
Daily Grass: White Ying

author:Weed specialist
Daily Grass: White Ying

1. Species profiles

Solanum lyratum Thunb., dicotyledonous plants, tubular flower order, Solanaceae, Solanaceae, Solanaceae herbaceous vine.

Daily Grass: White Ying
Daily Grass: White Ying

2. Species aliases

Mountain Beet, Cranberry, North Wind Vine, White Grass, White Pod, White Hair Vine, White Hair Tun, North Phoenix Vine, Boiling Medicine, Fu Ghost Eye, Fu Si Tong, Dog Earrings, Ghost Eye Vegetable, Red Taoist, Gourd Grass, Tiger Ear Grass, Golden Thread Green Turtle, Bitter Lice, Bitter Eggplant, Cat's Ear Grass, Mao Spot, Mao Daoist, Mao Ear Vine, Mao Wind Vine, Mao Girl, Mao Monk, Mao Monk Grass, Gourd Vine, Mao Tiger, Mao Laoying, Mao Qianli Guang, Mao Teng Magpie, Mao Amaranth, Mao Xianggong, Mao Xiucai, Drainage Vine, Drainage Vine, Drainage Vine, Row Yellow Vine, Archway Vine, Raw Hair Vine, Shu Sheep Spring, Tianpaozi, Wangdonghong, Wangfeng vine, wild pepper, wild lychee vine, wild eggplant, rheumatic vine, wind vine grass, hair gourd, millennium not rotten heart.

Daily Grass: White Ying
Daily Grass: White Ying

3. Species distribution

Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan, Zhejiang.

Daily Grass: White Ying

Fourth, the growth environment

It grows in meadows, ditches, riverbank wetlands, fields, roadsides or open spaces on the edge of villages.

Daily Grass: White Ying

5. Morphological characteristics

The stems and twigs are densely covered with knotted soft hairs. The leaves are alternate, mostly vilo-shaped, 3.5–5.5 cm long and 2.5–4.8 cm wide, the base is often 3–5 deep lobes, the lobes are fully margined, the lateral lobes are smaller and smaller near the base, the ends are blunt, the median lobes are larger, usually ovate, tapering at the apex, both sides are covered with long, white shiny soft hairs, the midrib is obvious, the lateral veins are clearer below, usually 5-7 on each side; the few are heart-shaped, small, about 1-2 cm long in the upper part of the twigs; the petioles are about 1–3 cm long and are covered with the same hairs as the stem branches. Polyflorescence apical or extraaxial, sparse flowers, The total peduncle is about 2-2.5 cm long, with long soft hairs in the induments, the peduncle is 0.8-1.5 cm long, glabrous, the apex is slightly expanded, and the base is jointed; the calyx is ring-shaped, about 3 mm in diameter, glabrous, 5 sepals, round, with a short pointed tip at the apex; the corolla is blue-purple or white, about 1.1 cm in diameter, the corolla tube is hidden in the calyx, about 1 mm long, the crown eaves are about 6.5 mm long, 5 deep lobes, the lobes are oval lanceolate, about 4.5 mm long, the apex is slightly hairy; the filaments are about 1 mm long, the anthers are oblong, about 3 mm long, the parietal hole is slightly upwards; the ovary is oval, less than 1 mm in diameter, the granular filament is about 6 mm long, the stigma is small, and the head is 。 The berries are spherical, reddish-black when ripe, about 8 mm in diameter; the seeds are nearly discoid, flattened, and about 1.5 mm in diameter. The flowering period is summer and autumn, and the fruit ripening period is late autumn.

Daily Grass: White Ying
Daily Grass: White Ying

Sixth, the value function

Medicinal value: whole grass and roots into the medicine, bitter taste, sweet, flat sex. It has the functions of clearing heat, detoxification, dispelling wind and dampness, reducing stasis and fighting cancer.

Daily Grass: White Ying

7. Prevention and removal plan

(1) Physical control: (1) manual or mechanical weeding; (2) anti-weed cloth covering.

(2) Chemical control: 200 g / liter of ammonium phosphine water agent 150-200 times, or 41% glyphosate water agent 75-150 times for prevention.

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