
It's so horizontal! Such a big tree fell down "unscathed", and the BJ40 can be called a life-saving car

author:Che Wu love

Today, the picture of an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road being hit by a large tree was frantically forwarded by netizens. There are two points in the photo that look very shocking, the first is that the "volume" of this big tree that fell for unknown reasons is really not small, the visual diameter is at least 50 cm, the length is more than 10 meters, and it is still in the green growth period, not a dry trunk, such a big tree, smashed down abruptly, just smashed between the A pillar and the B pillar of the off-road vehicle, so that netizens gasped for the owner.

It's so horizontal! Such a big tree fell down "unscathed", and the BJ40 can be called a life-saving car

And what is even more shocking is that the vehicle not only did not deform, from the subsequent pictures, even no damage could be seen, which is completely different from everyone's usual impression of "car crashes and deaths", netizens have ridiculed: physics does not exist? Some netizens played terriers: If the tree doesn't shout pain, BJ40 can't remember what happened just now.

It's so horizontal! Such a big tree fell down "unscathed", and the BJ40 can be called a life-saving car
It's so horizontal! Such a big tree fell down "unscathed", and the BJ40 can be called a life-saving car

As can be seen from the photo, the smashed vehicle is a BAIC BJ40 model. The tree is indeed big enough, but this BJ40 from Beijing Auto is also strong enough. Some people say that it happened to BJ40, which feels much more reasonable, because those who are familiar with this car know that the safety of BJ40 has always been a prominent product advantage.

It is reported that the maximum displacement of the static pressure of the roof of the BJ40 series is about 48mm, which is much smaller than the 127mm required by the national standard, and the roof compressive stiffness is 22240N/48.8mm, which is equivalent to 2.2 tons of pressure, which is 2.6 times the requirements of national regulations, which may be the reason why it is "unscathed" in the face of giants.

And a large part of the roof strength of the BJ40 is due to the built-in roll cage, some people feel that this thing is usually not used, but you can know how important it is when you use it once at a critical moment. At present, some models even have the roof beam canceled, such a model, if faced with a fallen tree, can easily be smashed, at this time it is necessary to pray that the person is not in the car. For off-road vehicles, in the face of complex road conditions, in addition to the probability of rollover or rollover is higher, when the fast-moving vehicle rolls over, under the action of force, the A-pillar, front windshield, etc. have to bear the impact force brought by the mass of the car body, at this time the driver and passenger are easy to have hard contact and be crushed by the deflated shell. Under the role of the roll cage, BJ40 makes the body "bone" that mainly plays a role in support and energy absorption more indestructible, and the high-specification body frame design and materials improve the passive safety factor of the whole vehicle.

It is precisely because of this safety quality that the BJ40 is calm in front of the big tree; Coincidentally, a few years ago, the father and son of BJ40 users tumbled down a 50-meter-high hillside unscathed, which also confirms the BJ40's strong safety strength.

It's so horizontal! Such a big tree fell down "unscathed", and the BJ40 can be called a life-saving car

Unlike the industry's common high temperature, high cold, high altitude "three high" comprehensive test, BAIC BJ series off-road models adhere to the "five high and one drought" test standard, refers to more than 50 °C high temperature, more than 95% high humidity, -41 °C below cold, more than 5% high salt corrosion, more than 5380 meters high altitude, and complete the four desert arid environment crossing, in order to create the ultimate safe and stable products. BJ40's dedication to safety is responsible for users and brands.

In the past 2023 China Tour Tower (International) Rally, BJ40 successfully won the championship and staged the good story of "four consecutive championships" around the tower, proving its strong off-road strength.

It seems that whether static or dynamic, the BJ40 allows us to see the strength of the sales champion of the hardcore off-road segment, and in terms of pressure resistance, the BJ40 is a well-deserved "road armored car".