
Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

author:One of the animal circles of the tanuki

Sometimes there are too many news about animals to write about! This is a happy annoyance for me, but in order to report in the first time (rubbing hot spots), it is really impossible to extend and analyze everything, so it is not bad to write such articles that share news occasionally, right? (Weakness of heart)

Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

Thousands of herring died suddenly in the United States

According to Fox News reported on June 11: On the morning of the 9th local time, thousands of herring carcasses appeared on beaches along the Gulf coast of Texas, USA. The relevant local departments have already started the clean-up work, but there is no way to complete the clean-up quickly, after all, the ebb and flow is still more troublesome.

Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

As for the cause of this phenomenon, local government officials have a very reasonable explanation: the cause of the mass death of herring is the lack of oxygen in shallow waters offshore.

With the intensification of global warming, the temperature of the water body will continue to rise, which will lead to a decrease in oxygen content in the water, and recently the Texas Gulf coast is cloudy weather, there is no way to make plankton and algae in the water photosynthesis, less oxygen in the water, which has led to a collective lack of oxygen in a large number of herring, and then washed ashore by the sea.

It's not really hot yet! Today, it is estimated that the hot news around the world will be even more outrageous, I remember that the year before last, wasn't the surface temperature of a country reaching an outrageous 57 degrees?

A 23-year-old Russian man was swallowed alive by a shark while swimming

According to foreign media reports on June 12, Popov, a 23-year-old Russian tourist, was swallowed alive by a giant shark while swimming with his family while swimming in Egypt.

Witnesses at the scene said that after the shark attacked Popov, he had been trying to swallow Popov's body in the area, but was unsuccessful. This picture is definitely more terrifying than any horror monster movie!

Soon the shark was captured, angry crowds beat the shark on the shore until it died, and experts dissected the shark and found part of Popov's remains in the stomach. Other remains of Popov's body were later recovered by rescuers.

Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

His father expressed grief that he would bring his son's body back to Russia by cremation.

Jinjiang Chi store: The whole town rectifies stray dogs!

Fujian Quanzhou Jinjiangchi Store recently issued a notice stating that it will be rectified in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on Animal Epidemic Prevention and the Regulations on the Management of Urban Appearance and Environmental Sanitation, and the specific content of the notice is as follows:

1. The People's Government of Chidian Town will carry out a special rectification action for stray dogs throughout the town on June 13-14, 2023. All dogs that are not kept in captivity or tethered, and any unattended dog found in public places in the whole town (including roads in various villages and outdoor public places in residential areas), will be regarded as stray dogs for capture.

2. From the date of the issuance of this Circular, all dog breeders shall immediately keep their dogs in a pen (tether) to prevent dogs from harming people, and all domestic dogs that are not kept (tethered) and exiled out shall be regarded as ownerless dogs or stray dogs, and shall be captured, and all consequences caused shall be borne by the dog owner.

3. The general public should actively cooperate with the special rectification action, and no unit or individual may obstruct it. Those who obstruct or interfere with the rectification of stray dogs will be handled by the relevant departments in accordance with law.

Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

Woman sleeps awakened by centipede bite, mouth swollen into "sausage"

This news is perhaps the most painful of all these news today, after all, it is really possible to happen around us.

On June 14, Changzhou, Jiangsu, a woman suddenly felt that her lips felt wrong in her sleep, first a little cold, and then a sharp pain came. The woman immediately got up and turned on the light to check the situation, she suspected that she was bitten by some bug, so she shook the quilt, and as a result, a centipede actually fell, so frightened that she immediately trampled it to death.

The woman found through the mirror that her lips were swollen like sausages, still smoked sausages, because the bite site began to blacken. Fortunately, the woman herself studied medicine, she calmly took a picture of the centipede, and then rinsed the wound and rushed to the hospital overnight. Because the rescue was timely, there is no big problem at present.

Press Brief: Thousands of Herring Suddenly Die in the United States? Russian man swimming swallowed alive by sharks?

Centipede poison is not fatal, unless unlucky people are born allergic to centipede toxin.

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