
Luyi's "whole village credit" injects financial "living water" into rural revitalization

author:Great River Network
Luyi's "whole village credit" injects financial "living water" into rural revitalization

Henan Daily client reporter Fang Huayi Li Hao correspondent Zhu Liyun Li Xiaowei

"Originally, my credit amount was 150,000 yuan, but later it was increased to 300,000 yuan per person through the 'whole village credit line'. Counting the family and children, our family has a total credit line of more than 800,000 yuan. Dai Jinmi, head of the Jinmi Planting Professional Cooperative in Luyi County, said that this money not only solves the problem of building a preservation warehouse, but also has more confidence in his heart, and he will not worry about expanding the scale of the orchard in the future.

Recently, in the Jinmi Planting Professional Cooperative in Mapu Town, Luyi County, all kinds of fruit trees are full of greenery and grow happily, and ripe fruits are hanging from the branches. Dai Jinmi, who is busy picking, told reporters that the cooperative's existing planting area is more than 400 mu, planting more than 20 kinds of fruits such as peaches, plums, apricots, etc. In order to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural product market, he intends to build a preservation warehouse, but the funding gap of hundreds of thousands of dollars makes him worried.

At a time when the daijin was at a loss, Luyi Rural Commercial Bank launched the pilot project of "whole village credit" in Mapu Town in May, which not only helped Daijin to solve the problem of funding for the construction of the preservation warehouse, but also delivered financial "living water" to the expansion of the cooperative and the diversification of operations.

"In order to promote the rural revitalization strategy to take root in Luyi, our county relies on rural commercial banks to comprehensively launch the 'party building + finance' and 'whole village credit' projects, deeply promote the construction of the rural credit system and inclusive finance, and inject financial 'living water' into rural revitalization." Wei Guofeng, head of the Luyi County Financial Office, told reporters.

According to reports, since the beginning of this year, Luyi Rural Commercial Bank has closely focused on the responsibility and mission of serving the "three rural areas" and rural revitalization, continued to innovate the financial product and service model, regarded the "whole village credit" work as a powerful hand for increasing the number of households, boosting financial poverty alleviation, and ensuring rural revitalization. Up to now, the county has launched a whole village credit project in 26 townships (offices) in the county, collecting customer information for 220,000 people, granting credit to nearly 110,000 people, with a credit rate of 50%, a total credit amount of 11 billion yuan, more than 100,000 yuan per capita, nearly 100 million yuan of credit, and 1.411 billion yuan of new rural revitalization loans.

"In the process of serving the three rural areas, we have actively implemented the 'whole village credit' project, and developed the 'Golden Swallow Favored Loan' product, one-time filing, self-service, automatic approval, and repayment with borrowing, so that farmers can borrow and repay at home without leaving home, so that they do not have to worry about money when they get rich and work hard." Yang Yuming, deputy secretary of the party committee and president of Luyi Rural Commercial Bank, said that as the main force of local finance, the bank will continue to play a role in scientific and technological support, continuously enrich and improve the model of financial products and services, and inject more financial living water into rural revitalization with better services, more grounded products and more efficient measures, helping rural industrial development and farmers to increase their income and become rich.