
Life that works too hard is a disaster

author:Jingbo Guoxue
Life that works too hard is a disaster

In the Analects of the Zilu, it is said: "If you want to be fast, you will not be able to achieve it, and if you see small profits, you will not succeed in big things." ”

Doing things too quickly is even less likely to achieve the goal. Spending too much effort on the small benefits in front of you will affect the overall situation.

Instead of focusing on speed, try to slow down and win with slowness.

Know how to be cautious from the beginning to the end, and only then can we have more than enough strength. If you try too hard at the beginning, you won't run long.


Life that works too hard is a disaster

Feng Menglong said, "Those who have achieved great things will fight for a hundred years and will not fight for a breath." ”

People who have achieved great things should put reason first, take a long-term view, consider from the perspective of the overall situation and the whole, not be tempted by immediate interests, and will not be overly calculated in a matter of the moment.

Doing things too much is too anxious, not only is it embarrassing, it will not help, and it is more likely to be ruined because of too much force.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it was recorded that Pang Tong first entered Liu Bei's camp and was the same as Zhuge Liang as a general in the army.

With the competition of "colleagues" like Zhuge Liang and the weight of the "boss" Liu Bei, Pang Tong especially hoped to gain a firm foothold as soon as possible, so he expressed himself very hard.

He successively gave plans to capture Chengdu, followed Liu Bei to take Shu, and designed to kill Yang Huai and Gao Pei, and obtain Fushui Pass.

Originally, everything went smoothly, but when attacking Luocheng, he was anxious to succeed, despite dissuasion, repeatedly urged Liu Bei to rush into the army, and did not investigate the terrain in detail, and as a result, he encountered an enemy ambush on the way to besiege Luocheng, and unfortunately died by an arrow.

Pang Tong originally had great talent, and met the "boss" who knew people well, and should have made a career, but he wanted to do things too quickly and approached the purpose, not only folding the sand, but also losing his own life.

If you only pursue speed, lack of caution, and neglect the careful consideration of the process, the end is often counterproductive and even leads to disaster.

The Ueda Privy Book says, "The scholars of the world do not want to create the realm of saints in one fell swoop."

If you want to do everything in one fell swoop, blindly moving forward with force, it will only backfire.

Take each step step by step, and the foundation will be solid. Keeping a constant pace is more important than charging ahead.

When everything is fully prepared, things that were not easy in the past become less difficult.

Instead of wanting to reach it quickly, it is better to wait for the water to come to fruition.

Life that works too hard is a disaster


In life, there is no one-step success

The Book of Rites and Miscellaneous Records says: "Zhang is not flaccid, Wenwu Fu can also; flaccid but not zhang, Wen Wufu is also." One by one, the way of culture and martial arts is also. ”

The combination of leniency and severity is the way king Wen wu governs the country. In life, work is relaxed and maintains a good rhythm in order to avoid exhaustion and lead to a steady stream of living water.

The Biography of the Book of Jin and wenyuan records that:

The Western Jin Dynasty poet Zuo Si originally wrote "Qi Dufu", which took a year to write. At that time, he was already a little famous and wanted to continue to write "Three Capitals".

But he did not rush to write, but spent ten years carefully conceiving.

In order to facilitate the recording of inspirational sentences at any time, he placed pen and ink paper in front of his home, in the courtyard, and even in the toilet, so that when he thought of any good sentences, he could record them at any time.

Zuo Si thought that he was not well informed and difficult to write better articles, so he took the initiative to apply for the position of secretary Lang, in charge of book collection and proofreading, and he studied while working, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent completion of "Three Capitals".

After the advent of "Three Capitals", due to its high artistic achievements, it was recommended by famous artists at that time, and soon became famous all over the world, and people rushed to copy it, resulting in a lack of paper, and the allusion of "Luoyang Paper Expensive" was derived from this, which shows its popularity.

Success is not easy, it requires deep accumulation in the early stage, in order to achieve the transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Zeng Guofan said, "The world's affairs should be considered from the big place and started from the small place." ”

People with a global perspective can see the dreams from afar, and they can also do every little thing around them well, and approach the predetermined goal step by step.

Have a dream, but don't dream. To have results, there must also be processes.

Fight for speed, it is better than endurance, slowly accumulate strength, thick and thin hair, in order to laugh to the end.

Life that works too hard is a disaster


Too much force often outweighs the loss

Ancients: "Too rigid and easy to fold, too strong is difficult to last." ”

Compared with the rush, it is better to invest just right, otherwise it is too tight and easy to break, and it is difficult to reach it if you hold it too hard.

There is a story told in "The Little Port Ferryman":

One winter, a man wanted to enter the county town from Xiaogang, and the little book boy followed behind with a large bundle of books.

At this time, the sun had already set, and he was not sure whether he would have time to enter the city before the city gates were closed, so he asked the ferryman on the side of the small harbor for advice.

The other party looked at him and the little bookboy and replied, "Walk slowly, the city gate will still be open, and the city gate will be closed in a hurry." ”

He thought that the other party deliberately teased himself, so he sped up, and in a hurry, the little book boy fell, and the original bundled books also scattered on the ground.

By the time the books were bundled up and re-routed, the city gates ahead were locked. At this moment, he remembered what the ferryman had said, and suddenly realized why the other party wanted him to go slower

I don't know how many people, originally as long as they maintain the current rhythm can be successfully arrived, but in order to speed up and be impatient and reckless, but make the original goal more distant.

There is a cloud in the "Little Window": "Everything in the world has a degree, and there is no degree of victory and bitterness." ”

Everything has a degree, but it is too late. If you grasp the scale and proportion of things well, you will be more sure. On the contrary, it is easy to leave regrets.

Once you don't get what you want, your inner frustration is beyond words, and you have self-doubt and denial, it is even more than worth the loss.

Work, don't go beyond the limit. Don't overdo it.

Can be round, can advance and retreat, life will be handy.

Life that works too hard is a disaster


In "Cai Gen Tan", it is written: "Those who are irritable and careless will achieve nothing, and those who have a peaceful heart and a peaceful heart will collect their own blessings."

Impatient and overexcited, it is often easy to exhaust. It is better to be calm and refreshed, and to be fully prepared to start again, and the blessing will come naturally.

Take care of the overall situation, have goals, and talk about methods in order to cope with them freely;

Do not rush, do not cross the line, do not be reckless, in order to be competent and happy;

Doing things in a measured manner, knowing the advance and retreat, and having trade-offs can be long-lasting.

Work hard, but don't worry, may you have a splendid heart, more patience, arrange the time unhurriedly, and live your life without panic.

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