
Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

author:Suzhou Industrial Park released
Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

Since the beginning of this year, the park has vigorously promoted the implementation of the "Several Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Trade", introduced special measures to stabilize foreign trade, arranged special funds, and encouraged enterprises to strive for foreign trade import and export orders.

The development of the enterprise

It is inseparable from the blessing of a high-quality business environment

In the park

All levels and departments took the initiative to move forward and overcome difficulties

Escort enterprises to achieve "rising against the trend"

Today, let's find out

Park Customs:

Focus on supervision and services to achieve speed and quality

Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

Recently, the customs inspector of the park walked into the workshop of Fast Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and implemented the Yangtze River Delta integrated collaborative inspection of a batch of integrated circuit goods worth more than 100,000 yuan. After the inspection was completed, the goods were immediately put into production line. Different from the past, this batch of goods does not need to be opened and inspected at the port customs, but is directly transported to the production line of the enterprise under the supervision of the local customs, avoiding the problem of quality damage that may be caused by the opening of high-tech goods at the port.

Fast Semiconductor (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a supplier of high-performance power products for multiple end markets, mainly engaged in the packaging and testing of discrete power devices. "Joining the Yangtze River Delta Integrated Inspection Collaborative Pilot has accurately solved the practical difficulties in the import of goods such as integrated circuits of our enterprises, and the efficiency of customs clearance has been improved while the production efficiency is not affected." It takes about 3 working days to check at the Shanghai port before the pilot, and at least 1 working day can be saved after the pilot. Chen Juanjuan, the company's logistics manager, said.

The coordinated pilot of high-tech cargo control and inspection such as integrated customs vacuum packaging in the Yangtze River Delta is a vivid epitome of the park's customs exploration to escort the development of foreign trade. The "health patrol" of processing trade comprehensively examines the compliance management of bonded business of enterprises, guides enterprises to reasonably formulate export plans according to delivery conditions, and maintains the advantage of rapid response; The bonded service platform has exported the "smart" dividends of online services to more than 300 processing trade enterprises; The joint supervision mechanism for inbound special items allows multiple regulatory authorities to implement supervision on the same platform, and enterprises only need to dock one window to solve all problems in one "one-stop", reducing intermediate links and increasing the time limit of risk assessment by 95%. The Customs of the Park has deeply cultivated the "experimental field" of open innovation, focused on customs supervision and services, continued to optimize the business environment at ports, and made every effort to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade.

Park Taxation:

Export tax rebate acceleration service enterprises stabilize foreign trade

Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

Green Point Technology (Suzhou) is an advanced manufacturing enterprise, mainly engaged in the production and sales of mobile phones, computers and other electronic equipment structural parts, its products are mainly exported to Europe, America and the Asia-Pacific region, in recent years affected overseas orders have been affected, liquidity shortage. After learning about the situation of the enterprise, the park tax bureau quickly processed the export tax rebate to help the enterprise tide over the difficulties to the greatest extent, and Ms. Wei, tax manager of Green Dot Technology, sighed sincerely: "The company obtained a total of 250 million yuan of export tax rebates in 2022, we declared the export tax rebate in the morning, the tax bureau completed the approval on the same day, and the export tax rebate was refunded to the company's account the next day, effectively alleviating the company's financial pressure." ”

Generally speaking, after accepting the export tax rebate application, the tax department needs to go through the preliminary examination, review, approval, withdrawal and other multi-position and multi-link circulation approval, and the average processing time is within 5 working days (within 3 working days for Class I and Class II enterprises). Since the beginning of this year, the tax refund speed of the park tax bureau has been at the leading level in the province, and since the beginning of this year, it has further optimized the tax refund mechanism to achieve one-stop handling of various businesses, smoother connection of all aspects of tax refund, more efficient operation of the tax refund process, and the average processing time of normal export tax rebate has been compressed from the original 1-2 working days to 0.69 working days.

In addition, the Park Tax Bureau also promotes the reduction of tax refund processing by streamlining export tax rebate submission materials, simplifying the handling process and simplifying the handling method, so that the tax refund declaration of Class I, II and III enterprises only needs to provide electronic data, and export tax rebate matters such as enterprise tax refund (exemption) declaration and export tax rebate certificate processing can be handled online, and the "tolerant handling" can be fully implemented.

CITIC Insurance:

Professional support is more accurate to escort enterprises to "go global"

Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

The Suzhou Business Department of Sinosure Jiangsu Branch gives full play to the role of policy-based export credit insurance in strengthening risk protection, seizing overseas orders, facilitating financing, etc., and accurately and professionally escorts park enterprises to "go global".

In terms of stabilizing the basic foreign trade market, we regularly carry out policy seminars and symposiums, give lectures to cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses, logistics enterprises and other multi-format enterprises, carry out "one bank, one policy" and "one enterprise, one policy" in depth, fully introduce the "credit insurance policy toolbox", and use value-added services such as risk information and risk control physical examination to help enterprises "strengthen their health".

In terms of exploring new models, CITIC Insurance has launched an international logistics service underwriting model in the park, won the Suzhou Free Trade Area Financial Open Innovation Award, benefited a number of key enterprises such as Delda and Huayuanhai, and guaranteed the export volume of service trade of nearly 40 million US dollars. At the same time, the first digital RMB loan for credit insurance policy financing in the country was implemented in the park. Improve the "bancassurance" financial products, improve the convenience and availability of financing, and provide a total of US$18.4 million in policy financing for 7 enterprises in 2022.

In terms of the development of inclusive finance, the service quality and efficiency of the SME platform have steadily improved, and small and micro enterprises have achieved 100% online insurance, launched a green claim channel, simplified the claim process, and significantly reduced the compensation time by 30.6 days compared with the previous year. More than 95% of small and micro enterprises enjoy the latest achievements of Sinosure's digitalization, and they can obtain the credit status of potential transaction partners for free with one click.

Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

In the next step, the park will further strengthen business innovation, provide more proactive services, stabilize the basic foreign trade market, stimulate new vitality in trade transformation and upgrading, develop new trade formats, unite all parties to continue to optimize the business environment, and promote foreign trade to promote stability and quality.

Multi-department cooperation to escort the development of foreign trade in the park "riding the wind and waves"!

Source: Park Rong Media Center Tang Xiaowen/Wen

Drafted: Shi Yue

Review: Wang Ziyuan

Reviewed: Shan Xiaohui