should have been displayed were gradually forgotten in the cruel format, forgetting their original intentions.

The sisters who are the participants have the most direct feelings -

Tan Weiwei said that the reality show content of "Mountains and Seas" was not as good as she expected.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Tan Weiwei and Wang Xinling, one is as restrained as a mountain, and the other is as inclusive as the sea.

The two who were not accustomed to physical contact were touched by the stage of "Dream Man" and held hands on the stage, and after the end, Tan Weiwei cried and said to Wang Xinling:

"Thank you, you let me see the soft side of my heart."

It is not only a collision of musical ideas, but also a careful and gentle fusion between the mountain and the sea.

But the broadcast of the feature film makes the concept of "mountains and seas" become a general talk, as if a pure sound complex PK, just has the "explosive" side.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Even the program group itself is aware of this problem -

In the fourth season, director Ren Yang changed.

He said he was doing a new show that aimed to de-compete and emphasize cultural integration.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Emmm...... Such a beautiful Chinese language, I almost believed it without watching the main film!

What does this so-called "new show" present?

There should be no shortage of competitive elements, but while saying that it is not a sequel, he rubbed the IP of "Sister Lang".

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

From "Sister Lang" to "riding the wind", going around in circles or "heavy competition, women's group" situation, people can't help but think -

What should an all-female variety show do?

Is singing and dancing, good maintenance, competition and "tearing" the only concern of the public?

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

A while ago, I saw netizens say:

"I can't think of any way to bring my sisters together besides singing and dancing."

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Only then did I find that it is not that female variety shows are difficult to do, but that our imagination of women and female variety is too limited.

Since the hit "Sister Lang" became popular, it is more difficult to break out of the "female variety show = singing and dancing competition" mindset.

In addition to "Sister Lang", let's look at a limited number of female variety shows in the national complex, and they are always inseparable from the emotional dimension.

For example, four "poisonous tongue sisters" - Yang Tianzhen, Yang Li, Yi Lijing, Fu Seoul's "Expand Talk".

The scene of the show is a small cabin, with a strong sense of girlfriends' tea party.

But the name change of the show made everyone realize that not everything can be said.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

I don't know whether it was a reservation from the original conversation, or the presentation of the program was changed, and the final broadcast of the program content was not salty or light, and the sharpness was not as sharp as the views of many amateur bloggers.

This also makes it difficult for the show to go out of the loop, or to provoke deep thinking.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

There is also a women's talk show variety show "Listen to My Sister" of the same type, which also mostly revolves around emotions.

But it's hard to make people laugh, let alone expect to hear sharp female expressions.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

There are also some all-female variety shows, attached to the friendship of the sisters themselves -

"We Are Real Friends" allows Big S, Little S, Aya, Fan Xiaoxuan, four true friends with more than 20 years of friendship, to travel together, and the overall presentation is cheerful and warm.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

and the derivative variety show of "Sister Lang 3" - "The Seaside of the Band".

A few sisters were invited to form the band Line and run a music restaurant, which froze the beauty of a summer.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

These unattainable "acquaintance bureaus" form a more personal emotional realm with a small audience.

Fortunately, as "female variety shows" become more and more popular, the dean also sees a little novelty and the possibility of breaking the circle.

For example, the recent "Women's Reasoning Society" allows 6 female guests to integrate into the workplace environment created by 1:1, bringing an immersive, serial-style reasoning reality show.

Although the pace in the early stage is so slow that it is difficult to enter the play, too many elements of gags make the atmosphere of the case insufficient...

But the highlight is that it is no longer limited to emotions, incorporating puzzle forms of entertainment and social issues with real-life relevance.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

It also tells the unknown female friendship in the obscure details.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

At the same time, "Beautiful Battle" was also a similar idea, playing the label of "female version of running man", focusing on outdoor game reality shows.

However, the first issue was themed "love", and a bunch of male guests were invited, which made the dean think that he was in the wrong place...

Most of the game projects have been played by other variety shows, which are not attractive enough and are still keen on value.

The fourth issue can be regarded as a true all-female ensemble, and I felt the brain power and charm of the resident female guests after realizing it.

These two newborn "women's ensembles" are still immature and inadequate, but let us see -

Perhaps, what we need most is to jump out of the gender perspective and do all-female variety shows with a general perspective.

Just like when doing an all-male variety show.

Found it?

No one has ever specifically imagined what an all-male variety show should do.

Often the type of program is determined in advance: competition, bel canto, farming, drama, painting... Just bring in an all-male lineup.

It will not be advertised that this is an all-male variety show, because it is natural to form a "gang of men" and "youth group".

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Top: "Drama New Life", next "Let's Farm!" 》

Can't you follow a similar idea for an all-female variety show?

Of course.

The Han Zong next door has already made a similar move.

For example, "Fire Island Survival Battle", which recently made the dean crazy.

Gather 24 women on an isolated island to participate in a brutal and intense survival challenge.

They come from all walks of life - firefighters, policemen, soldiers, athletes, stuntmen...

My sisters were both online in combat strength and intelligence throughout the whole process, and a game of blood, sweat and tears was furious, and I was screaming the whole time.

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Lo and behold, competitive survival variety shows are not exclusive to men, and firefighters can also be cool women.

Just like the stage of the brothers has never been limited, the sisters can present more than just singing, dancing and beauty, they have a strong and diverse power.

What supports the spirit of "Sister Lang" is definitely not beauty, but their inner strength that cannot be ignored——

It is Ardor's phrase "this is your lesson", reflecting the open-minded wisdom of life:

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...
The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

It is Jingjing's diligence and sense of responsibility that has almost never been out of the outside world and insists on practicing dance:

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

It is Jiang Luxia's hard work and tenacity to stage difficult actions again and again regardless of her injuries:

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

Not advocated, too dangerous

They have a vast world, and they also need more diverse stages, rather than being put into a unified mold.

Of course, we don't have to worry that the general variety show selection will erase the female perspective.

Because women exist, they speak, they are a perspective.

For example, the powerful and excellent women in "Fire Island Survival Battle" will also encounter difficulties and discrimination in the workplace:

The filter on Sister Lang is about to break...

This variety show also inspired me, rather than let the athlete sister take the thankless participation in "Sister Lang".

Give them a survival competitive variety show, isn't it more to watch? It can also promote the re-employment of retired athletes.


Anyone, make this show out quickly! Dean and Qiu Ceramics Xuan will be good for you for a lifetime!

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