
*Novel God of War White Up 6*

author:Dashing and handsome

The God of War was white

The Battle of Yanyin severely damaged the Chu state (6)

After the Battle of Yique, the strength of Han and Wei was seriously weakened, and the Qin state's eastward advance into the Central Plains was barrier-free. However, King Zhaoxiang of Qin did not relax or be satisfied in the slightest, and his strategic vision crossed the winding and majestic Qinling Mountains and turned to the Chu State thousands of miles to the south, intending to launch an offensive to the south, continue to attack and weaken the Chu State, capture the rich Hanzhong Plain, and further expand the territory.

At this time, the strength of the Chu state was restored, which made the King of Chu Xiang (23) angry whenever he remembered the humiliation of his father King Huai of Chu that year. It was the seventeenth year of King Huai of Chu (312 BC), and in order to defuse the strategy of the various states to jointly resist Qin, King Huiwen of Qin sent a mission to the State of Chu, and when Zhang Yi arrived in the State of Chu, he told king Huai of Chu that if the State of Chu did not oppose the State of Qin and break the covenant with the State of Qi, the State of Qin would immediately return to the State of Chu the six hundred miles of "Land of Shangyu" (24) that originally belonged to the State of Chu. The land of Shangyu was the birthplace of Chu culture, and King Huai of Chu was naturally very eager to reclaim this land, so he agreed to Zhang Yi's conditions, severed diplomatic relations with his ally Qi, and tore up the covenant, which not only led to the collapse of the strongest anti-Qin alliance at that time, but also offended the State of Qi, and later was attacked by the State of Qi and lost the city and land.

However, the State of Chu did not get an inch of land from the State of Qin afterwards, and when King Huai of Chu discovered that he had been deceived by the State of Qin, he became angry and decided to send troops to retaliate against the State of Qin. Ignoring the advice of his ministers, he insisted on sending the Chu army to conquer the Qin state. Before Danyang (25), it fought a major battle with the Qin army, but was defeated, losing nearly 100,000 troops, more than 70 generals including the main general were captured, and the area around the rich 600-mile Hanzhong (present-day Hanzhong, Shaanxi) was set up as a county by the Qin state. Humiliated by this strange humiliation, King Huai of Chu was furious and decided to make a desperate bet, mobilizing all the soldiers and horses in the country of more than 500,000 soldiers and horses, and then launching a counterattack against the Qin army.

As the saying goes: Proud soldiers will be defeated, and mourning soldiers will win. The State of Qin did not expect that after the Chu State was defeated by Danyang, it actually did its best to fight with the State of Qin, and the Qin Army was ill-prepared to resist the Chu Army's overwhelming onslaught, and it was defeated and retreated one after another. Taking advantage of the victory to pursue, the Chu army actually broke through the Qin fortress of Wuguan in one fell swoop, and rapidly advanced to the military town of Lantian (26), which was only less than a hundred miles away from Xianyang. If Lantian is captured by the Chu army, the Qin state will no longer have any danger to defend, and it can be said that the fall of the Qin state is imminent at this moment!

King Huiwen of Qin was shocked to hear the news, and urgently summoned the ministers to discuss countermeasures, and finally decided that, on the one hand, all the Qin troops guarding Xianyang, including the Qin King's guards, would rush to Lantian for reinforcements, and King Hui of Qin would also lead all his sons and all the military attaches of the imperial court to Lantian to supervise the battle, in order to declare his firm will to coexist and die with the Lantian fortress and the Qin generals guarding Lantian. The qin generals guarding Lantian saw that the King of Qin led hundreds of officials to the front line and climbed to the head of the city to supervise the battle, and they were greatly encouraged and morale was greatly boosted, and they were determined to hold on to Lantian and not let the Chu army advance one step. On another convenient note, King Huiwen of Qin secretly sent emissaries to the two countries of Han and Wei on horseback to explain the current situation and the stakes of the defeat of the State of Qin, and persuaded the two countries to take advantage of the emptiness in the Chu State and launch an offensive from the rear of the Chu State to seize the city and land of the Chu State and cut off the retreat of the Chu army, so that it would be beneficial to the three kingdoms of Qin, Han, and Wei. The outstanding diplomatic strategy of the State of Qin finally played a decisive role, and the Two States of Han and Wei, who were originally unwilling to offend their neighbors, and had a large area of rich land in the State of Chu as a temptation, so they agreed to launch an attack from behind the Chu army and seize the opportunity to capture the city and land of the State of Chu.

(To be continued)


(23) King Xiang of Chu, name Xiong Heng (B.C.?) –263 BC), son of King Huai of Chu, monarch of the State of Chu during the Warring States period, who had weakened by the time he succeeded to the throne.

(24) The land of Shangyu was a name made up by Zhang Yi to deceive King Huai of Chu, and Shanghe was two pieces of land, in the area of shangluo in present-day Shaanxi province, which was originally from the State of Chu and was later occupied by the State of Qin. Because the land of Shangyu was very dangerous, the Chu state repeatedly tried to take it back without success. It was precisely because Chu Guo wanted to retake this land too much, so Zhang Yi used the "land of Shangyu" to make a big fuss.

(25) Danyang, the area around the confluence of Danshui and Huaishui in present-day Huaichuan County, Henan Province;

(26) Lantian County, now part of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, is located in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains.

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