
Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

author:A two-dimensional conan jr

In order to increase the watchability of a work and add mystery to the characters drawn, many cartoonists have used the auxiliary prop of "mask". Not allowing an anime character to easily show his face has deeply aroused the curiosity of readers.

The setting of the mask has appeared in countless manga works and has become a very common prop. In anime, which masked characters do anime fans think are the most mysterious?

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Tenth place, "Tokyo Foodie", Ken Kaneki

Kaneki ken put on a mask in order to disguise his identity. He, and the kind of character he represents, appears in everyday life in his own guise, working and studying like an ordinary person. When they put on the mask, they reveal their true nature, and that is who they really are.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Ninth place, "Tiger Face Man", Date Naoto

Date Naoto's setting is rather peculiar, saying that he is a tiger's anthropomorphic form is inaccurate, saying that he is a human wearing a tiger's head covering, but it is not counted. That's because Date Naoto always wears a tiger mask, and we don't know what he really looks like, only that he's a man with a human body and a tiger look.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Eighth, "Rebellious Lu Lu Xiu" Lu Lu Xiu

Lulu Xiu wore a mask when he appeared many times, but his mask did not add much mystery, but it only increased his handsomeness and charm value. Although Lu Luxiu's own appearance is also very handsome, it seems to have a mysterious feeling when wearing a mask.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Seventh, "Grim Reaper", Kurosaki Kazugo

Kurosaki Ichigo will also have a bone mask after the blur, which looks very fierce, and also means that Kurosaki Ichigo's strength has improved. In addition, the image of Kurosaki Kazugo itself is also very handsome, so the more handsome form of Kurosaki Kazugo in this look has been recognized by anime fans.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Sixth place, Mobile Martial Arts Gundam, Major Ishikawa

The character wears a mask that has no effect, because the mask cannot disguise his true identity, but will only make the character appear more cold. In fact, the character who takes off the mask looks much more handsome, and this mask is better than not wearing it.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Fifth, "The Little Double Man of the Night" Duo Longzhi

Duo Longzhi wearing a mask is more strange, there is a sense of Batman's vision, fully reflects the handsome and mysterious, but the shape of this mask is too strange, so that we almost ignored Duo Longzhi's appearance, see her facial features ratio and image shaping, presumably also a very beautiful person.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

The fourth place, "Crayon Little New", dynamic superman

When we first started Crayon Shin, we thought that the animation "Dynamic Superman" watched by Crayon Little New was just an ordinary animation, and later we learned that Dynamic Superman is a real actor. He wears a mask and leaves only the lower half of his face, and we never seem to have seen the true face of the dynamic superman, but only attributed him to becoming a powerful hero, an idol in Xiaoxin's heart.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Third, Sailor Moon, a night dress mask

The real identity of the night dress mask is the field guard, and we have already discovered his true identity when we watch the animation works. The field guard wearing a mask still couldn't hide his handsome figure. In the late animation of "Sailor Moon", we also saw the true face of the field guard as we wished, and we were also a well-known handsome guy.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

Second place, Bruda in Mobile Suit Gundam

Bruda's shape design is quite peculiar, because the new and old versions of the animation are different, so the old version of him left a deep impression on us.

The first, Mobile Suit Gundam Shaya

A character like Xia Ya, the reason why he appears wearing a mask is also to increase the mystery of this role. Because wearing a mask will give us an unfathomable feeling, it can deeply attract readers to continue to pursue this anime work, and continue to wait curiously for Xia Ya to unveil her mask and reveal her true appearance.

Anime mysterious mask characters, 10 masked characters, he is the only one who has never seen the real face

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